I noticed there has been a banning carnage here

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Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Staggers lee, speed dawg, (.)(.), Tic tac and probably some more.

What happened exactly? somekind of battle royal of flame?


Jun 23, 2014
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MidnightCity said:
im not complaining. maybe we'll get a little break from a new political thread popping up every other day. not that i click or read any of them but just seeing their titles in the everything else category is pretty tired.

if i ran this site i know i would feel like those guys misrepresent the purpose of the site even if their posts fall under an "anything else" category.

i hear enough crazy dudes preaching on the corner in this city on a daily basis. i dont need anybody trying to impose their will on me here as well
I actually wasn't aware Speed Dawg got banned as well. As I said in the other thread, the Anything Else section is designed to discuss ANYTHING ELSE other than dating, relating, marrying, sexing, women. The tagline of the section says, Sports, the weather, what's happening in the news... or anything else. Talk about it here.

It would seem to me that if someone doesn't want to participate in these types of discussions on political, social and cultural commentary, they would just not click on the thread?

The personal attacks would get a little out of control, but I don't see why a lot of those guys were banned in total. A Warning to all of those guys would have did the trick or a temporary ban or something. Whichever Moderator did this needs to seriously reconsider that decision. Ban trolls, don't ban guys speaking their mind and having a different point of view, that's just silly. Some of those guys had been posting here since 2009 based on their Join Date, that's over 6 years of posting content and they can just be banned like that?

It's why honestly I'm about to just stop doing a lot of my participation on General Discussion Forums and just start my Blog. You produce good content for the Discussion Forum, keep discussions going and keep traffic coming to the site (which makes you a good USER), but yet you can literally be BANNED at the drop of a hat over something completely stupid.

YouTube does this crap to good vloggers as well, which is why a lot of people are producing their vlogging and BLOGGING content on their own hosted websites and driving their own traffic to it, so they don't have to wake up one day and have everything be wiped away for no reason.


Jun 23, 2014
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MidnightCity said:
like always, you completely miss the points and make all the wrong inferences.

i dont care what everyones beliefs are im not trying to change anyones mind about anything here. my point is its insipid, predictable and monotonous at this point. right wing, white supremacist, pro police state guy from south? thats cool. i just aint tryna read youre political whining and personal attacks every time these guys start a new thread which is too often
I don't see how I'm missing your point, your point is that this "forum" is not about the topics that those individuals were discussing and thus, they shouldn't be discussing them. I disagree with this.

The Anything Else section as I pointed out, says that you can discuss anything else in this section that's other than dating/sexing/being with women. That includes not just social, political and cultural issues, but also:

- Economics
- Cars
- Sports
- Weather
- College
- Etc
- Etc

Like I said, they would get out of hand with the personal attacks, but that doesn't make someone a troll. To me a troll is someone that either spams the forum, makes off the wall comments that aren't in relation to anything, or just posts solely to flame without any substantive content.

Those guys (while I disagreed with some of them like Embers) had their point of views and would post sources, news links, or refer to other things occurring in society to back up their point.

It sparked a discussion and a debate, and I THOUGHT that's what this section was for, but apparently it's not?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I can't speak for the other members, but I pushed for tits being banned because he no longer offered anything but poison to the forums.

Some of those users were banned because they almost exclusively posted in Everything Else for their recent history, and ONLY posted political threads/comments.

I've also noticed a trend of people who are anti-SJW starting to become just as vile as the SJWs they proclaim to hate. Look at what Return of Kings has become.

This forum is about success with women, not sparking political flame wars. That's what Reddit is for.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Being banned from here can only bring you good things in life.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Vice said:
I can't speak for the other members, but I pushed for tits being banned because he no longer offered anything but poison to the forums.

Some of those users were banned because they almost exclusively posted in Everything Else for their recent history, and ONLY posted political threads/comments.

I've also noticed a trend of people who are anti-SJW starting to become just as vile as the SJWs they proclaim to hate. Look at what Return of Kings has become.

This forum is about success with women, not sparking political flame wars. That's what Reddit is for.
So the ban didnt come from a particular event but more like the sum of many?

