I need serious help with the Indian girl.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
So, a while back I posted about this Indian girl that I met. We got to know each other and went out a couple of times, and she told me that she wouldn't have sex unless we were in a commited relationship.

What I told her was that we could keep dating, but I wasn't looking for anything serious at all. I wouldn't mind having her for a girlfriend, but the moment it gets to be too much, I'm out. She agreed and we've been technically going out since then.

We fu*k, and it's not the greatest thing in the world. It's not bad, and the head is worth the trouble, but... yeah. ANYWAY. She's been putting a huge emphasis on us being a couple and she fu*king offered to buy me a laptop. o_O AND, she lied to me about the guys she's slept with. She told me I wasn't the first guy she screwed, and that she'd slept with a few others before me. total bullsh*t. We were drunk the other day and she told me that she was raped and I'm the first guy she's fu*ked on her own free will.

And now apparently she has some sort of romantic gesture planned for tomorrow and I'm not feeling any of this.

Advice guys? please? I'm at a complete loss.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
I understand your confusion:

She slept with a few guys...NO, WAIT! Only one other guy and he raped her!

She's okay with a casual relationship...NO, WAIT! She''ll buy you a laptop to be her Boyfriend!

She's planning a romantic gesture....NO, WAIT!

This chick has been sniffing masala! Her brain is cooked. She can't keep her stories straight or make up her mind. Since the sex isn't that good and you don't want to be tied down, perhaps you should cut the strings before they become steel reinforced cables.

.....seriously....she'll buy you a laptop?????


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I don't what it is. Desi girls are smart and sexy but totally nuts. Just try to get out of it in one piece.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
WaterTiger said:
This chick has been sniffing masala! Her brain is cooked.
Sniffing Masala? Watch your language

Leporello said:
I don't what it is. Desi girls are smart and sexy but totally nuts. Just try to get out of it in one piece.
Perhaps you would have preferred she was more of a fucking whore, right? Then we'd be here bitching and moaning about one thing and not the other. :rolleyes:

Yuma said:
Advice guys? please? I'm at a complete loss.
What are you at a complete loss for? She said she didn't want to fuck unless she was in something committed? You fucked her. Now you are complaining that she is treating the situation as something more committed and playing it off like she is nuts? I'm sorry to come off as sounding harsh but take a little responsibility.

Perhaps you prefer the feminized approach where they lie, cheat, lead you on, and have no consideration for you or your feelings whatsoever. I don't get what the problem is.

She took your word for what it was. You should take hers for what it was, too. Things seem to be getting too much for you, so you answered your own question in that its time to get out. She has been consistent in what she initially told you, just as you have been in what you told her. Now she feels you guys should be committed. She wants to buy you a laptop; woop-dee-do, at least she's not sucking off the cab driver on the way over to your house.
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Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
darkstarrr said:
Sniffing Masala? Watch your language

Perhaps you would have preferred she was more of a fucking whore, right? Then we'd be here bitching and moaning about one thing and not the other. :rolleyes:

What are you at a complete loss for? She said she didn't want to fuck unless she was in something committed? You fucked her. Now you are complaining that she is treating the situation as something more committed and playing it off like she is nuts? I'm sorry to come off as sounding harsh but take a little responsibility.

Perhaps you prefer the feminized approach where they lie, cheat, lead you on, and have no consideration for you or your feelings whatsoever. I don't get what the problem is.

She took your word for what it was. You should take hers for what it was, too. Things seem to be getting too much for you, so you answered your own question in that its time to get out. She has been consistent in what she initially told you, just as you have been in what you told her. Now she feels you guys should be committed. She wants to buy you a laptop; woop-dee-do, at least she's not sucking off the cab driver on the way over to your house.
well somebody's pissed off.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Well, you've finally F'd her right? Well, since you're not happy with the job take the severance pay (laptop) and be done with it.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
jafyk said:
Well, you've finally F'd her right? Well, since you're not happy with the job take the severance pay (laptop) and be done with it.
So, you'd advise him to act like a woman would, take the gift and bail?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
godofanxiety said:
So, you'd advise him to act like a woman would, take the gift and bail?
So, he should take the gift and stay? If she's offering to buy a gift I say take it. Besides he doesn't give a --------about her. All he cares if F'ing her. Might as well take his severance pay.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
There's the third option.... I'm all for being selfish and all, but I wouldn't go that far.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
What are you, autistic? It's a potentially offensive comment.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
dude..you guys need to stop arguing over the comment.
agreed it is potentially offensive..lets leave it there and help this dude..

OP: Be a man, do the right thing!..lol

get out, and DONT take any gifts, because it seems you have taken enough already in the form of you being the first guy she has slept with on her own will. Her story is what she believes wether you believe it or not. So dont ruin it for the next guy, whom she will abuse because "that first guy took all i gave him and ran...so all guys are Aholes"

so if you cant handle it, tell you cant handle it.

honestly speaking, she has not done anything ridiculous, like talk about you're baby's names? or talk about getting married?
she says she wants to get you a gift and something romantic.
Women like doing romantic stuff, so this is normal.
The guying you a gift is a bit odd, but Indian women are usually like that, they like to show they care unlike western women that like to suck everything u got out of you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Yeah or you can take Slickaz's advice too. That works as well. although I don't agree with Slick here claiming you're gonna spoil anything for the next guy. People are gonna be the way they are. Yes, girls mess with guys like that all the time and don't think twice about it. I wish sometime I'd just get the courage to find a girl date her and break her heart just to have done it to someone but that's not me. Also because she wasn't the last girl who messed up. Still in the end somebody's gonna break somebody's heart. My question is she giving you the gift as a means to keep you or just giving it to you? If the former then don't accept it. If the latter I don't see why not. I was just talking to a girl a few days ago and she was talking of taking back a gift she had given to her ex-bf who broke up with her. I think when you've given someone a gift it's immature to ask for it back. makes me wonder were you really giving the gift or giving it for alterior motives.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Spare this girl, she sounds manipulative and what she wants isn't what you want.

It's going to end really ugly if you keep persisting. It doesn't sound like you like her in what you've typed. It just sounds like you're kind of into her. I believe in karma, don't **** this girl over, just let her go and move on.

From what it sounds like, you can do better, you don't need to settle for this girl.

Just keep in mind, you got into this to create an abundance of women in your life so that you don't need to settle for this one chick.

Go work on your skillset, when you learn what you need to learn, you will receive what you need to receive.
