I need a personalised response...


Don Juan
May 14, 2004
Reaction score
I can't seem to take much inspiration from the bible as it's all template posts that attempt to apply to everyone. It's definately a great asset to the board to nearly everyone else but I need something directed to me, personally.

I'm going to my debs (equivalent of prom) with this girl that I do not know. My friend set it up. She's really good looking and everyone who knows her says she's easy to get along with.

Anyway, I first met up with her properly about 2 months ago. She had already agreed to go with me before this even though we didn't know each other. I was talking to her in this pub and everything was going fine I was talking to her quite a bit. I wasn't trying to score with her or anything, just getting to know her.

Anyway she goes out for a cigarette with a couple of my friends and when she came back in, she was saying how it's so weird the way we are going to the debs together because she's so loud and one of my (girl)friends had just told her that I was really quiet.

After hearing that,I started actually becoming really quiet. It was as if I couldn't act confident because I could not break the mould of my quietness, even though I hadn't been quiet before this.
I am not that loud of a person, I don't demand attention or anything but I am fairly confident. I'm just not in people's faces the whole time if you know what I mean.

I met up with her again last night in a friends house and, like before, it started off okay. We were talking and I was comfortable although still quieter than usuall because of what happened the last time. I left for a while with some friends and when I came back I didn't sit beside her. I think the seat was taken or something. Anyway she kept staring over at me and it just kept making me uneasy. I talked a bit among the group but not that much to her.

When we were leaving I was walking up the road with her and another friend when she said that I was so quiet and that it looked like she'd be doing most of the talking at the debs. She said this in a joking way but she obviously meant what she was saying. Before I could respond my friend jumped in saying leave him alone blah, blah, blah.. but he was messing too. It wasn't serious or anything because we were laughing. I tried to overcome my quietness and started talking to her more on the way home and the night ended a bit better.

I can definately tell that she wants me to talk to her more and she's not dismissing me because of this at all. But since she was told I was quiet, any time I've been around her I've acted this way because it's how she sees me. I can't seem to break away from this. I'm always confident around my friends. I'm always confident around strangers because I can come off confident if I want because they have no reason to doubt my confidence. But since she has the idea that I'm quiet in her head I act this way.

I know this is very long, sorry about that.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
dont listen to your frends they may have the same intention with the hb, wats the matter with you go up to her and talk, just relax talk about anything u like, build your self confidence and fast! i think ur scared that u may say the wrong things. read the bible. cant handle her. move on


Don Juan
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
I'm still unsure if this will help your specific situation or not because I'm not sure if we share the same problem.
Anyway, when I meet new people it takes me a little while to get used to them I guess. I'm really trying to break away from this habit by just trying to be the same with new people as I am with people I know already like my friends. I have a reputation in my group as a really funny guy, and I can just be myself around them because I'm comfortable talking to them. However, if you throw a new girl into the situation (especially a hot one) I will clam up and feel uneasy cracking jokes around her or even just talking to her. So I often neglect talking directly to her (and when I do talk it usually becomes boring factualy statements or questions).
I am really trying to break the mold and force myself to be uncomfortable. The Bible was a huge help to me in this situation especially. Sure, the Bible is trying to target everyone with the topics there, but what I found works is not to just read it and say "Ok, great..." I had to read each post and try to tweak it so that I could see how it would help me specifically. Since then I have been having no trouble talking to new people(especially girls). Try to make each post in the Bible specific to you, figure out how each one could help you in your life. There are posts there that will help you a great deal, and some that will only help a tiny bit. Everything in there will help though.
I hope I helped, if not, then flame me.


Don Juan
May 14, 2004
Reaction score
The friend that said that I was quiet was a girl, so it wasn't like they were trying to take her away from me by dissing me. And she wasn't trying to insult me behind my back, she just thinks I'm quiet. Also I'm not trying to score with her, I'm just going to this dance with her. So I won't have a problem with moving on. There's nothing happening between us.
Can anybody give me a possible explanation as to why I act the way people perceive me to be and can't act like the real me.

Edit: Thanks Extra, your situation is very similar to mine. What have you been doing? Had any success? And your advice regarding the bible is good. I'll try it. Thanks
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Don Juan
May 14, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody? I apologise for bumping a thread you may have already read but I need some advice.