I Love all of you AFCS


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
list of afc qualities i see on sosuave (that i deff dont like, cuz it brings down the quality of the forum) -

errr and this post brings up the quality of the forum!?

all those things you listed i agree with, however threads like these about them are even more annoying


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Tomatoes said:
Once again whats this post about? Anything DJ? No....
i agree, THIS post isnt about dj'ing whatsoever...and listen, ive seen some of ur threads/posts b4, and i KNOW for a fact that ur pretty good with the ladies just like me, so bear with me.......if u search for threads started by me, ull see TONS of posts i made about techniques, field reports, and basic advice, and the only reason i made THIS thread is simply this - its gettin annopyin to see AFCs hijack all my quality advice giving threads with THE SAME OLD SHYT - "ur fake", "ur kjb", "u suck!!"

and seriously, the people who DONT say that and do add somethin constructive to my threads, its clear that they understand wats up....and the losers are the ones flaming

so no, i dont make threads like this one, ive made maybe only 3 or 4 like this one outta 50 (im just guessing), but im tired of the flaming for no reason


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York

If we did not have AFC's this forum would die. If we had nothing but real life players and pimps they would also fight.

I disagree with this.

Most of the REAL and the emphasis is on the word REAL players, macks, pimps tend to be more of the same mind and RESPECT each other because those with real game respect those with real game.

This site would be better if there were more real players on here because there would be more guys with REAL LIFE experience and REAL knowledge to share.

AFC's would benefit because its like basketball, if you want to get better you have to f*ck with better players, not the guys riding the bench.

I'm not putting AFC's down, all or most of us have been in an AFC mind set at one time or another.

But now, this site has become overrun with AFC's and worse there are alot of AFC's that don't know sh*t, have never had a woman, and then flame people that have had some success and experience and try to share the knowledge.

I can tell who's an AFC just by how they respond to something someone said.

Tha Realnezz

Everyone with any real skills realizes most of the stuff here is bS,takes what good and tries it and shows some improvemet.

Decides to log off and then comes back one day after a few months straight of ****ing random chics and comes to the realization that most of the site is BS.

I understand where Tha Realnezz is coming from.
There are some posts on this site that have been gold but they come fewer and fewer these days and that's why people are always digging up old Pook posts and other veteren poster's sh*t.

Originally Posted by skip2mylou781
im just pointing out that afcs who dunno shyt about girls shouldnt b insulting on someone whos giving them advice to HELP them succeed.....its really counterproductive
I definitely feel what he's saying too.

There was another post I read that talked about the blind leading the blind on this site and while there are still some dudes here that post something worth listening to the majority of the sh*t people post nowadays is nothing but worthless crap.

You see the same muthaf*ckas asking the same stupid a$$ questions they just asked 4 months ago.

I look at that like, Damn you still ain't learned anything yet?

Don't get me wrong, I still have love for this site but I realize why I have to take extended breaks from it and I can't post all the time, only when I see a thread that is worth responding to or if I have something to share from my experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
i agree, THIS post isnt about dj'ing whatsoever...and listen, ive seen some of ur threads/posts b4, and i KNOW for a fact that ur pretty good with the ladies just like me, so bear with me.......if u search for threads started by me, ull see TONS of posts i made about techniques, field reports, and basic advice, and the only reason i made THIS thread is simply this - its gettin annopyin to see AFCs hijack all my quality advice giving threads with THE SAME OLD SHYT - "ur fake", "ur kjb", "u suck!!"

and seriously, the people who DONT say that and do add somethin constructive to my threads, its clear that they understand wats up....and the losers are the ones flaming

so no, i dont make threads like this one, ive made maybe only 3 or 4 like this one outta 50 (im just guessing), but im tired of the flaming for no reason

Its the way you come arcoss.

You may be cassanova. I dont know....

What i do know is that constantly taking the piss out of "AFCs" and constantly inflating your own ego is not going to impress people and its not going to make you friends.

I dont know if you brag for your own self confidence or if you do it because its who you are.

What i do know is that I personally am getting sick of these "I Love you AFCs" posts.....and this is not the first. Also posts that say things like "READ NOW TO PULL AS MANY WOMEN AS YOU LIKE!". They are like cheap erection adverts or debt repayment adds. They look tacky and devalue the forum. Now some of your threads are very good....
Every one of the others turns into a flame war thow and then gets locked by Desidnova. Now eventually if this continues you WILL get a ban.

Your choice....I personally think you need to change your attitude or you will be forced to leave.

Im not taking sides.....Just telling it how it is.

Sarge On!


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
i do not dislike AFCs....i dislike AFCs who FLAME on me and RUIN my threads in which im actually trying to HELP them

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Your credibility has been put into question and all these validation seeking threads don't help.. What should you care if some guys don't believe you? If you truly were such a big pimpin' player you wouldn't constantly be on the boards screaming for somone to edify you in some way, n'or would you feel the need to defend yourself so aggressively. It shouldn't matter.

You're looking to achieve and maintain some sort of reputation much like Pook or Diesel or one of those and from what i can tell it is purely to stroke your own ego. It comes across as desperate and insecure... and childish.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Bad Ass Canadian said:
You're looking to achieve and maintain some sort of reputation much like Pook or Diesel or one of those and from what i can tell it is purely to stroke your own ego. It comes across as desperate and insecure... and childish.
For the years that I've been on this site the thing that I've learned the easiest is that there is always going to be a member striving to achieve this. Every time they constantly call out people who disagree with them as AFCs, act like there advice is golden, and never admit to failing at picking up HB10s. I have ignored this one for a long time, unfortunately I have opened up a few of his threads (having posted about 250 of them it is almost statistically impossible not too).

Honestly, anyone who calls anyone an AFC (unless there a 12 yr old) is a douchebag. Anyone who complains to flamers that they are typing replies on an anonymous forum, yet tries to gain respect on the same anonymous forum is a douchebag. Anyone who lets the shortcomings of someone else on the internet bother them is a douchebag.

If you haven't noticed most of the people who disagree with the OP are seasoned posters who have come to their own conclusions. If you take a look at those who disagree and look back at their older posts you will see why these posters are less AFC than the OP. It's ironic to me how only a true AFC would have to show off to an anonymous forum about how not AFC they were. That whole waste of time seems a bit AFC to me.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MI
belividere said:
For the years that I've been on this site the thing that I've learned the easiest is that there is always going to be a member striving to achieve this. Every time they constantly call out people who disagree with them as AFCs, act like there advice is golden, and never admit to failing at picking up HB10s. I have ignored this one for a long time, unfortunately I have opened up a few of his threads (having posted about 250 of them it is almost statistically impossible not too).

Honestly, anyone who calls anyone an AFC (unless there a 12 yr old) is a douchebag. Anyone who complains to flamers that they are typing replies on an anonymous forum, yet tries to gain respect on the same anonymous forum is a douchebag. Anyone who lets the shortcomings of someone else on the internet bother them is a douchebag.

If you haven't noticed most of the people who disagree with the OP are seasoned posters who have come to their own conclusions. If you take a look at those who disagree and look back at their older posts you will see why these posters are less AFC than the OP. It's ironic to me how only a true AFC would have to show off to an anonymous forum about how not AFC they were. That whole waste of time seems a bit AFC to me.
Finally, I'm not alone. I don't go out of my way to flame people either, but this guy just gets on my nerves for the reasons you describe above. I'm not a loser, I'm not a hater and I certainly take offense to the internet- I just want to see people like this whom are only here to boost their own ego and try to be some sort of seduction guru to disappear. I said my peace a while ago but wanted to tell you this post hits the nail right on the head.