Ok heres my situation I am 5'7 and I use to weigh 170 pounds. I am now 130 pounds, but I am still fat.
Basically I look skinny everywhere except my torso. I have love handles and a gut. My chest also has some fat kinda flabby I guess you could say. It's my form it's horrible. I can grab anywhere on my torso, and a nick chunk of fat will be in my hand...None of it is loose skin or anything, my skin went right back, i'm young (16). It's just fat, now how do I go about losing the fat from my torso, without lifting weights...
When my transformation is done, I want to look like a model, and be ripped. (yes girly man) I don't really want to bulk up. I just want to get skinny first (no fat on my torso) then I will start to lift weights from there to get ripped(not bulky). From what I read on these boards so far, it seems that cardio is what would help me the most? Thank you for your help.
When my transformation is done, I want to look like a model, and be ripped. (yes girly man) I don't really want to bulk up. I just want to get skinny first (no fat on my torso) then I will start to lift weights from there to get ripped(not bulky). From what I read on these boards so far, it seems that cardio is what would help me the most? Thank you for your help.