I pissed off a girl at work and she made a harassment compliant against me


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport

Girl is warming up but still giving the silent treatment. However she keeps walking pass by my office space more often lately. Wearing tight clothes when she knows I'll be around. It's a lot of indicator of interest. But when I ask her today if she wanted to talk and she just shakes her head. Still it's an improvement over her angrily shouting at me last time. So far I'm been in no contact until today.

Why is she still putting up resistance? Does she want me to chase?
She breathed air while in the same building as me! Strong indicator of interest!



Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
This girl put your f**kin' job in jeopardy and you still have interest in her? What the f**k?!

A older co-worker and I nearly got in trouble for excess PDA's (lip locking, booty grabbing, in front of co-workers and customers alike.) Hell, we didn't care who was watching. HR did care, and we both got warned don't do it again, or both our asses were getting the boot. We still talk, but jealous motherf**kers are watching to see if it happens again, and we both know they'll snitch quickly. Thought it was a matter of sexual harassment, but I found out it wasn't the case. If she didn't like me, it would have been. But she did, so it was called passionate flirting.

Hey, co-workers can cost your job. Leave this one alone.

Case closed.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
The only thing I can conclude here is that the OP hasn't been burned by as many people in life as some of the rest of us have, so he is naive to what these kinds of situations can really do. Be like if someone who lived in the Amazon jungle all their life with no media or contact with the outside world came across a landmine in plain sight. They wouldn't know not to step on the landmine because they have never had the chance to learn what landmines can do if stepped on. They need to see at least one person in their tribe step on one and blow up or loose a limb or two themselves, then they may understand.. Natural human learning process I guess.
Jan 18, 2016
Reaction score
Doesn't sound like a full story for one.. So no idea what to tell you..

You guys on the forum gotta stop giving attention to people like this if they don't give us the full picture..

How do we know this guy had 0 to do with her.. yet.. Tried to hit her with an inappropriate gesture/pickup line or something that was legit harassment (smacked her ass without knwnig her), etc.. and now is just mad becuas she complained..

C'mon guys.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Why is everyone thinking I'm a troll or that she's put my job in jeopardy?

No, she didn't. She only made a compliant that was baseless. My supervisor and even her supervisor think that it was bs. She never even gave a reason behind the compliant except I was "bothering her". I believe she only made that complaint was because she was hurt and angry and emotionally lashed out to hurt me. It did made me mad but it didn't put my job at risk.

I still want to date her because we have too much in common and we have chemistry. I'm still doing the don juan principles. I'm still in no contact mode with her. Still am and me asking her if she wanted to talk recently was the only communication I've had with her since New Years. Now I'm back to no contact and haven't talk to her at all today.

And why did nismo mention about flirting in the work place. I don't even flirt with her ever at work. There is no case of sexual harassment between her and me. I don't even communicate with her off work.

All in all, I think her plan is make me wait until Valentines Day. Our pass interaction had been her playing hard to get until Christmas and New Years hit and then she got angry that I didn't ask her out when I had before and she decline. She seem to be the romantic type because she mention she likes watching shows like the Bachelor. I think her dream is to have our first "real" date (I've hanged out with her before in groups) on Valentines Day.

All in all, I'm in no contact mode right now and I've been chatting with other girls that aren't from work. But I still think about her, but right now I'll put her down as a plate until she start to behave.

What do you guys think about me telling the main girl that I'm currently talking to other girls? I think it'll make her jealous and make her get that dread feeling of losing me. It'll give her the message that she better behave or I'll just start dating other girls instead of her.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
This girl put your f**kin' job in jeopardy and you still have interest in her? What the f**k?!

A older co-worker and I nearly got in trouble for excess PDA's (lip locking, booty grabbing, in front of co-workers and customers alike.) Hell, we didn't care who was watching. HR did care, and we both got warned don't do it again, or both our asses were getting the boot. We still talk, but jealous motherf**kers are watching to see if it happens again, and we both know they'll snitch quickly. Thought it was a matter of sexual harassment, but I found out it wasn't the case. If she didn't like me, it would have been. But she did, so it was called passionate flirting.

Hey, co-workers can cost your job. Leave this one alone.

Case closed.
Like I said. I don't flirt at work.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Doesn't sound like a full story for one.. So no idea what to tell you..

You guys on the forum gotta stop giving attention to people like this if they don't give us the full picture..

