The problem i see on this site and in real life is, exactly as you stated, the JERK is always in the forefront, everybody notices him.
While they might fail often, most people only remember them succeeding because A-THEY usually become good BS artists or B-because they usually brag more then anybody else about minimal things.
So people who come to this site or just to a friend and try to get advice, think being a JERK is the way to go.
Here is the biggest myth.
Yeah right, most JERKS/AZZHOLES have the biggest insecurities. Yeah they act tough, might even be tough, but they are so LOUD and try to BRAG soo much, not because they don't give a crap, but because they Need people to NOTICE THEM. They need people to notice how rude or arrogant or how much of a jerk they are.
While many do get women, many also get women that look great at first, but after finding out about them, they are PSYCHO chics.
I've had a few friends who were the typical AZZHOLE/JERKS. Yes they hooked up a lot, but they also dated some of the most psycho chics i've ever met. But every single one I've known, they needed more approval and reassurance then anybody else, they just were good at making it look like they didnt.
Dont think the JERK GRASS is greener then where your at, because it's not.