I Love Street Fight Stories!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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Lets face it, we all love to hear about them, especially when were in a convo at the bar...heres one i found really entertaining (not my story)

Woke up extremly hung over one day to a message left at midnight from my dad. He stated that he needed my help with David, my 28 year old step brother. Apparently David while on speed attacked my dad while he was reading the paper. My Dad was in ill health and 62 at the time. I drove 60 miles and stopped to puke twice.

When I got there my Dad asked me to talk to him. I went to his room, and woke him up (at 3pm). His first words were "he fvcking deserved it man". I lost it. Straight full power right to the face that knocked him straight to his back on his bed. I went apesh1t. I ended up mounting him and pounding the sh1t out of him. He tried to turn over but I would not let him until I was done pounding him. Once I let him go belly down I put the hooks in and I alternated between pounding him and choking him out. Pulled huge clumps of hair out of his head. I beat him for about 45 minutes straight. I choked him out at least 4 times. I was really worried that he would extract revenge on my Dad once I was gone so I figured that I needed to impress upon him my intentions. When I was done he was begging for his life. In hindsight I am very lucky I did not kill him.

At the time I did not care if I did. When I was done, I walked downstairs to the sink and washed the blood off my arms, face and hands and my Dad walks up and says " you really had a long talk with him". I thought he had to have heard the commotion and pounding of Davids head off the walls and floors etc. I was trying to leave when Davids Mom came home. She was Davids mom and not mine (our parents married when I was 21 and David was 26) so I figured it was past time to get the hell out of there. All of a sudden it hits my dad and He says" Wait did you beat him up? You can not leave me here alone to deal with this, you are staying". David opens his bedroom door and begins wailing " Mom help, Mom help me". His Mom went up and 5 minutes later comes down, looks at me and says " He has deserved that for years. Are you staying for dinner? After I get him some Ice, I am making chicken please stay."

So after beating the sh1t out of him, I took his normal place at the table and ate his fvcking dinner while he sat in his room bleeding 15 feet above me. Freeking great! The next day I had 800 cc's of water drained from my elbow (first of 4 drainings) from the elbows to the spine and back of the head. I also had my right hand casted. My Dad told me he looked like the Elephant man a full three weeks later. David acts like a broken animal every time he sees me. If I raise a hand he flinches, he says nothing and has not looked me in the eye in five years. Most importantly he does not say a word to my Dad and has never so much as looked at him cross again. Everyone in the family acknowledges that he has never been the same since that day and nobody seems to think that is a bad thing including his biological bros and sisters.

NOW LETS HEAR ABOUT SOME OF YOUR STORIES!! Anything interesting?? Lets hear it!! - Ken


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score

I don't usually advocate violence but sounds like this guy needed what he got.

I regret not pounding the crap out of a guy in high school who flipped me sh-t 24/7. He was a weakling, but I was an AFC so I didn't. I could've pummeled him and he would've backed off. One of my best friends took a shot at him in grade school or junior high and he never got near him.

Funny story not involving me: We all know those a-hole jocks in high school from popular/rich families. Well, they're big in small towns. This clown gave everyone sh-t and he was a fairly big guy, not huge, but his family had a rep for being good athletes. No one touched him in high school, don't know why.

Anyway, he graduates and goes to play college football and a small school about 80 miles away and he's still carrying the attitude with him ... this time no one knows who he is and he's just average size compared to them. The FIRST day of practice he pops off a guy breaks his jaw! He has to get it wired shut, quits school and goes running home to mommy and daddy.

Heard his ego was never as huge thanks to that lesson.

That story isn't nearly as good as yours but it's all I got.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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It was during new years eve, drinking with a bunch of guys.

Suddenly 4 drunks comes up to us and says how Indians are stealing his job, and make a lot of racist remarks. They notice one of the guys in my group are Indian, so they attacked him.

The Indian guy went nuts and started attacking the guys with a wine bottle. By the time we even looked up, 3 of the drunks were running away, and the last one was unconscious. We had to actually hold down our friend to stop him killing that guy. The cops came, there was a big fuss in court, the guy charged us for assault, but there was no witnesses, so nothing was proven.

