I Need help Ima 20 year old virgin


New Member
May 28, 2008
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hey guys how u guys doing its another saturday night for sitting in my room jerking the chicken while watching a moive. I didnt really notice that i was a 20 year old virgin untill i told my friends that i was a 20 year old virgin and i never had a GF in my life. {Hell last 2 month ago i got my first number from a chick but she was pursuing me. i totaly ****ed that up with my hesitation ohh yeah and i have never been on a date before LOL its pretty bad} the thing was when i was in high school i was about 16 at the time i had a crush on this girl that i liked. its the story its long It all started at the end of my 6th period and the girl called flor was walking down the hall and i was standing next to a wall and she called out my name and i ignored her so she turns red and she keeps walking away. So i ****ing felt ****ing guilty for doing what i did so i wrote her a poem. So i gave her the poem thinking it would solve all the problem and it did. After that i started to grow feeling for her and i never did anything about it. Then after the school year ended was the time when i found my calling in life weightlifting. i ****ing love weightlifting. Come summer school i find out she is in both of my summer school classes. So im like yeah i finally got a second chance i can tell her how i feel like then a wave of reality hit me, she has a boyfriend AHH. So i go through the whole summer school with her dropping hints that i like her here and there so i knew i had to make a choice and take what i wanted. So i decided to write her another poem , my mentality was hey if it worked once it can work again. So i wrote her another poem which expressed how i felt about her and how really bad i wanted to be with her. That same day that i gave her the poem i got kicked out of the class that i was with flor because i was going to get in a fight with this one cat. As i was walking out of the classroom i gave her the poem. That same day later on i realized that I was going to have to go to class to tell her personally how i ****ing felt about her. The next day i went to class and i saw down the hallway and as soon as i saw her she said 'NO' so i said **** it and i went back home. Come the next school year there she was the same girl i ****ing liked in front of me in the same class. I go throgh the school year still liking her like i need to prove it to her i still liked her. So i got good grades my first semester then i realized that how the **** im i going to show her these good grades that i got for her if i dont even talk to her. So come the end of the school year and it turns out she is pregnant with a kid ,another major blow. NExt school year i said **** it and i started talking to girls and girls were eyeing me because i have been lifting wights. Biut i just never made a move . I never went on a date, rarely went out with friends, never had a girlfriend and i didnt even attend prom. After high school i said **** it with life and i joined the military. I enlisted in the united states marine corps as an infantryman. I have been in the service for two years . Whike in the service i rarely had time for women only the weekend because of work and even then i never approached women. Where i work at is with pure guys 24/5 so im like WTF

thats my life story that got me to this point so can anyone help me out ill appreciate very much. My brain is all jacked up and i need your guys help


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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You do realize that by joining the military, you are seriously in danger of actually dying a virgin???

If you were going to die in 24 hours what would you do in the mean time?

Sounds to me like you gave up on yourself and decided to join the army. If that's the case, you should leave the army and really focus on what you want out of life.


New Member
May 28, 2008
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yeah youre right i gave up on myself with my love life and everything that i stooped taking risk in any shape or form concerning with women


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Dude, I didn't lose my virginity until I was 21. Micheal Moore didn't lose his until he was 35.

Losing your virginity isn't a big deal, either is dating or banging chicks. So you shouldn't be making life altering decisions based on those things.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you need to get some professional help. I used to go to therapy and it helped me out a lot. I think you have some really deep seeded issues that you have to work on before you can worry about banging hot chicks.


New Member
May 28, 2008
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you are probably right. i do have some deep seeded issues about life in general that i need to work on before i can bang hot chicks i guess i have to stop living in the past and continue with the future before anything i think i gotta seek professional help


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2008
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Locus said:
you are probably right. i do have some deep seeded issues about life in general that i need to work on before i can bang hot chicks i guess i have to stop living in the past and continue with the future before anything i think i gotta seek professional help
If you seriously feel like you need to seek professional help then by all means do so. But a simple change of outlook can do wonders for you too. You have to realize that still being a virgin at 20 isn't the end of the world, you're still young and starting to live your life. Focus on self improvement and watch as your confidence level grows, as well as your luck with the ladies.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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Firstly, women like guys with social skills. Paragraphs would provide some indication of basic communication skills.

