i need steps to improve my life and also get sex with women

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
hello i have problems which ned sorting out and since this is sal ife improvement site si fifugred u could help me. first of al i am a virgin and have also nevr kissed a girl although throughotu the years the thoruhgt of kissing girl is becoming less and less awesome nd magical in my head annd i dont lik girls as much but sitl l nat to have sex with one. i am somehwat scared of people and also hold hatred and rsentement for some prople whom i perceibe as bullies or toughguys. i dont like people who hang out with bullies or former bullies and i dont like any woman who has ever been in relationship with or had sex with a bully(and therefore rewarding theb buly). i ont like buleis who have not been punished and right now i m stil monitoring this guys myspcae hwho used to bnuilly me, and bee nttrying for monts to crtach where he is going some night and come mytself and beat hte**** through him. i do not smile much and i am self-conscious. i got kicked from my job servign customers becasue i was not smiling enough.

also i cant do anything consistenlty. i lose cdoncentration extremely easy and can not focus well, and i get pissed off and bored a lot. for example every night i play online games like cs:source. i get so pissed off and frustrated when i dont own, so i sometimes will join a server, die once, join anoher, die once, join another, die once etc. etc. one time i went like 14-0, and the only reason i did well likethat was that i was relaxing, then i died because 4 people took almost equal damage off me(no one fuly killed me), and i got very pissed off and then even more pissed off when they wouldnt admit they got lucky, and this affected my performance to the point that my score went to 15-17, in other words after that i went 1 kill 17 deaths. one time i got so frustrated i grabbed the headset and threww it against a wall, which broke one of the round things off and i had to tape it back. recently i did it again, nd now it is so ****ty i have to buy a new one.

alsok i tried to take up tennis but before hand i decided i would take my old racket, and practice a bit to get sharp before i find some club. after about 20 minutes i was grabbing the ball, smashing it against the wall(scraping and cutting my fingers in process) and even talking **** to the ball. i am sure if anyone coudl see me(it was at side of my house where no one can see me) i wold not have done this, but god i was so angry and frustrated at myself. my ball went out of my prop[erty, nad i quit the practice to go get it, throwing my racket to the ground. part of my failure at theee higns is due ot no concentration my mind being clogged up with constant violent thoughts of sensless violenc. acutally some of them arent snseless like i rememebr while i was practicing tenniss i had this imaginary gang of 3 thugs watching me and laughing, and an imaginrayr court i was in. and i came up and said what the **** are u laughing at and they vblah blah blahb lbah so i went out and smacked one in the face and the other s watched while i broke ihsi face up with head and knees, then i beat the **** trhough the others too and there was blood everywhere spilling all over spraying . i never get a opportunity liek that in real lfie, because people dont bother mocking me anymore(which is not good enough teh y sholdnt have EVER DONE IT) and when they do i bet they wil be too tall fro me to beat hte mup because of course its always hsit for me. someday im going to get bullied by some guy i cant beat, and i will end up stabbing him to death or someone else who deserves it possibly the main buly i had vbakc in high school.

i also used to box and recentrly qwuit that in boredom, frustration at being beaten up, and frustration at the trainers(i hate the pressure of authority especialy wen its up to u wether u want t o keep boxing). i quti after geting sick of this polish boxer i sparred wiht beating me up bleeding me even knocking me down once, even though i am a far harder puncher, and was capable of destorying him despite him being some sort of talentedchampion in poland(**** his titles i was stil better than him despite his gay faggot achievements), plus a lot more muscular and stronger. i was able to dominate the so-called champion easily for lik 20-30 seconds during a couple rounds with agressive presure, but then got tired and he took advantage and beat me even harder, and i could also tell i was better than the **** and more powerful, but only for my conditionsing, and i didnt want to be doing to much cardio becasue i was workin out and trtying to gert calories in ad stuff.i had a mediocre record at boxing and im never going back , the negative s out weigh the psotiives. i only took it up becasue i was insecure anyway(like everyone else who takes up combat sports) although i enjoyed it wen i did well and beat other boxers up. i would prefer to do mma ive done it b4 and u can train and spar and get better without any presure and somehow i feel less presure ther for some reason, but i dont wnat ot go because a. im so embaraesed and humiliated that i havent gotten bigger since i last was there & b. it is now in a location which i would need a car to go to it.