That was years ago. The irony is that the same Indian guy is studying medicine today....so their claims he is "stealing" their job isnt exactly accurate (since those 4 guys probably worked at McDonalds:D).


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
heres one...

i was around 18 at the time. There was this dude i knew, lets call him D1ck. D1ck was around 5'5 120 pounds( around my size). D1ck moved away from Utah out of his parents house when he was 15 cuz he didnt want to listen to their rules n stuff. D1ck was a LAZY spoiled basterd who did anything to get by, he did anything to survive, D1ck was too damn lazy to get a job, and every job D1ck ever had he would get fired cuz he never wanted to show up to work, he would rather go use people to buy alcohol and weed and pretend to be friends with them. In other words, he was the biggest LAZY PIECE OF SH!T you could imagine. D1ck would always try to "befriend" people so he could live at their houses and eat their food.

D1ck would always try to act was he was too cool and act like he was a tough guy, he would always try to act like he was the leader/Boss in the circle of people we hung out with. Ive only know him for about a few months and tried to "befriend" him. But for some reason D1ck never wanted be my friend and would always blatently disrespect me. He would always ignore me whenever i would try to talk to him, tried to act tough and bold to me whenever we were hanging with our circle. He even told me to my face once that he didnt respect me. He would ALWAYS try to use me for his own benefit Ex: Buy us a ten sack ken (weed), Lets take your car ken, give me a ride here ken. But still disrespecting me although i was doing all this cuz i thought i wanted to be his friend (mind you i was a total AFC back then and didnt realize anything about respect)

Then one day we all took a trip to Ocean beach out of San Francisco. We lit a bonfire and drank 40oz's and smoke weed. Were all just sittin there high and drunk and then someone mentions..."Lets wrestle!!" we were at the beach and someone thought it would be fun to wrestle in the sand, so we had wrestling matches i wrestled 2 times and lost both times (mind you i was wrestling bigger dudes and i was high). Everyone wrestled but D1ck. So then i challenge D1ck to a match. D1ck was all like "you just lost twice, ILL DIP YOU n1gga!!" he said that like 3 times. So then i say "ok, well then why dont you wanna wrestle me??" He looks at me for about 5 seconds kinda in confusion on what to do and then says again, "You dont wanna wrestle me, ill hurt you!!" then i go "Lets wrestle then, why dont you want to then?!?".

D1ck then stares at me again in front of everyone and kinda hesistated for 3 seconds and then takes off his jacket quick like a big tough guy, like hes going to beat my ass. Everyone kinda Ahh's like they really want to see us wrestle cuz i called him out.

So then we start wrestling (im high, he is sober) and i pick him up and dip him hard to the sand like 2 times, then i get him in side control and lock his head with my left arm and pull it up, D1ck meanwhile is trying to struggle out and finally just gives up and everybody looks in shock. While i still got him locked up he says "Ok n1gga..let me go". Then everyone is silent as D1ck gets up very slowly to dust himself off...

D1ck doesnt say anything for the rest of the night. Whenever we hung out after that D1ck's attitude changed, he was no longer the tough guy he acted like he was, he became goofy around people so in other words he became a B1TCH.

I was pissed at him one time after that and challenged him to a real fight, he ended up CRYING, I hadnt even touched this guy yet!! Everyone lost all respect for him and he moved away from Califonia back to live with his parents in Utah....

What a coward!! After all that tough guy image and respect crap he was nothing but a poser.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
I was very small and frail in high school so i was a very easy target. This older football player called me gay, and always sang the smurf song in my presence. One day he called me gay in computer class, so i calmly got out of my seat, went up to him, and beat the fu%k out him. Keep in mind this dude was way bigger then me, so needless to say, by beating the he11 out of him i gained a lot of respect. The teacher understood my situation and proceeded to not do a dam thing. Although i pounded this clown into the ground, i still hate his freaking guts!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
hahaha come on guys... no other replys?? or are you guys just pvssys who never been in a fight in your life??