If it is bothering you that much go have sex with a hooker. It will change your perspective on sex completely. You will realise that it really is not that big a deal.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
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Wow man. First off, "losing it" really isn't a big deal. Trust me, when you do have sex you're going to wonder what all the fuss is about. Don't get me wrong, sex is great but it's nothing like the life-changing experience everyone makes it out to be. At the same time I understand your frustration with still being a virgin. Personally I can't believe you haven't gotten any since you've been a marine. From personal observation women (especially bar chicks) love marines.

You've said yourself that you never approach women. It may sound mean, but it's the cold hard truth, it's your own fault that you're still a virgin. Getting laid isn't hard it just takes a bit of effort. If you can muster up the strength to make it through the marines boot camp you've definately got it in you to approach women. Just drop the negative stigma you have about your virginal status as that frustration is probably holding you back (easier said than done right?).

Concerning your story about highschool.... I'm not even going to touch that. I think you realize you went about it the wrong way. No biggie, every guy has a similar story of failure. It really isn't your fault you were improperly taught how to get women, it is your fault if you don't try to fix it though.


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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Don't worry about highschool....in a couple of years, (and especially once your 40+) it won't even matter.
My advice to you is that you immerse yourself in some hobbies or anything else that keeps your mind off women. You still want to take some time to go out and practice with women, but you don't want to revolve your life around whether girls accept you or not. There is a saying that goes something like "nothing kills attraction like neediness". I've noticed women like guys who have their lives in order and have a lot of interesting things going on for them. Women naturally gravitate towards guys like that because their not out to prove anything to women, their things for themselves and need no one else's approval.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
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SharinganUser said:
Dude, I didn't lose my virginity until I was 21. Micheal Moore didn't lose his until he was 35.

Losing your virginity isn't a big deal, either is dating or banging chicks. So you shouldn't be making life altering decisions based on those things.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you need to get some professional help. I used to go to therapy and it helped me out a lot. I think you have some really deep seeded issues that you have to work on before you can worry about banging hot chicks.
Being in therapy has taught me one major thing actually, and that's how to say no to people.

Sometimes saying no to certain AFC friends, leads you to new ones. Sometimes saying no to chicks, leads you to taking more career oriented risk and better financial success. Submitting to the demands and being the follower usually results in lonliness when you are say...20 years old like the guy that made this thread, and many friends have disappeared for college, or for having girlfriends, whatever.

Say NO to the things that are bringing you down. This is one time in your life where you have full control over everything. Your future as well. You are not stuck here. You don't have kids sucking all the money and life out of you and you don't have to deal with a woman who justifies your actions, yet there is something weighing you down. It could be AFC friends or maybe you are just lazy. Figure out what is bringing you down, and say NO to it. I make more connections with intelligent people and attractive chicks then I did when I hung out with the friends I made in high school. They are AFC's who smoke weed in their cars on fridays and saturdays, unless theres the occasional white trash house party, many of them are socially awkward, and just beneath me. I said NO to them and I am happy every day. I said YES to new friends and attract more woman and learn more and have more fun!

The present's just a pleasant interruption to the past.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I first got laid at 20, and I wasn't the picture of a fit body then or now. You're at least a step ahead of me on that...with the social skills, I just advise you to stop caring. When I did, my results improved.

(Did M. Moore really take until 35 to lose his V-card?)


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
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Steve Carrell didn't lose his virginity until he was 40.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
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Im 19 and a virgin Never had a Gf farthest i've gotten is second base through a shirt. Bur you know what i did I got some confidence mp3s off of lime wire and they helped a bundle. And i started working out. And the other thing is i keep a journal on this website. I have to say i'm a new man I would suguset these things im not even kidding 6 months ago i worried as much as a jewish grandmother, Now i can say im a Man. All about confidence and slowly breaking the fear of women. Look at the DJ bible too
Im in the same boat as you brother but you have to make a commitment. Just like a class you have to devote 30-2hrs a day and fook you can take longer than 30mins to take a poop:box: