I lost it..


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
So today I realized that I completely lost most if not all of my game.

I really am quite pathetic. I mean I still pull some puss but not nearly as much as I used to or want to. I don't know what to say to girls I don't know when to text/call girls. The only thing I really have left is eye contact and kino.

Heres a prime example:

I met a girl a few weeks ago. We hooked up like twice. Farthest I've gotten with her is getting a BJ. Now I don't text this girl or call her EVER. Whenever I see her its like a 50/50 shot if she comes home with me or not. I want to start to text her but I feel like if I wait until Thursday (first night of weekend here) it'll come off as I'm just looking for some drunk vaganis. However if I text her tommorow what should I talk to her about? Her plans for Thursday? I know you guys are going to say text her tommorow and see if she wnats to hang out tommorow but I also have a test on Thursday so I really can't chill with her until Thursday.

Now what made me pretty happy is on this past saturday my friends and I were drinking with her friends and eventually we both went out seperate ways. The whole day we were kinoing / talking / giving each other eye contacts. Now I kinda wanted to see if I could snag her into the house for a little to get a quick make out sesh but of course that didn't happen (referring to above). Anyways, that night she texted me to see what I was doing...It went something like this:

Her: Hey k201, what you doing?
Me: Hey, nothing on the way to E's house right now. (E is her good friend)
Her: Hmm
Me: What you up to?
Her: Nothing just got up from my nap (This is at like 12 AM)
Me: Yea me too, just hurry your a$$ up and come over E's
Her: Haha kk.

She never showed. Later that night I texted her back asking what she was doing and she said she just couldn't make it out...Should I be considering this as her flaking?

Boys, I'm just a real mess right now or so I feel like I am and if you guys could help me that would be GREATLY appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
If she really wanted to see you, she would have, unless it's a test. Either way you have to act like it doesn't matter. If she doesn't care, then you shouldn't care. If you show that she gets to you, then you show your desperation. You also show that you don't have options. Girls love guys that other girls want.

If a woman flakes or stands you up, it's up to her to make it up to you. That's the only way to get back the upper hand. You can't do anything to get the upper hand, but just not care. Be indifferent. Don't show your needy side.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
so your pretty much saying don't contact her at all and whenever i see her i see her?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
If you see yourself slipping... Read over some posts and get back to your roots.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
k201 said:
So today I realized that I completely lost most if not all of my game. I really am quite pathetic.

Her: Hey k201, what you doing?
Me: Hey, nothing on the way to E's house right now. (E is her good friend)

Wow. I can't imagine why she wouldn't be turned on and get weak knees when she allows you to touch her body all over but then you ask her to her good friends house. on when she thinks you are sleeping with her good friend E. You should asked her for a threesome too.

Her: Hmm
Me: What you up to?
Her: Nothing just got up from my nap (This is at like 12 AM)
Me: Yea me too, just hurry your a$$ up and come over E's

Whoops. My mistake, you did imply a threesome.

Her: Haha kk.

She never showed. Later that night I texted her back asking what she was doing and she said she just couldn't make it out...Should I be considering this as her flaking?

Yeah...that's what it is, flaking. Wonder how fast you would run over to your friend's house if she told you she was her way over there to ride him like cowboy.
Make her feel important. I can't believe you seriously invited her over to her friend's house after she let you see her without her clothes. That is nuts dude.


Will: "Sorry I can't go on our date, but here's your ticket, maybe I'll see you at the game."
Queen Latifah: "Maybe you will. I'll be the one in front row screaming my name out to Magic Johnson"
Will: "Hope Magic ate his Wheaties"


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
k201 said:
so your pretty much saying don't contact her at all and whenever i see her i see her?
Pretty much. Yes.

She flaked on you, or at least it sounds like that.

It's best to just ignore flakes. This might not seem logical, but she is testing you. When a chick flakes like that, she is testing you to see if you come crawling back to her, begging her to come out with you.

The alpha male just ignores sh!t like this because he has plenty of other options.

My advice to you is to get out in the field and meet some new girls, get some new plates going. Date some new girls, get some new FBs coming, and eventually this chick who flaked on you will come back around.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score

When I was telling her I was going to her friend's house it was with 5 of my friends to drink with about 5 of her friends before we went to the bar....Had nothing to do with just me and that girl hanging out...