I need a critique and advice on my POF profile.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
I've had limited success with this site. Half the them women message me back, and I've one date... a bad one, from this site. I do get a lot of women who view my profile. I think I'm going to reboot my profile and take some time off from POF. What is good and bad about the profile, and what changes should I consider?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Deicide said:
I've had limited success with this site. Half the them women message me back, and I've one date... a bad one, from this site. I do get a lot of women who view my profile. I think I'm going to reboot my profile and take some time off from POF. What is good and bad about the profile, and what changes should I consider?
I don't think there's anything ridiculously wrong with your profile. On the flip side, there's nothing particularly memorable about it either.

I've gotten a fair amount of women from online dating, and I find that most of them find something from my profile to ask me about. The trick seems to be - you want to lower the branch for them. Give them a conversation-starter.

My profile mentions a few interesting things about myself:
I'm a writer (professionally, not just hobby)
I like whiskey
I listen to (and play) the blues
I'm semi-well traveled

And this is the stuff girls write to me about. They probably picture me as some troubled, bearded, whiskey-obsessed traveler. And they're not too far off.

If your profile has a problem, I'd say that you're too one-size-fits-all. You like sports. You like art. You're easygoing. You like women who are easygoing...but it's okay if they're not, because you like the opposite too.

Everyone likes sports, art, and considers themselves "easygoing."

Find some way to get into specifics. Instead of "sports", talk about your love of alligator wrestling...or whatever the hell you're into. Know what I mean?

I have an unfair advantage because I'm a writer. So I know how to paint pictures with words. But even if you're not a writer, I think you can be a little more specific about yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
your profile picture not reflect a strong man , try to take a photos with more alpha male gestures


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
I feel your profile is too wordy and your pic makes you look a little goofy. Where is this lifting weights body?


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. Profile pic has to go - it's a half@$$ smile, and looks like you're pinching a poo you've been holding for a couple hours.

2. Username might be disclosing too much about yourself (i.e. this is what the 'interests' section is for. Get rid of your birth year from the equation.

3. You're not looking for a relationship. Casual dating (because you want the girl to initiate the relationship when she realizes how fun you are!)

4. Change your headline. "Seeing what online dating is about" is very mundane. It's the first thing she reads, and implies that you don't know what you want (alphas know what they want hint hint).

5. You "drink socially". The initial meet & greet via a drink is the BEST way to get acquainted.

6. You're a teacher by profession, not a DJ/Teacher. I say this because you have to have a balance of provider & romeo. DJ is a great romeo, but these girls want to qualify you as provider initially.

7. Change how you feel about children. 9 times of 10, a woman will want children in the future.

8. Your longest relationship was longer. BS this one if you have to. If you can't keep a girl longer than a year, it's like keeping a job in woman's eyes.

9. The About Me section is WAAAAAAYY too long. Just the initial sentences wreak of desperation. You are strong. You are confident. You're balancing jerk & nice guy. Don't go into too much detail either. You want them to be curious about you, but you're showing them all of your cards before they even message you. Brag about you achievements, how much you love your job, helping needy kids or w/e. Talk about how family is so important. Try to keep it no longer than 1-2 paragraphs.

10. Your first date is always a surprise. See my profile for good example.

For your profile pics, put at least one body shot up, so they have an idea of what they're working with. I started getting msgs almost daily when I did this.


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
For your profile picture, sit up straight, be facing just a tad to one side or the other and be laughing, don't look directly at the camera, as if it was a random shot, not a portrait.
Say that you drink socially, and that you want children someday.
Rewrite your 'about me section' making it shorter. Listing your activities is really good. Then in the 'first date' section, suggest going to do one of those activities~ every time I've dated online I chose someone who liked back-packing like I do, and then set up a hike. My reasoning is that even if the guy is not someone I want to date, at least I had a great time doing something that we both enjoy and would do anyway. In the last paragraph of your 'about me' section, simply state that you are a people person and enjoy lots of personality types.
I really believe that joining a group that is already doing activities that you enjoy will afford you more opportunities to meet real people than an online dating site.