I need help on what kind of clothes,shoes,and humor and I need tips on girls!!!!


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
These last couple days I have been doing good,I been making a good change,I'm actually leaving my AFC ways behind me,to becoming a DJ(someday).And I been ignoring all negative talk in school,well most of it and I been actually taking advice and tips from people here and aim,plus my depression is gone!Ok guys but what kinda clothes are good so I can look cool,and what kinda shoes should I wear,plus how do I get a good sense of humor(something I been working on).And how can I approach a hot girl,without just being nervous and just saying hi,how do I start a conversation and how do I keep a conversation,and what are good places tomeet hot girls(besides the comic store) know the mall is one,but I also need other places,i can't do it in school because of my repuation i'm known as a nerd so it would turn off girls,plus most hate me there,but ooh well I just have to overcome that Im gonna finish highschool next year and go to college.Remeber people having a postive mind works:up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
dreamx said:
These last couple days I have been doing good,I been making a good change,I'm actually leaving my AFC ways behind me,to becoming a DJ(someday).And I been ignoring all negative talk in school,well most of it and I been actually taking advice and tips from people here and aim,plus my depression is gone!Ok guys but what kinda clothes are good so I can look cool,and what kinda shoes should I wear,plus how do I get a good sense of humor(something I been working on).And how can I approach a hot girl,without just being nervous and just saying hi,how do I start a conversation and how do I keep a conversation,and what are good places tomeet hot girls(besides the comic store) know the mall is one,but I also need other places,i can't do it in school because of my repuation i'm known as a nerd so it would turn off girls,plus most hate me there,but ooh well I just have to overcome that Im gonna finish highschool next year and go to college.Remeber people having a postive mind works:up:
What the ****? You graduated from preschool?


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Dude I don't need your ****en negative comments,as what I always say these topic for me getting advice and becoming a better person,so your comment isn't helping and I'm very smart,plus I was smart in kindgarten so,huh and I will be attending one of the topc colleges in USA!So i'm not a retarted,but if anyone can give me advice,go on and post,thanks guys!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
dreamx said:
Dude I don't need your ****en negative comments,as what I always say these topic for me getting advice and becoming a better person,so your comment isn't helping and I'm very smart,plus I was smart in kindgarten so,huh and I will be attending one of the topc colleges in USA!So i'm not a retarted,but if anyone can give me advice,go on and post,thanks guys!
Your stupid and the proof is right ****ing infront of you. Your wrote it.

If your going to a good college it just goes to show how ****ed up we all are.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
One thing I'd like to point out is that your depression is very likely still there. It's just dormant for now. The thing that you need to do is to keep on making improvements, and do not slip up and go back to your AFC ways. It's ok to make mistakes along the way, but make sure that you fight off all of your older thoughts as soon as they come, because they'll drag your ass down again, and we both know that that's a ****ty place to be.

Also, note that just because you've got a rep at school doesn't mean that you're screwed there. It just means that you're going to have to spend some time as your "new self" and people will have to get used to it. Don't get frustrated if people aren't receptive to your news ways at first, because it'll probably take awhile before they learn to accept the new you.

That's all I got at the moment.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Do you know whats more important than what you wear, where you go to meet girls and a sense of humour. CONFIDENCE. Until you get it you will not be happy. There is no guide to achieving it but you must or your life will never improve. Do you seriously think that if you go to school with a new shirt people will like you. They dont care about you or what you wear. From this day on everyhting action you make should be to achieve confidence do what you want and not what other people tell you to do.