How do we know this guy had 0 to do with her.. yet.. Tried to hit her with an inappropriate gesture/pickup line or something that was legit harassment (smacked her ass without knwnig her), etc.. and now is just mad becuas she complained..

C'mon guys.
I mentioned in the other thread that she made the complaint because I didn't ask her out for New Years. Why didn't you read that before positing resulting in me having to explain it a 2nd time to your dumb post?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
I'm still doing the don juan principles.
No you're not.

All in all, I think her plan is make me wait until Valentines Day.
Let's remix this statement for veracity

All in all, my plan is to make her wait until Valentine's Day. This all that magical sh*t happens on Valentine's Day, we'll go out and during this wonderful candlelit dinner, she'll all of the feelings that she has for me will come to the surface, she'll realize how much we loves me, and we'll live happily ever after.
But I still think about her,
but right now I'll put her down as a plate
Another one of these stupid mutaf*kas who doesn't know what a plate is.

What do you guys think about me telling the main girl that I'm currently talking to other girls? I think it'll make her jealous and make her get that dread feeling of losing me. It'll give her the message that she better behave or I'll just start dating other girls instead of her.
Rex thinks you need to stop engaging in mendacious storytelling.

I still want to date her because we have too much in common and we have chemistry.



Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
This thread is such a mind f*ck. I don't think he's trolling, but it could really go either way. Just wow.

Kudos if you're a troll Speculator, 10/10. If you're not, may god have mercy. I'm done.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Rex thinks you need to stop engaging in mendacious storytelling
Fair enough. I am talking to other girl. What i think I'll do is mention to anothrr co worker that I started seeing a new girl. Give some detail and maybe show the text convo. And let the rumor get back to her. What I want from this is to make her jealous so she'll start chasing. What I want is for her to throw herself onto me.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Doesn't sound like a full story for one.. So no idea what to tell you..

You guys on the forum gotta stop giving attention to people like this if they don't give us the full picture..

How do we know this guy had 0 to do with her.. yet.. Tried to hit her with an inappropriate gesture/pickup line or something that was legit harassment (smacked her ass without knwnig her), etc.. and now is just mad becuas she complained..

C'mon guys.
I believe the OP's story because I know first hand how vindictive women can be and women will file complaints like this without batting an eye lash. But To still care about talking with this woman are brain thoughts outside my brain's frequency range at this stage of my life. But I guess in my very young years I may have been more like the op in the same situation. Naive, optimistic, and thinking that bad things like loosing my job cuz of a woman's complaint could never happen to me.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Fair enough. I am talking to other girl. What i think I'll do is mention to anothrr co worker that I started seeing a new girl. Give some detail and maybe show the text convo. And let the rumor get back to her. What I want from this is to make her jealous so she'll start chasing. What I want is for her to throw herself onto me.
So you're comfortable with having the reputation of a "womanizer," among your coworkers?
Jan 18, 2016
Reaction score
I mentioned in the other thread that she made the complaint because I didn't ask her out for New Years. Why didn't you read that before positing resulting in me having to explain it a 2nd time to your dumb post?
If you have to make 2 seperate threads to talk about one issue, what I said stands.. NO idea why people are giving you attention.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Can't believe this is still going on. This is worse than night club guy lol

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Some of us are more interested in building a future with a high quality girl then trying to juggle a couple of low quality girls. Sure you live a lift of spinning multiple plates, but that stuff gets old fast. I've spinned plates and in the end all you're doing is wasting your time. Nothing in learned or built from having short term relationships.

Just think about it like this. It takes time, money, resources you have to invest to relationship. When you invest you want to get something of high value in the end be it love, connection, marriage, sex or whatever. So what value do you get out of flings, one night stands, plate spinning or whatever. Nothing. You can **** around all you want. But the reality with sex is that it's just another form of detrimental behavior on the same level of doing drugs. You get no value out of it except to fell good for maybe a hour or a day at most. Then you're back to square one the next day.

In short. 1 good relationship with a High Quality girl is better (>>>>) then 10 relationships with Low Quality Girls.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
When in this thread have you mentioned a high quality girl?

Brb CTRL+F: "kate upton"

EDIT: no results found.

Idk what to tell ya bro.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Uh..Kate Upton isn't really my type. I think her tits are too big and she has a kind of chubby frame. My girl is more on the tall and skinny (almost anorexic) small b tits side. Like a runway model.