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ken785
hahaha come on guys... no other replys?? or are you guys just pvssys who never been in a fight in your life??
Are you one of those "Internet tough guys"? I remember couple months ago on the DJ forum, player_supreme and some other guy (cant remember who, was it jakethesnake?) was threatening to beat each other up.

They suggested places to meet to "fight" or something, but both of them never did anything.


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
the yawning pits of hell
One day me and my friends took a van and rolled up to an apartment complex and beat the **** out of some guy arguing with some girl. We whooped his ass into his car.

Don't f*ck with me. I fight punk style. I'll take whatever is around and smash it on your face.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
anyways fighting is so stupid. everybody has been in at least once, whether it be verbal or physical. i've been in several fights and have scars to prove it. but i'm not proud that i've beatin people. it seems like some people have something to prove, or make up for whats lacking.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
I've never been in an all out fight before.

The closest i've been to a fight was back in 6th grade. This kid started talking sh1t to one of my friends in the school's lunchroom and I told him to leave us alone. He punched me on the side of the face but it didn't faze me at all. I nailed him with a good punch and he fell on the ground and everybody started laughing at him. I saw him around campus many times after the incident but he never bothered me again.


Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
World of enlightenment
Pretty cool stories.

It just goes to show that if you are in a relationship and you let the other person trample all over you too much there will be an imbalance of respect and dignity.

With an imbalance people get arrogant and tough and will dissent and quarrel against anything you say because they think t hat you are weak.

Never let this happen to you. Always keep the respect and dignity level balanced.

It doesnt mean you need to be tough and act like you have somethign to prove, just dont let people trample all over you.
Dont let them be the boss of you.

Be the boss of yourself but have strict morals and values to follow.

When you had beat the sh-t out of the first guy, his dignity level just dropped dramataically and he lost all his respect because you destroyed him.

That was probably too extreme because now there is still an imbalance.

He is now afraid of you and you now have too much power and you are now intimidating.

Ideally, you dont want an imbalance you want a balance.

If you had beat the sh-t out of him and he cut his crap out and yall stil talked and were friends than that would probably be a balance.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
any more good ones??? You guys had to have had some interesting encounters w/ past bullies... or am i correct and you are all pvssies??


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
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I went to school with this kid from 4th grade on.

I always had problems with this kid, but it never got to more than some smack talking.

We get to highschool, and we both happen to make the hockey team.(me Defenseman, him Leftwing)

During practice we split up into 2 groups.

He's got the puck on the play, skating through the middle with his head down..I come across the ice and send him flying..He couldn't get up for 3 or 4 minutes..

The next day he was all effed up and said "When I get back, we're gonna fight."

I accepted his challenge.

2 weeks later, same thing. I drop him with a check and he gets up ready to go. We take our gloves and helmets off, and square up.

He throws a haymaker, misses, and I land a straight right..He goes down to one knee but gets back up(major balls on his part but a bad move) I grab ahold of his jersey, dodge a left, and go to town
I drop him with 2 punches, fight over. Couldn't skate off on his own, missed 3 games.

Not that good, but I roughed the punk up a little.


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Here's one that happened outside my apartment back when I lived in a sh1tty neighborhood, in San Jose, about 2 years ago.

I had just got done walking my girlfriend to her car, after leaving my place at 1am. I came inside and heard what sounded like muffled screams. I looked out the window and saw a mexican gangster dude limping as fast as he could across the street. I was like, Huh? Then, out of nowhere another gangster dude runs up behind him, holding a huge ass 2x4 wooden plank, and smacks the fcker right in the back of the head. Dude goes down on the grass across the street and falls on his back. The other guy just starts hammering away with 2x4 on the fallen guy. Dude is screaming bloody murder trying to block the hits but is just getting nailed. I'm riveted, glued to the scene thinking, "Holy shiet!". Then the guy with the 2x4 lifts it way up, and behind his head, for a final blow. He swings that shiet down like a fcking sledgehammer and the guy on the floor raises his leg to try and block it. Wrong move. The board comes down with a heavy thud right in the dude's balls. Fuuuuuuuk! His yell was the most disturbing sound I've ever heard. The scream was so intense I actually flinched. Right then I hear some tires screech and an El Camino pulls up and empties out with vatos. They all get out, give a few good kicks to the guy on the floor, who is now unconcious, get back in the car, including the guy with the board, peel out, and take off.

