I need help on what kind of clothes,shoes,and humor


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
sorry for posting it twice,these one thread needs to be deleted!


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
As far as your humor goes, this is something I think I have down. I use a sarcastic, dry, observational sense of humor. I tell a lot, I mean, a lot of stories too. I've gotten really good at storytelling, and if you've got a good story, they'll be interested as long as you take your time telling it, act things out (facial expressions, body gestures, tone of your voice, etc.), and keep everyone's attention. Comedians to check out would be Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, and Stephen Colbert.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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New York City
Well i am glad to hear that things starting to change for u. About the cloth's said u r 17 years old right? Then it would be good not to wear any star wars t-shirts. Get something nice, if u have muscles then u can try those baby t-shirts or whatever. Get some nice style, and watch TV, watch soap operas, I just read on sosuave.com that watching soap operas is painfull, well it really is! :D Anyways and dont forget to get some style on ur hair. It would be best to spyke it, well i think it would be best. Why dont u send a pic of urself and i will tell wich hair might look good, and dont be shy no one here will take ur pic and sell it on ebay :D!! And approaching women u said ehh?? Well thats what this website is here for mate!! Its easy, just go on sosuave.com and read articles about overcoming ur shyness, and read DJ bible, trust me if u folow it, it is really good!! Just comen now ur 17 and u should know what to say to a girl! Say something like "hey whats up" And then just talk, And dont say anything about urself, I know people that all they do is talk about themselves! It is reallyy anoying to women!!!! Well all i can actually say right now!!And listen to music!!! MUSIC is good!!Listening to music helps!! I dont know how but a lot of docs say that music helps in everything!HOpe the crap i wrote helps!! Good luck


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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trying to make a good first post:
well, most of everything you asked for are in one of the bibles but i'll throw out my opinion anyways...and yes i do know ur record on this forums so im going to be gentle...but here is what works for ME..not necessarily you

for dressing well just look at popular trends and go with that..but make sure the suit fits per say, make sure what you put on fits you and YOU like it...and none of this geek **** either...a nice polo...well known brands if you can afford them...eBay if you can't...if you can't..then i was at JCPenny's the other day and saw some really nice stuff there too..if that doesn't work for you..go to Goodwill...i have shopped there and i can more than afford most designer brands without problem, but thrift shops and Goodwill will often have GREAT buys on some used clothing....however, polo shirts and such are not necessary, i personally dont follow that route but maybe 10% of the time...and that 10% is usually allotted whenever i am in public/social places like the mall...

for shoes wear whatever styles will fit you best... i wear casual style boots most of the time if im wearing pants...either classic tennis shoes or flip flop sandals with shorts ..make sure it matches your outfit, small things are noticed first by chicks...like if your wearing boots do they match the belt (ie black with black)...once again its what works with you...

listen to some funny **** like chris rock or something...see how his and other comedians PERSONALITY is..dont steal their jokes and try to use them as pick up lines..ive seen people do that before..that doesnt work all that well from what i've seen...see their attitudes in life...dont be so hard focused on everything all the time....im not all that good at telling people how to be funny...b/c it kinda came natural to me..like my awesome ass looks...;)

this is pretty easy actually..its all confidence..how do you get confidence?>.pick out her imperfections...no woman is perfect, realize that, someone on this forum said i think all chicks eat sleep and **** like you do..realize that, she isnt perfect...u can even use her imperfections as humor..but dont be cruel..no one likes a prick...by imperfections i dont necessarily mean dislikable traits, i mean preference traits in that situation...use teh dislikable traits to boost confidence...