You can read and post all you want on this website but at the end of the day you are the one that is in control of your life and most of all responsible for being in the position that your in. Things happen in life to all of us that are not fair nor do we deserve but you have to learn to roll with the punches and keep moving forward in life. It’s very easy to give up and quit or not even play the “game” but than you aren’t living at all but rather sleep walking and drifting through life hoping someone gives you a handout. I don’t know if you are expecting someone to come hand you a job or “fix” your life because that is never going to happen.
No one is going to do anything for you. You as an individual have to go out and make it happen. If you were serious about getting a job you would have figured it out by now.
Your full time job should be applying for jobs. Just because you have been unemployed for a while (which was your decision)…you can just lie about it on your resume. If they ask for references you can use your friend or someone in your family. Just make something up. I’ve done that plenty of times. When people interview candidates for jobs a lot of it comes down to you being presentable, well groomed, well dressed, and basically being able to think fast on your feet when they ask you questions. That’s it.
I recommend you get a job where you are constantly engaging with people. You could work as a cashier or even a waiter for starters or if you really want to push yourself get a job in sales. Just do something and put yourself out there. Get out and engage with the world. Women should be the least of your concerns my friend because you should be focusing on getting your health and finances in order first. You need to take an
active role in your life rather than being
passive and waiting for things to happen.
It’s all on you ma G.
Go home or go hard.
One of the main reasons I haven't got a job why I'm it's a sticking point for me it is because it isn't something I truly want. I think I've put a subconscious block on it.
I hate working for people, hate being told what to do and hate being in the system, hate not being in control. That's the truth.
I dispise being in a cage and I think that's why I've stopped playing the "game". I don't want to be in a prison.
For a while now it's been on my mind I want to walk dogs. So I see jobs apply for stuff but my heart isn't in it, I'm not hungry for it, which is likely causing my lack of responses.
Self sabotage I guess.
My sticking points regarding starting the business is other people's doubt in it and scepticism.
"You shouldn't be walking dogs, you should be looking for a career , doing this this and this. It's stupid"
"It's not a real job e.t.c. it will never work e.t.c"
"You've thrown away an amazing career and now you're going to just play with dogs?"
So it stops me from going for it, knocks my confidence. So I become avoidant and don't take any action whatsoever.
It's ****ing stupid because I believe in myself. I know I could make it work. My retard brain just says, "fine I won't do it then" but is unable to take anything else seriously.
I was just talking to a friend about it. They are doing their best to get me to apply for a job in the civil service ( great pension, good pay, and benefits).
In my head I've told myself that I wouldn't get it and I'd be ****ing miserable if I did (probably true).
This is why I've spent years of procrastinating and going/failing to land a job. Which I don't want anyways.
If I went for what my head and heart is screaming at me to do my plan would be...
I'm actually ready to go, everything is already in place. I could start tomorrow , just need to take the plunge and find clients.
Group walks. I'd need to do 1 (preferably 2) group walks a day (easily achievable).
That would meet my financial needs. Getting back into my own property, e.t.c. complete bare bones.
Even if I only achieved that I'd have good life.
Anyways I'd want more, the plan would be to coast on that for a while and establish myself in the area. I'm very experienced and crazy good with dogs. I'm confident I'd make a name for myself. Basically building my brand.
From there...
There is definitely scope to expand the business in various directions. Roads which I absolutely would want to go down.
1. I start employing people to walk the dogs. They walk dogs under my business name (lots of people eager to do this ) and I take my cut.
This is where it would start to transition to a real business.
2. I back away from the walking focus on the business side of things and expand into training (which I would do).
3. While running the walking side of things. I go on to additionally open a daycare / training facility. Again having employees taking care of day care.
When I focus on the business side and training (which I have a passion for ).
4. Within the facility I open a shop. Selling trading equipment, food, e.t.c.
So it would start as a simple dog walking business. But there is definitely room for growth.
If the business was successful. Like I said cost of living for me is ridiculously low, I'd have access a lot of extra money.
I'd want to put that into real estate. I absolutely LOVE real estate. I like developing properties (which I did with my own ) and thst I've been running for a long time now letting out to tenents.
It's something that I'm really good . I'm great at sorting problems, really good at dealing with people and getting things done.
I have a talent for it.
This is what I have inside my head. It's what I'm feeling pulled towards and why i struggle with motivation regarding a regular job.
Another factor / reality is ticking clock. Realistically I don't have a lot if time to achieve all this.
Another factor that makes me fearful to take the plunge.