Alright maybe a little back story will help, my first wife I got with when I was 15 and married at 20 divorced at 21 and I was a total beta and after that I decided I'd never let a girl control my life again, So I went the extreme opposite and enjoyed being young and sleeping with every girl I could, well two years later I meet wife #2 and I'm 23 at this time and she's 19 well we date for 6 month and then get married, completely ignoring all the red flags and alarms going off, no dad, moms a junky, grew up bouncing from home to home even her aunt told me she has serious issues two hours after I married her! So we were married 3 years before things got crazy and I found out she was sleeping with my brother! So the night I find out about it we get in a big fight and I leave and stay at my buddies a few days figuring out what to do, she moved 2000 miles to be with me so she doesn't have any family here and at the time our daughter was 6 months old so I couldn't just kick her out and I had just built our new home and we had been in it 4 months so no way was I gonna keep sleeping on my buddies couch!! So I contact my first ex wife (she's a lawyer) and I tell her what's going on and she helps with all the legal paper work because wife #2 was trying to take the house, so finally she dropped it and she moved out and got an apartment and we settled everything out of court. So I'm talking to wife#1 a lot thru all this and she starts telling me how she's not happy in her new marriage and she wants out so we start sleeping together and that last about 6 month before my brain kicks in and I get out! So life is good for about a year and a half, meeting new girls but mainly just focusing on me and my daughter, then wife #2 being the manipulatur that she is started worming her way back in to the point where we are going on vacations together and see each other daily but I hate her with every ounce of my being!! Then wife #1 calls and says she's having a party and that I should come, so I go and her husband had to work so end up staying the night and we've been sleeping together 2 or 3 times a week since for the last two month