I started to go outside to see if i could help the guy when suddenly every mexican gangster in the world shows up and surrounds the guy on the floor. Apparently this dude was their friend and now they are majorly pissed. There were literally about 40 dudes who showed up. Some of them stayed with their friend till the paramedics came, the rest drove off into the night searching for the guys who fcked up their amigo.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
While these stories are interesting ...

... I find the first tale to be incredibly exaggerated. The guy who did the beating didn't even tell the story and I doubt his mom would put up with such a terrible beating like that. Usually a couple blows to a stoner is enough and one doesn't go on and on for 45 minutes to an hour. And yes, his mom would've checked up on him. Tell your friend he's full of it, because he is.

And the post is right about cyber-tough guys. What a crock. It's getting to the point where everyone is laying five women a night, then going to their six-figure job the next morning in their lear jet. Pleeeeeeease, could people be just a little bit honest around here?! The guy who said he got a video of his ex- getting gang b-anged was a classic, and most people bought it.

I think there's some truth to the first story, but I call B.S. on A LOT of it. You don't need to embelish it to get cyber high fives.

Sorry, but the blatant lying on this site is incredible and it's getting easier and easier to detect. I didn't even want to open the thread on pictures of guy's cars because I'm sure fellas were cutting and pasting BMWs and Lexuses left and right.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Some dude wouldn't take a "no" as an answer from my girlfriend. He kept trying to feel up on her, lean into her, all sorts of crap. She kept grabbing onto me going "what the hell dude!? I'm with my boyfriend." I just looked over at him, raised up my sunglasses (I wear dark shades almost all the time, my eyes get sunlight sensitive) and went "Is there a problem here?" The dumbass goes "Yeah, this b*tch won't give me any."

Needless to say, that just about did it. "This is my girlfriend." "What the f*ck you gonna do about me feeling her?" "This." *WHAM! WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM* I swept his legs (I was a kicker so I have some good footwork), took him down, and punched his face a few times. I looked at him and said "That answer your question?" and got up as my gf kicked him in the ribs. Hilarious.

Memo: Don't piss off an Italian with his black girlfriend. :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Re: While these stories are interesting ...

Originally posted by WestCoaster
Sorry, but the blatant lying on this site is incredible and it's getting easier and easier to detect. I didn't even want to open the thread on pictures of guy's cars because I'm sure fellas were cutting and pasting BMWs and Lexuses left and right.
That thread went quickly from "post a pic of your ride" to "b*tch out my ride."


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Alright, I love fight stories too. Here's another.

Few years back I was hanging out with some friends and we stopped by Taco Bell to get some comida. This particular TB is known for the mexican gangsters hanging out there. I knew a lot of them cause we grew up in the same neighborhood so they never bothered me. Anyway, on this day some black gang members dropped by both sides started talking shiet to each other. It all dies down and all the gang bangers leave except for one mexican dude who was just chillin. He leaves at about the same time as us and when we get outside the black dudes are back. They start talking shiet to the mexican dude. This time it's on.

All the people in the area came and surrounded the scene, cause everyone knows when a fight is about to happen. Black guy is about 5'11, 190pnds and the Mexican is about 5'9 160pnds. The square off and just start throwing punches like crazy. It last for a couple minutes, going back and forth. If one of them fell they'd jump right back up and start swinging. Their clocking each other with shots to the face and body but nothing with knock out power. Then it happens...black dude gets in a solid shot to the mexicans jaw...drops that fcker like a sack of potatoes. Mexican crumples to the ground, barely concious. Black dude starts gloating and him and his friends start talking shiet. The Mexican dude shakes his head, clears the fog, gets up and wants some more. Black dude was all, Aight, Imma kill this nigga! He rushes at the mexican and just before he throws his punch his eyes get all big and is like Oh shiet! The rest of use were like huh? The black dude turns around and tries to run but it's too late. The mexican stabbed that b1tch in the ass. Literally. No one realized it but the mexican had taked out, and hidden, a knife when he got up. The black dude starts jumping around in a circle, mad as hell, blood pouring down his ass cheek and says, hahahah...he says, FUUUUUUUUK!!!! Nigga shanked me in the booty! Nigga shanked me in the mothaphuckin booty!!!

