I made her cry

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by kk2004
...I wasnt getting the respect she would do things like walk away and not care if i was with her and she woulndt like ask me if i wanted to go to a diffrent game she would just go there and expect me to follow thas MESSED UP no way.
Some of you DJ's are heartless in your responses. Where is the love?

I think she is a manipulator.

She expects you to follow her??? She does the opposite of what you say?? Not good!! Danger Danger!! She wants to see if she can control you!!! And she purposely disobeyed your instructions to show you that you cannot control her!!!

You did right by being pissed - do not follow her!!! You did wrong by apologizing!!

If she doesn't follow your lead then leave her go to the abyss!!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score

guys, i dont want to hurt her though, i spoke with her today and she cried again and she siad

"hey i dont know what i did wrong"
I told her that i was upset and that on top she like took me for granted a little and that just blew up."

but this time i made it up to her, you know. I mean i dont want to be a jerk but i dont want to be stepped on either, I love trhis gurl i do. But then i also need to spank her a little and i spanked her more than i shud have cuz she really didsnt do much at all but still I dont want to be heartless.

SHE CARES ABOUT ME SO MUCH I KNOW IT DEEP DOWN, making her cry makes me feel bad.


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
kk2004....you are a great guy to feel that way, seriously.

I totally agree with you, every now and then you have to chest-tise(I know I spelled that wrong again, haha) every now and then, just to show them that you care.

How about this......this should work for you...

Tell her that you do care about her and look out for her best interest, and sometimes you just have to put your foot down, but....I do that because I care about you.....

be sincere and be loving.....you are on the right track, sounds like you have a keeper there pal! Oh, do I hear wedding bells?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score

im only 18 hehe, wedding bells i dont know, yet maybe i can keep her around lol.

Yeah Ill tell her im sorry that i took my anger out on her, thats what i Did i was really mad at something else, and i just said some stuff that wasnt even true but some things i told her i felt where not right.

Now i need a way to make it up to her and I think that when I see her im just gonna sit there with her for 5 min and tell her that i was angry and pissed off at soemthing and that it wasnt her, it really wasnt, and that I feel like that my opnion should also matter, ill express my concerns and then Ill hug her ass so tight and squish her to death. Ill tell her that I care like you said and that in a realtionship im happy that we can disscuss w/e we may want with each other.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
Hey KK2004,

You should have pulled a Player_Supreme on her, and after you made her start crying, you should have started bringing up all kinds of painful sh*t from her past that she's told you, to make her cry some more, then you should've made her suck your c*ck while she was crying.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: !!!!!!!