Im surprised honestly, I skipped reading for few days only to come back and find all those users banned.

Again I have no idea what happened so cant really give an opinion but wasnt there any other option available like a a temporary ban or some warning?

For what I recall some of those guys where quite brutal in their opinions but still in the tolerable range, most of them even bothered to bring up stats and facts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Who Dares Win said:
So the ban didnt come from a particular event but more like the sum of many?

Im surprised honestly, I skipped reading for few days only to come back and find all those users banned.

Again I have no idea what happened so cant really give an opinion but wasnt there any other option available like a a temporary ban or some warning?

For what I recall some of those guys where quite brutal in their opinions but still in the tolerable range, most of them even bothered to bring up stats and facts.
From what I understand from talking to the mods or reading their posts on what occurred, there was an option for a temp ban. Though we are not privy to knowing who was given what penalty.

Also, members have been warned through private messages. Ive received such warnings in the past. Apparently those who were banned chose to ignore these warnings, and thus the result was being sent off from this forum.

Also, Vice is right about certain posters who exclusively posted in the AE section and offered no positive advice to others here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I've been considering the idea of setting up a "cigar lounge rule", where users will post as if everyone they are communicating with are in a cigar lounge with them. I seriously doubt any poster who insults another one would be in a discussion for every long if we were all hanging out in person. Unfortunately the anonymity of the internet allows people to hide behind a screen and say things that would not fly in a real life social setting.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Vice said:
I've been considering the idea of setting up a "cigar lounge rule", where users will post as if everyone they are communicating with are in a cigar lounge with them. I seriously doubt any poster who insults another one would be in a discussion for every long if we were all hanging out in person. Unfortunately the anonymity of the internet allows people to hide behind a screen and say things that would not fly in a real life social setting.
I totally agree with this. One thing that I have always done (which might not be a good thing) is that I've always been myself online, i.e., the same person that I am in person. It's why on this Forum I haven't been shy at all with posting my pics, my car pics, workout pics, detailing information about my life, etc.

While I haven't posted my name yet, with all of the information I've posted about my degrees, etc., one could easily Google and find my LinkedIn.

The Moderators of this site should push for the members to reveal more information about themselves to eliminate this "shield" that a lot of people hide behind. You just won't find as many trolls if this is implemented.

I'm also in favor of SoSuave maybe putting on some Conference Calls throughout the month where members of the Forum just get on the phone and discuss, debate, etc. various topics.

It would make this forum more of a community of like-minded guys coming together to assist each other, rather than a potential stumping ground for foolish activity.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Tenacity said:
I totally agree with this. One thing that I have always done (which might not be a good thing) is that I've always been myself online, i.e., the same person that I am in person. It's why on this Forum I haven't been shy at all with posting my pics, my car pics, workout pics, detailing information about my life, etc.

While I haven't posted my name yet, with all of the information I've posted about my degrees, etc., one could easily Google and find my LinkedIn.

The Moderators of this site should push for the members to reveal more information about themselves to eliminate this "shield" that a lot of people hide behind. You just won't find as many trolls if this is implemented.

I'm also in favor of SoSuave maybe putting on some Conference Calls throughout the month where members of the Forum just get on the phone and discuss, debate, etc. various topics.

It would make this forum more of a community of like-minded guys coming together to assist each other, rather than a potential stumping ground for foolish activity.
Somehow I doubt you would be insulting people and saying how much you hate n!ggers in a public group setting filled with a variety of people (anyone can go read those posts you made). Do you really want us to believe your posts on SS are indicative of how you behave outside of the internet? I know lately youve been trying to come off as open minded, mild mannered, and admonishing of "foolish activity" since the recent bannings occurred....but the bulk of your posting history is quite the contrast.

Also, the biggest way to screw up your professional life, is posting hateful things on the internet that can be linked to who you really are. Be smart and protect your identity if you are going to continue with the posting style you've exhibited during your time on this forum. Part of the reason people dont put all their personal info on a website like this is because its rather to easy for certain people to come after you if they dislike what you say. There's actually a tumblr blog dedicated to getting people fired who've posted racist stuff online...and its worked too.

