Act like a bad mother Fu cker! you muct be different then all the other Joe's.......
my first advice is stop're puting this 'female' on a pedastool......she's not gunna be the only hot girl you're ever gunna meet, so stop acting like it! this will help change your attitude some for the better.
dont take her comliments to might be good looking but girls lie sometimes for sick resons we cannot explain so just be cautious because she might have an underlying reason for her comliments.
Last conversation i had with her, wasn't the same anymore, and she stopped begging me to talk to her, or trying to make me laugh. Nevertheless, she was still nice and crap...
===she is 15 and they have no idea what they want, it is possible she found a older guy to talk to, you never know...when you get the chance get the number and spit your game b4 somone else beats you to the punch.
Act Suave and use some techiniques in these forums and read the bible some.
good luck
Mr. Larry