First of all, you only dated her for 3 that is nothing.
Second, she is a drunk and drinks a lot.....that is your pet peeve
Third, you don't know that much about her yet....hell, you didn't even know she likes to drink a lot.
Fourth, she flipped the script on you and turned you into the bad guy
Fifth, she now has you believing that this is your fault, that you are to blame, when it was HER behavior that caused the problem.
Sixth, there was no need to be begging or crying
Seventh, she is using the "you broke my heart" line to end the relationship
Eighth, she used this "fight" as a way to break up with you
Ninth, the relationship is over because she wants it to be over, she was looking for a way out and she got it.
Tenth, quit crying over a drunken party chick...find another chick who won't turn on you and isn't a pet peeve of yours.
I've said this fact, I just said this in another thread!!
Chicks do this sh!t all the time when they want to dump guy....first they turn the dude into a bad guy, then they start a fight, then they break up with him during the fight!!
The guy immediately apologizes and begs forgiveness, but she doesn't want to hear any of it...then the guy believes it was all his fault that the break up happened and that he hurt her....even when it was all her fault!!
She can do whatever she wants now because she is free of the guy and holds all the power
This is just a power play manipulation tactic that chicks use against fell victim to it.
You can never "win her back"....she doesn't want you back....don't be a fool....she broke up with you because she wanted to get rid of you...and that she did....move on because this chick isn't worth it.
Chicks do this when they are looking for a way out of the relationship....they will find any excuse they can to a start fight and ultimately end the relationship...which is what she did with you!!
Chicks use an excuse to as why they can no longer be with you...her excuse is that "you broke her heart"
No matter what to try to say or do, you will always be the bad guy according to her.
She has the perfect excuse dude.....what the hell can you do? Nothing!!
Every time you beg or cry to get her back, she will refuse and say "you broke my heart"
She played you for a fool, and turned on you on a really want a chick like that?
She holds the trump card and has the power over this relationship...which is to break up with you and end it for good.
If this chick really cared for you, would she turn on you and break up with you? No, she would be upset, but not break up over something minor.
She knew what she was doing....she had her chance to do it......she seized the moment...then she dumped you.
People just don't break up like that....Opportunists use a heat of the moment fights to break up with you.
You said she gets wasted with her friends and they have to take care of are tired of dating party matter what she says or has you to believe, she is just like all the just don't know her well enough yet.
Chicks who get wasted regularly with friends make bad judgments...they are all the same, no matter what they try to claim.
Don't be surprised to find out she is banging another guy who she says is there for "support" LOL
Find a chick who doesn't get wasted all the time and one who won't dump you in the heat of the moment.