I need help bad. plz read...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2003
Reaction score
Warning: AFCish but plz read you'll understand.Sorry for the length, plz read anyways I really need help.

I met this girl in a class at school called MEN-MON (free period for doing homework).

I am not in the class, but Some of my friends are and I have a spare at that period so I come in to hang out with them. There was this girl there that I had my eye on for some time, so I finally work the courage up to approach her. So I did and at first it didn't go well (this is my fist cold approach so was not super smooth).
But I ended up walking her to her next class and the convo went well. Anyways the next day, I came in 10 min before the class was over and started talking to here again, After leaving the class I was gonna ask for her number. But I p'ussied out and asked her for here msn instead.

The thing is: The previous day, she seemed all interested and the next day she seemed all nervous and wierd. I'm not sure if she lost interest or is flakey of all together just don't like me. Anyways I asked her and she gave it to me, But I think she may have felt pressured to give it to me. So I am gonna use her msn eamil and eamil her this:


Hi Diane,

Remember me? Justin, the weirdo from Mr. Wilgosh’s Men-Mon. HAHA, I hope this isn’t a fake email address, and I’m not writing to some anonymous guy right now…anyways, just in case this is a real address and you’re reading this.
I got to get something across firstly, do I make you nervous? I mean, I’m not such a weirdo once you get to know me…Well, some who know me might even say I am a “nice guy” ( hehehe, hopefully). But that’s the thing, they gotta get to know me first or they wouldn’t know that.
Well…I guess over the break we could chat on msn or if you wanna give me your number then that would be cool too. I don’t wanna put you on the spot though, so don’t feel pressured. Just have fun, its March break.

Hit me back,Later.


well, what do you guys think?

The point of my email was to just put her at ease. I know it sounds AFC, but I am afraid i might be scaring this chick with the DJ stuff.

She is in grade eleven and although she is very cute, she is extremely shy and I don't think she has been hit on too often. I don't wanna scare her off. So what do you think? Should I email this or just forget the whole thing and move on?

I am still an amature Dj so I know I have made a SH!t load of mistakes.

Well lemme know what ya think. Oh, I gotta email this soon so plz reply with anything. Tell me i'm pathetic, tell me its all good, tell me to do something else , just lemme know. THNX



Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Hey man, you're doing fine for now. Sure you've made some mistakes, but it'll be all good in the end.

I know what you mean by these shy girls man. Im in Gr11 too and before I used to approach and practice on these types of girls too. I kinda moved on a while back when I realized that there are much more exciting and open and fun, interesting girls, and it just plain was not worth the effort I put into the shy ones.

As for this one...

I got to get something across firstly, do I make you nervous? I mean, I’m not such a weirdo once you get to know me…Well, some who know me might even say I am a “nice guy” ( hehehe, hopefully). But that’s the thing, they gotta get to know me first or they wouldn’t know that.
Jesus christ man. Don't do it. Trust me. Step your ass back for a second and read it as if you were a normal person. Then read it again. DO NOT confront the girl about her feelings, especially not at your age right now. If you were back in Gr6 Id say go for it.

Why I say trust me, is cuz I did a similar thing like a year and a half ago... and then I almost shot myself. It'll bite you in the ass man.

So if I were in your place, I'd restructure the e-mail a bit so that it doesn't talk about your feelings towards one another. Its good that you have the humour going, and if you could just send her an e-mail asking her for just her number, it'll work out fine.

When you ask her for the date and such, then you could maybe throw something in like "that would be a great opportunity to get to know each other" or something more practical. Whatever you want, just don't talk about your feelings in the e-mail.

Well, thats my opinion. Hope it helps.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
you sound nervous and insecure in that email. Modify it... my opinion


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
well as for the e-mail.....trash it..it makes you look very insecure and that you are falling head over heels for her...if you are, hold your feelings back, especially around her...i say follow what roots said, ask her for a date...if she says no, the nyou dont wast any time, if she says yes than it was a lot easier than it would have been...


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2003
Reaction score
I know some of you may not agree on this.
But why dont u just give her your number and be like hey call me sometime.
Then you will truly know if she likes you.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by toyota861
I know some of you may not agree on this.
But why dont u just give her your number and be like hey call me sometime.
Then you will truly know if she likes you.
Nononononono NO NO NO!

DO NOT DO THIS. It's not an indication of interest, it's an indication of how out-going she is.

She is SHY. She won't call a guy even if she's frigging in love with you. You're the one that's gonna have to do the approaching here.

I hardly ever give my number to a girl first, I'm the one in control here. Only if she begs you do you ever give ur number to a chick.