And lets be honest...just being on this site can draw the ire of certain people in our society. Remember how Elliot Rodgers created a whole lot of extra bad press for anything remotely considered pickup artistry?


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
1. False dichotomy, one can recognize injustice while still being a fun and awesome guy.
2. I did not accuse you of anything, I merely cited the playbook being used.
3. There are tons of facts everyday coming in that support what I say, but again in "Rules for Radicals" they know not to engage in facts but just to make everything personal and appeal to emotions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Warnings are generally not made public, nor are the length of bans. Just because someone is "banned" doesn't mean it wasn't temporary. The user title does not distinguish between it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Tenacity said:
It sparked a discussion and a debate, and I THOUGHT that's what this section was for, but apparently it's not?
I doubt the owner of the forum maintains it just for a hobby. It makes decent money, and that may in danger if this site starts being known for the "black-white" or "liberal-neocon" pickup forum.

Google has been known to refuse to put ads on sites that are too "non-pc."

Kind of a balancing act I suppose.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
No coincidence that they were ALL WHITE guys with families and opinions contrary to the local anti-white/LGBT brigade?

Vice you are a huge faggot.
I seriously doubt any poster who insults another one would be in a discussion for every long if we were all hanging out in person.
Well none of us would hang out with a passive aggressive loser like you, you are an a-typical SJW and this forum is home to the 'new religion'. Pretty much they are looking to turn this from a PUA red/pill site to a Don Juan blue pill. I'm sure I'm the next to go and I pay it gladly.

Also, the biggest way to screw up your professional life, is posting hateful things on the internet that can be linked to who you really are. Be smart and protect your identity if you are going to continue with the posting style you've exhibited during your time on this forum. Part of the reason people dont put all their personal info on a website like this is because its rather to easy for certain people to come after you if they dislike what you say. There's actually a tumblr blog dedicated to getting people fired who've posted racist stuff online...and its worked too.

POSTED BY JAYLAN, tried to remove it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score

I didnt try to remove anything from my previous post. Its all there with no edits.

LiveFreeX said:
No coincidence that they were ALL WHITE guys with families and opinions contrary to the local anti-white/LGBT brigade?

Vice you are a huge faggot.
Embers84 and FairShake were clearly left leaning in their beliefs and they were banned too you know. So its probably best to refrain from lashing out at mods without knowing all the facts.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Shut up closet case, nobody likes you or your bs.

Also, the biggest way to screw up your professional life, is posting hateful things on the internet that can be linked to who you really are. Be smart and protect your identity if you are going to continue with the posting style you've exhibited during your time on this forum. Part of the reason people dont put all their personal info on a website like this is because its rather to easy for certain people to come after you if they dislike what you say. There's actually a tumblr blog dedicated to getting people fired who've posted racist stuff online...and its worked too.
If you come after me, I'll come after you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Vice you are a huge faggot.
Yeah bro, d*ck in and around my mouth all day every day.

You're 35 years old and are acting like an angsty teenager.

The fact that you care that other posters were banned says that you need to reevaluate what you value. No one else cares.

All that's going to happen is that the Everything Else forum is going to be less active, which will drive traffic to the forums that are actually about success with women and self-improvement, instead of political threads that lead to flame wars from the same lame old men that throw temper tantrums when things don't go their way. I'm bored of it.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
backseatjuan said:
Stagger Lee, tic tac, and speed dawg have been banned? You kidding me?
And now add LiveFree to that list, another poster that's been here a long time (since 2010).

I don't like this way of moderating, I do not. I think I might as well start contributing here less often and put more of my content on my blog. I think they are already starting to delete some of my posts so....

Also I agree with Social Leper's point about the age of some Moderators. Nothing against my boy Ruler, but he's freaking 17 and he hasn't even lived life yet lol. Ruler makes great posts for just being 17 though, but I'm just saying, a Moderator should at least be the required age to post in the Mature Man section (25).
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