ive been trying to study my drivnig theory test for a year now and sitll havent even mkemorised it. i keep going then lose concentration and start getting angry and annoyed at all the gay signs and rules. also i am very skinny and unatractive , so i been suposed to be wokrign out and eating, but get angry and irritated at either overtraining badly and not being able to qork out for ages, or not overtrainign and gthen thinking that im being lazy, and i could have done more. i never feel satisfied, and whne i do feel satisfied i have done too much and gone to failure. i end up quitting which i have don several imees. i think like 'the only way i acn do it is to eat a lot and proplerly, and train a lot, but if im not training a lot and i do hte ohter, i wil justt get fat, and id prefer to be skinny then fat'.

i dont have a ny frioends so the only thign i can do is go out alone ad try pick up girls. how th e**** can i do this? this is scary and i will become even bigger loser after i fail at thjat. rite now my life is a piece of ****. i recenlty gotf off ritalin(piece` of ****) nad now i am not so depressed anymore but im still never happy never relaxed never satisdfied with anything.


Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
You're a virgin because you're boring and into yourself. Read the bible: http://www.jbspencer.com/djb/ -- to find your inner mack.

Tune to VH1 on Mondays at 9 EST.

There are more material than the bible, mystery, david deangelo, gunwitch, etc, etc.. You pick something up, such us the bible, and you study it. These are the tools of the trade and 1% of your education. The other 99% you get through applying what you've learned. Your transformation from a looser into what you want to be, will be an amazing journey for you.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yo Eddy,

Your hostility and frustration seem to be taking a toll on your entire life, not just on your success with women.

I say this in all seriousness, not taking a shot at you - Have you ever thought about talking to a professional about your issues (a psycologist, etc.). They may be able to help you work out your issues better than some website will.

Good luck.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
ok but this sutff about 'social status' annyos and irritats me. why shoudl i become high status by working up in a hierarchy of people i dont lik,e and have never liked? either they respect u or not otherwise i dont liek ti anyway. not respect if [x] conditions they make up while laughing about cruelly it are met. it should be either A or B, no gray area just black and white. you dont understand do you? the only way i would like to get respect from ****ing bastards i hate, is to do something which is very unpleasant for them, not by any sort of friendliness or anything that impresses them and makes me "WORTHY" of their gay respect. i never got **** from them but **** and mockery so **** them rhey either respect me no matter what or i don't want their respect. they deserve to die.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
Jeez. What a load of old drivel.

The best advice I can give you after reading that self-absorbed debacle is that you need to STOP BLAMING YOUR CURRENT FAILURES ON PEOPLE IN YOUR PAST.

Furthermore, your constant desire to be physically more dominant than the people you meet in your life is going to get you nowhere! There will always be someone bigger and stronger than you, and trying to win battles on size, toughness and strength alone is way too costly a pursuit - especially for a person with your self-esteem and violent anti-social patterns. Sure, use martial arts to improve yourself physically, but don't forget the mental and spiritual side. There's more to martial arts than just "kicking someone's ass," and until you realize this, you're going to get nowhere.

I feel for you, but you're way too wrapped up in yourself and your own failings. People haven't replied to this thread, because they figure you're a lost cause - but you can change.

I think the previous poster was right when he said that you need psychological help before you can really put the advice contained within this website into use. Once you get the help you clearly need, get reading the DJ Bible. You'll learn HOW to have more confidence, gain more self esteem and start liking the person you are and finding out how to be the better person you want to be. Then the challenge is BECOMING that person. You'll also learn how to stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming other people for your failings.

In conclusion, MAN UP and sort yourself out.

You know it makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
If I was a moderator, this would be his last post.
He obviously has serious physical and/or emotional health problems.