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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well, most of everything you asked for are in one of the bibles but i'll throw out my opinion anyways...and yes i do know ur record on this forums so im going to be gentle and take it as you actually need help...but here is what works for ME..not necessarily you

for dressing well just look at popular trends and go with that..but make sure the suit fits per say, make sure what you put on fits you and YOU like it...and none of this geek **** either...a nice polo...well known brands if you can afford them...eBay if you can't...if you can't..then i was at JCPenny's the other day and saw some really nice stuff there too..if that doesn't work for you..go to Goodwill...i have shopped there and i can more than afford most designer brands without problem, but thrift shops and Goodwill will often have GREAT buys on some used clothing....however, polo shirts and such are not necessary, i personally dont follow that route but maybe 10% of the time...and that 10% is usually allotted whenever i am in public/social places like the mall...

for shoes wear whatever styles will fit you best... i wear casual style boots most of the time if im wearing pants...either classic tennis shoes or flip flop sandals with shorts ..make sure it matches your outfit, small things are noticed first by chicks...like if your wearing boots do they match the belt (ie black with black)...once again its what works with you...

listen to some funny **** like chris rock or something...see how his and other comedians PERSONALITY is..dont steal their jokes and try to use them as pick up lines..ive seen people do that before..that doesnt work all that well from what i've seen...see their attitudes in life...dont be so hard focused on everything all the time....im not all that good at telling people how to be funny...b/c it kinda came natural to me..like my awesome ass looks...

this is pretty easy actually..its all confidence..how do you get confidence?>.pick out her imperfections...no woman is perfect, realize that, someone on this forum said i think all chicks eat sleep and **** like you do..realize that, she isnt perfect...u can even use her imperfections as humor..but dont be cruel..no one likes a prick...by imperfections i dont necessarily mean dislikable traits, i mean preference traits in that situation...use teh dislikable traits to boost confidence...


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
WOW man!! U created two threads that are the same!!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, dreamx is so smart that he invented a new word. Retarted.

Not only that, but he's leading the world into an era of inproper punctuation, and reinvented the word this into these.

Good job. :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Well i am glad to hear that things starting to change for u. About the cloth's said u r 17 years old right? Then it would be good not to wear any star wars t-shirts. Get something nice, if u have muscles then u can try those baby t-shirts or whatever. Get some nice style, and watch TV, watch soap operas, I just read on sosuave.com that watching soap operas is painfull, well it really is! Anyways and dont forget to get some style on ur hair. It would be best to spyke it, well i think it would be best. Why dont u send a pic of urself and i will tell wich hair might look good, and dont be shy no one here will take ur pic and sell it on ebay !! And approaching women u said ehh?? Well thats what this website is here for mate!! Its easy, just go on sosuave.com and read articles about overcoming ur shyness, and read DJ bible, trust me if u folow it, it is really good!! Just comen now ur 17 and u should know what to say to a girl! Say something like "hey whats up" And then just talk, And dont say anything about urself, I know people that all they do is talk about themselves! It is reallyy anoying to women!!!! Well all i can actually say right now!!And listen to music!!! MUSIC is good!!Listening to music helps!! I dont know how but a lot of docs say that music helps in everything!HOpe the crap i wrote helps!! Good luck
We live only once!
Why not spend it wisely.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
You know what?
If you are going to make fun of someone for no real reason. At least do it with a sense of humour. Since you dont have one shut the hell up. Dreamx is new here. Almost everyone who joins this site starts out like him. Give him some time so he can improve and maybe you can work on your sense of humour.


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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originaldj said:
You know what?
If you are going to make fun of someone for no real reason. At least do it with a sense of humour. Since you dont have one shut the hell up. Dreamx is new here. Almost everyone who joins this site starts out like him. Give him some time so he can improve and maybe you can work on your sense of humour.
i agree, despite his umm..quite...different threads...no matter how unbelievable they may seem...i'll give him a shot...if he doesn't try to improve and keeps acting like a dumbass i'll support you all..however...he has shown slight improvement from some of the other **** i've seen him post..:cheer:


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
VegasGuy56 said:
Wow, dreamx is so smart that he invented a new word. Retarted.

Not only that, but he's leading the world into an era of inproper punctuation, and reinvented the word this into these.

