I need out of school friends


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
hi. since ive found this site ive changed many of my old ways and am continuously improving, but im still having some (basic) trouble. i need to have a group of guys to hang out with outside of school.

i have about 1 friend from school that i actually hang out with elsewhere then school (he pushed it out of school) and we barely hang out anyway. im recently getting more and more sick of not having anything better to do in the afternoon then sit in front of the computer and occasionally play tennis (my main hobby). i would ask the people i play tennis with to hang out sometime but i really dont like them that much besides their tennis skill.

the skills and mindset that i gained from here has made me much more social and i am meeting new people but it doesnt go farther then school acquantances. i feel like this shouldnt be a huge problem but it seems like everyone already knows each other and that they already have their groups and im just left floating around by myself (again, out of school).

i just cant seem to get to close to people who i want to hang out with outside of school. in the beginning i got peoples screennames. then i realized that not that many people go online (or at least near as much as im on) and that i will hardly be able to talk to them this way. then i thought about getting numbers but i feel kinda weird (maybe i shouldnt) about asking for a guys number.

so to rap this up, im just confused on how to get in the social game so late (after realizing way to late that how im living now is definitely not right). id really appreciate the advice.


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
i'm in the same boat as you(use to be), and theres one good way to get some out of school friends, and thats get a part time job, there you will find other ppl ur age, that u can talk to, and do **** with like hang out after work, and soon you will have new friends.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
i thought getting a job may help. ive been looking for one (takin forever).


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I got a similar problem. Before summer (and finding this site), I was a loner by choice, a shady, pissed-off teenager with a strong affinity for disobedience, and didn't like to be social. Now, I'm just biding my time until I get back to school. I expect there to be a lot of difference. I am planning on joining football, wrestling, track, X-country, and badminton. Maybe some other clubs (wanna start a chess club :p). I suggest joining sports clubs in and out of school. Competition with your teammates alongside you will bring you all closer together.