Mexican guy was standing there ready for the black dude to come back at him. Guess he forget that the black dude had his friends there cause all of the sudden...BAM!!! One of the threw a beer bottle right at his noggin and it smashed into little pieces. Mexican dude staggered, looked around, realized what just happened, and took off runnin. The black dude friends caught up to him in the parking lot, beat the shiet out of him between two cars, smashed some more bottles on his head and left.

Don't know what happened to the mexican or black dude after that.

Man, I got all kinds of street fight stories. Maybe I'll post some more later. I can't enough of them either, so let's hear more.



Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Damnit, ok, one more.

At the same Taco Bell as above.

There was this Vietnamese gangster dude named Sentong. For some reason him and his friend Jay didn't like this black gangster dude who went by the name "Snoop". Yeah Snoop. Becuase he sounded like him when he talked. Anyway, Sentong and Jay are at the Taco Bell, outside, while me and some friends were inside. We hear a commotion and go outside to see what was up. Snoop had walked up and wanted to go inside but Sentong and Jay were like, Hell no you ain't goin inside. Get the fuk outta here.

They are all about 5'9, 160pnds.

Anyway, Snoop tries to push his way in and gets pushed back. He didn't want to fight but at this point he's had enough so he's like Wassup b1tch?! Imma knock ya ass out!

Jay looks over at Sentong and snickers. Sentong lays back and Jay runs up to Snoop, trying to rush him. Yowsa. Snoop throws a PERFECT straight right and catches Jay on the nose. I mean, perfect form and weight behind the punch right as Jay was comin in. Fukkkkkkk! Jays head snapped back and his feet went out from under him and that b1tch slammed HARD, back first, onto the concrete. Flat on his fcking back. His head slammed into the concrete and he was dazed and didn't know where he was at. Sentong runs over to see if Jay was all right and Snoop starts to walk away. Guess he really wanted some food! haha. Jay gets back up with a busted nose but Sentong holds him back and is all, I got this. Sentong yells out Hey b1tch! Snoop turns around and is like wassup b1tch?! I already kicked your friends ass. You want some too?! At this point Snoop had walked about 20 feet so there was some distance between them. Doesn't stop Sentong. He runs full spead at Snoop with his arm up like he's gonna punch so Snoop puts his arms up to defend himself but Sentong fakes him out. Instead of running up and punching, he runs up, jumps in the air, does a beautiful spinning back kick into Snoops now exposed chest and knocks his ass back about 6 feet. Snoop trips backwards and falls into the nearby planter box. Those things that have little plants in em. Sentong mounts Snoop and just rains punches down on Snoops face. Knocks him out cold. Goes back to check on Jay, gets some food, then they leave.

That was the ONLY time I've ever seen a fancy kick work in a street fight. But I gotta say, that shiet was awesome as hell.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Im in Daytona on spring break with my boys (bout 10 of us). This older (30's) drunk guy comes up to me and puts his arm around me. I have no clue what he's doing. He's like hey lets party, he's just being an old drunk bastard. I push him away from me pretty hard and he walks back at me with an attitude. One of my friends grabs him, and he gets spun around. As his back is toward me, I kick him in the a$$ as hard as I can. I was standing on top of a little hill so I was able to really kick him hard. There's about 100,000 people around so the guy disappeared into the crowd.

A few minutes later he appears from out of nowhere. He runs straight toward me. When he reaches me, I grab him and manage to lock up with him. Just as we lock arms, the calmest most even tempered person in our whole groups, gets up off his bench. He Runs over and punches the drunk squarely in the jaw. The guy drops like a rock, his eyes roll back into his head and he's laying there like he's dead.

Im thinking "oh sh!t the guy is dead," as 3 cops run over and im standing over top of him. The cops grab me and some guy from the crowd runs up and says, "all Im going to say is it wasn't that man who hit the guy (pointing at me)." The cops let me go and i ran away as fast as i could.