I am a senior in highschool. two months ago, i went to take the ACT. We were supposed to get there at 8:00 am and i got there at like 7:50. i went inside and it was very crowded and i didnt know many people, so i stood in the back kind of by myself and just chilled out. Right after i did this a very attractive girl came in. She looked around for a second, then went over by me and stood there by herself. I didnt say anything b/c i was a dumbass and wasnt thinking. im not really shy or anything, i was just really tired and not thinking. anyway after about a minute or so, she started a conversation with me. we talked for 3 or 4 minutes. Then all of a sudden in the middle of the conversation i just to go outside(didnt say excuse me or hold on or anything..just left). dont know what the hell i was thinking. When i went back in I felt so stupid i didnt even look to see if she was still there, i just went into my classroom. I normally would have gotten her number and everything but i just dont know what the hell i was thinking that morning. i dont think we even exchanged names. yesterday i went to get my senior pictures and while i was waiting i looked through some yearbooks that they had at the store.(me and her said where we went to school) i found her picture, which has her name. when i got home, i looked up her name in the phonebook and it was there, so now i got her number. Now my question is should i call her and see if she remembers me and wants to hook up or would i just wind up freaking her out and seeming kind of stalkerish. im thinking i should call b/c she obviously was attracted to me or else she would not have started the conversation. and even if she does think im some kinda stalker or something, its not that big of a deal b/c ill probably never see her again and she doesnt even know my name. just want to know your opinions. sorry i rambeled on so long. hope you understand what i was trying to say.