I need some help guys. Losing faith. . .


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Welcome DJs, to a night (or whenever you're reading this) filled with self-doubt.

I'm beginning to lose faith in myself. Before, I was a smart kid. I got straight As all the time without any effort at all. Some even said I had "talent." Now, it's not the same. I have to struggle to get straight As. It's hard. Sometimes I slip and get lazy and when I decide to get serious again, I either don't or am too late to save myself. Im losing faith in myself. I don't think its a good thing because then I might stop trying. I was still afraid to lose that smart kid image before, but now I truly kinda feel like I wasn't meant to be that way. Trust me. I want to be. But it just isn't happening.

I know why too. I know it's because I am lazy and do zero work. I know it's because I think I am super and awesome and can pull stuff off in 1 day that usually takes other 2 weeks. I THINK, but I didn't become. I 'thinked' too much. I 'thinked' instead of did. I failed.

Im' just feeling really bad:( . Time to rebuild.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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WOW, u have to be my parallel twin from a different universe lol, geez everthing you say is exactly what I am going through.

I am 17, a junior and am highly involved with athletics and the worst part is every thing we learn in school or assigned, its as if I know it would be easy for me, and i know I could get an A but I dont want to use any effort, and therefore my grades are slipping, and the 3 AP classes, plus Pre-calc and spanish 3 honors dont help the situation out very much either. But I have taken tests where I got 152 IQ, and in 5th grade, I was told I was capable of learning freshman level college material, in ortherwords my brain was developed enough to comprehend it if tought correctly. Yet now I find it hard to write a one page essay becuase of lack of effort.

But I think that it is becuase I find it hard to do pity little activities that are just busy work instead of real things I could be learning, so I think as people like us get into college we will mature and grow up and get the things done we need to get done, we just have to almost hit rock bottom to realize it. Anyways good luck, cause I need it too.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
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me too. im also a junior in high school. i think sport is taking a lot of my time and energy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Yeah I'm a junior also....and I play sports too hmmm.

Anyhow, coolguy I see what you're saying. I know it's true how we gotta "hit rock bottom" first. My dad warns me about stuff but I never listen. Only after I fock up real bad I listen. Then after a month or sometimes after 2 weeks or so I feel like I don't need to listen anymore and go on. It works for a while "livin on the edge" but then I slip or it DOESNT work and I feel all stupid and listen again.

See, but that isn't the REAL rock bottom. What is? I don't wanna find out man. That's why I'm lookin to change. It's hard tho. I'm always failing....I'm trying....not enough....but I'm trying. Yet still failing.

It scares me how you said "we have to hit rock bottom first." You seem so ready to accept this man? how? I don't wanna accept it! I can't!!! I need to change it....yeah.. I guess all this time I'm been delaying it. Delaying the inevitable. Now I need to divert it. Make the artillery blow up some trees instead of my Royal Air Force (WWII reference). Ok seriously if you guys think of something that changed your lives, let us know.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
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Sup, I'm in the same boat. When I was in elementary school and up to seventh grade, I got straight As, and I barely had to try to get it. I'm a junior now, there is a lot more work and it is much harder than it was in elementary school, I do track, cross country, and music, and my grades are slipping.
The important thing for me is not to give up. I learned that no one who became great ever gave up after a failed attempt at something. Like George Washington in the French-Indian war, I think. Or Emerson. I think that one thing that separates these people from the rest is their DRIVE to be successful. Whenever I thought that I was good enough as it was, I lost the drive to be great and I stopped improving. I agree that thinking that you’re perfect is just an excuse to be lazy. Don’t get down on yourself, get mad instead and get better than ever. Good luck, I hope this helps.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kerensky

See, but that isn't the REAL rock bottom. What is? I don't wanna find out man. That's why I'm lookin to change. It's hard tho. I'm always failing....I'm trying....not enough....but I'm trying. Yet still failing.

It scares me how you said "we have to hit rock bottom first." You seem so ready to accept this man? how? I don't wanna accept it! I can't!!! I need to change it....yeah.. I guess all this time I'm been delaying it. Delaying the inevitable. Now I need to divert it. Ok seriously if you guys think of something that changed your lives, let us know.
I breezed through junior high, expecting high school to do the same.
A few weeks in, I learned it would be a damn struggle. But, I didn't care. I really never experienced any accedemic adversity before, so I had NO idea of what to do, nor do I really ever develop any sort of study habits at all.

In a downward spiral, I almost hit rock bottom, even if I did. A GPA less than a 2.0, even @ one point having for FOUR F's.....[taking 6 classes @ the time]
I was diagnosed with ADHD and depression as well, popping 4 pills/day.
Somewhere, around this time [april] of freshman year, I slowly began to change. Seriously, the caveat is, I can't tell exactly what changed. I don't even know what did. Slowly, though [it was a struggle just to catch up] I did improve.
Ended that year with a 2.2 gpa.....

Without hitting rock bottom then, I wouldn't be as grateful as I am now for my education [my parents were paying good money for a private catholic college prep schoool, mind you] as well as more appreciative for my parents [for not giving up on me] and just life in general....

My psychiatrist [crap, that reminds me, I haven't seen him in about 9 months...I'd like to see him again just to catch up and talk.]
helped me A LOT as well...

While it's not required that you hit rock bottom, I think it offers life lessons that you couldn't learn any other way....however though, you CANNOT hit rock bottom ON PURPOSE....you don't gain/learn as much from the experience if you hit on purpose...

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. - Tyler Durden

BTW, if you have never seen the movie - Fight Club - I'd highly recommend watching it.

EDIT: I read over my post, noticed I rambled a bit about myself, but it put the end into context.


The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
I have been through that before. In middle school i was the nerdy guy who had friends. Now I have the same friends B's Instead of A's and 5 girl friend s this year. If you switch the image go to the funny guy image it works 100x better then the smart guy. Trust me



New Member
Sep 20, 2004
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hey man, i think im slippin into what u are in right now. But im sure ill pull my grades out again. I went from 3.8 to 2.8. so im still hangin tight. My girls also started flowin in so ima pick my self back up, grab a hold of my self. Though i got an urge to get laid. HAHA, yea im a virgin, cant decide if that good or bad. but hang in there man.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Being smart is nothing if you dont do your work.

So stop being lazy and get your **** done.