Okay this is kind of hard to answer in a blog post, but I'll give it a shot. First off night game for me is probably the majority of the places I still meet women. Don't get me wrong online dating has certainly proven to be a good place to meet women. But nothing for me beats the thrill of the hunt. To me it's just always been more exciting than online. Okay first off you have to have your look, if you have girls approaching you that I'm assuming you already have style and you were dressed well. If not check out alpham on YouTube. You don't want to overdress too much, but you do want to be a little bit more well-dressed than the rest of the guys there. Next is your attitude from the second you walk in, every minute you are in the bar or club, you have to act like you are having the time of your life, if you are with friends make sure you guys are all smiling and all social each other, don't just be checking out girls. This Will Make you shine out the other boring dudes. You will be better off having a great conversation with your buddy, while glancing over a girl's, rather than only staring at that. Once you start getting a look here in there then it's okay to move in. Use the 40 second rule, if after 40 seconds you are not getting good vibes from her it's time to move on. Never ever ever, buy a girl a drink unless you have already been talking to her for a significant amount of time. some guys will say don't buy a drink at all, and that's totally up to you, I make good money so buying a drink here and there for a girl I've been talking to for 30 or 45 minutes is not a big deal to me. But don't go buy a bunch of rounds for her and her friends. this is going to sound lame, but if you don't know how to dance take a few dance lessons. Don't worry you don't need to be Fred Astaire or any s*** like that, but make sure you know the basics of dancing. Use Kino escalation, make sure you start touching here and there of course not date rape touching we're touching casual stuff like the shoulder the back of her head you don't little things like that. The mystery method is on YouTube, there are five videos, I would recommend watching those they deal largely in this. There's my go to help you start. This is from 20 years of doing it in the bar myself, and from watching it be done bartending. I did this on text-to-speech cuz I was too lazy to type, so I am sorry in advance if there are some typos