Good job. :up:
Thats enough,dude Im tired of reading your sh*t,every post I make you make a comment on it,by being negative!Im not taking your crap anymore,I know most people on these forum hate me,but you know who I hate on these forum the most?YOU,ur f*cken annoying me,and you call me loser?huh your on these site as much as me,atleast I can admit im a loser,but you lie about your a f*cken loser as well.You probaly ****en sit on ****en these computer all f*cken day 24/7 reading my posts,thats the only sh*t you can do.If your so much better then me,then get a life!And find something else to do then just insult me or critize the way I type.Your pathetic man,all you do is just making negative comments about ME ME ME!!! That ****,is annoying your like a child,I think your either a 10 year loser or a guy who has no life,so you try to bring your confidence and self esteem up,by getting at me,your really pathetic,I HOPE YOUR READING THESE,WAIT YOUR ARE READING THESE YOUR ****EN LOSER,WITH SH*T TO DO!!!.These thread is for me getting advice on how to I can become a better person,ok so I don't need to sit here and read your crap.Man you sooo ****en childish,but anyways I'm just gonna ingore your comments,LOSER!!!

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
"Thats enough,dude Im tired of reading your sh*t,every post I make you make a comment on it,by being negative!Im not taking your crap anymore,I know most people on these forum hate me,but you know who I hate on these forum the most?YOU,ur f*cken annoying me,and you call me loser?huh your on these site as much as me,atleast I can admit im a loser,but you lie about your a f*cken loser as well.You probaly ****en sit on ****en these computer all f*cken day 24/7 reading my posts,thats the only sh*t you can do.If your so much better then me,then get a life!And find something else to do then just insult me or critize the way I type."

hahaha good ****, u shoulda stopped here tho.

anyways, embrace the hate man. there will always be haters, no matter how successful or unsuccessful u are. take the hate as a challenge. when u prove them all wrong then they're gonna feel stupid as hell for doubting you. keep your head up cus youll get the love you deserve when its all said and done. good luck


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
I'm hurt. Yes I'm reading these, I'm reading these!

You're so right. I'm such a loser. I spend my whole day at a comic store, go to star wars conventions, try to win girls over by playing World of Warcraft, and I'm also racist against everyone who isn't white.

Oh wait....that's not me. That's you!

No, I'm not a loser, but I do intentionally annoy you. I'm going to keep doing it until you leave or are banned, because racist people like you piss me off. It's not just that you're a geek. I had no problem with you at that point. It's when you started insulting entire races saying that you're more educated than blacks and latinos.

Well guess what? You aren't. You can't spell, you're a loser, you've never had an intelligent conversation with a girl, never had a girlfriend, and you spend all your time on this forum talking about how much you love it here. That's pretty sad, considering almost everyone hates you.

That's pretty pathetic that a forum that you're hated on is your favorite place. Now until you stop being a dumbass, learn how to spell, and stop being racist, no one's going to like you.

Keep that in mind.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry I didn't see that.
There is no place in the world for rascists people like you are the main reason that the world is falling apart. Congratulations you just made yourself yet another enemy


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score

The thread was deleted.

He basically started a thread saying that the reason he has trouble getting girls is that his school has mainly black and Latino people. He said he can't wait to get out of the school, because he doesn't like blacks and Latinos because they're uneducated. About 10 people attacked him right after he posted that, and I'm guessing the post was deleted because of that.

He posted some similar comments in other threads too. Complaining saying blacks got more girls than white people, but at least white people are more educated.

Most of his posts are either complaining about not being able to get a girlfriend, or attacking different races.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
/\i didnt know that either. thats real fuked up. i can forgive dreamx for that tho if he gets rid of that way of thinking cus i think its just ignorance. dreamx seems like a kid who's booksmart but doesnt know about other things. get rid of that racist **** and start being more assertive and your life will change (damn i sound like a preacher sometimes)

and make some black, latino, asian, wutever friends so u can understand anybody who's not white


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Well on dressing cool what I do is watch t.v. what does the cool guy wear? thats what I will wear. anyways on shoes just pick something you think looks alright. shoes are shoes. On haveing a humorous attitude just before saying something you think is funny say it in your head and think is it funny to you? if so say it out loud. remember sometimes your jokes will suck but keep practicing it and dont give up. And just keep up with the site and read everything.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
LMAO, this is like a ditching machine!! LEts playa game!! lets vote who here likes dreamx and who doesnt!!!

OK my vote is : I dont care!!