So Ive been dating this girl for like 4 days now. Blind date first night, went pretty well. Second night made out and stayed at her place. Lots of texting the following day(Im having fun). Third night she stayed with me at my house and made plans for the next night that we would get together or something see each other that night. So here is what happened! I feel like crap.Yesterday all this texting how much she needs to see me blah blah. So last night she goes to her friends house. She says call me so we can meet up later "cool" O.k. fine I will. So I called her, no answer, so I left a message. Didn't hear from her. I decided just to go to bed or whatever. Im in bed and she calls me, conversation was very short, she says blah blah hangin out with friends, blah blah, I don't want to hang out tonight I need to take it easy. Im getting nervous now cause I really like this girl a lot ya know. We had made plans for tonight to go out with her sister and her blind date to this club. My dillema, I can't dance, I don't dance. And I know if I see her dance with another guy I will get jealous and leave and not speak to her again. But I really like this girl and want to start a relationship. Is this a test? DHV test for me, If so Im gonna fail miserably. I need a short plan to DHV to her. Gentlemen I am freaking out help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!