I offered mini golf, she countered with a movie (hb 10) I have no experience w/ women


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Ok this is our second official date. I'm leaving in 2 hours. Any advice/tips for a movie date are SUPER appreciated. I need to step up the kino, but this girl is a little on the shy side, and I dont want to over do it. I didn't do a whole lot of kino on the first date (bowling date) and I didnt really do anyuthing sexual with her. PLEASE HELP A ROOKIE OUT!


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
When meeting up, start out with a hug/kiss on the cheek(that's combined. First kiss cheek, then hug). Do the hi thing, then stick out your preferred elbow, grab her hand and hook her into you arm and go to whatever location you need to be.

Be creative, just keep kino up, read the dj bible on kino. Also, don't have her become your oneitis, she'll notice this and before you know it, she'll blow you out.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
question about the hand hold.. at what point should I attempt it, and do I hold it throughout the entire movie? Or would an arm around her be better? Also its a given that I keep the divider between us "up" right? Like I said, I'm a complete rookie to women. I think I have a chance with this girl only because she prefers "safe" guys, kinda like in that movie "she's out of your league" but I dunno maybe shes attracted to my easy going personality. Keep the tips coming boys! Im leaving in 1 hour!


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
If its a scary movie or a tense scene just bend over and say

"Hey I'm a little scared, hold my hand" and smile a little bit and chuckle.

And just look at her


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
WhatchaOnaDo said:
Ok this is our second official date. I'm leaving in 2 hours. Any advice/tips for a movie date are SUPER appreciated.

I need to step up the kino, but this girl is a little on the shy side,
Her being shy means NOTHING.

Whether she's shy or outgoing,it doesn't matter,she's still HUMAN,which means she still has sexual desire just like everyone else.

All you need to do is simply escalate. Why do you think she went out with you in the first place,to have a new "buddy"/"girlfriend" to hang out with?

If you don't be careful,you're going to let "trying to go slow" or "trying not to to over do it" TURN HER OFF.

WhatchaOnado said:
I didn't do a whole lot of kino on the first date (bowling date) and I didnt really do anyuthing sexual with her.
You didn't do anything sexual with her on the first date. Hmm.

If you keep on NOT BEING SEXUAL with her,she's going to wonder what's the point of even going out with you is. You HAVE TO BE sexual with her.

She's not going to do it,I mean you said she's shy,but she'll most likely follow YOUR lead,you have to have a "lead" for her to follow.

Don't misunderstand what we mean when we say "SEXUAL"

We don't mean....

to grab her boobs...or
to make vulgar or profane comments...or
to try to get her to grab your c*ck

That's not what we mean. We mean to ESCALATE up to those things,i.e;hold her hand,try to kiss her,compliment her on her appearance when you first see her,(and DON'T SAY "YOU'RE HOT). Do those things.

Don't let your "fear" of screwing up cause you to screw up.

You seem like you're so paranoid of making a mistake that you're letting that fear make you freeze up.

Don't fool yourself. You don't have to DO SOMETHING WRONG to loose a girl. You can loose a girl simply by NOT DOING anything at all.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Take ANYTHING she does to move closer to you, looking at you etc. as your cue to escalate. She moves close, you put your arm around her or grab her hand. She looks at you deeply, kiss her. Most importantly: If she rejects any of your advances, BE COOL! just playfully give her a "You win this battle.. but the wars still on!" look. Then try it again later.

BTW, Igetit... Its EASIER to lose the girl by doing nothing, that overdoing it. Girls actually expect guys to overdo it, so grab yer sack and do it.


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
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elevate kino ..now!

:up: You need to def escalate kino now! Start touching her inner thigh ur in a movie wtf.....start grabbing the back of her head pulling her hair...chicks dig that **** ur trippin

my new goal is not to spend more than the 2nd date on most chicks