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I look gay

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
I truly truly hope that none of the AFC's reading this board take this advice. Do the absolute opposite! Sexual ambiguity is not cool!
It´s pretty funny. I notice there are 3 types of posters on this board.

1. People who are looking for answers
2. People who try things out for themselves and report on their successes and/or failures
3. People who make baseless claims that something is not cool without having some personal experience to back it up.

All I can say is that I did this back in my AFC days and found that girls were picking ME up and were generally more curious about me...i guess this is a form of peacocking. Also when the Super HBs aren´t sure if you are straight, it disarms those bytch shields big time and if you have the balls, you can go in for the kill. All I am saying is don´t knock a technique unless you have tried it in the field.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
I've done something similar, but I have often just joked around, like I had this girl say she wanted to set me up with someone. I told her that I was into guys (I actually did this because I knew she was interested in me but I wasn't interested in her). I agree that it puts down the shields and can be humorous if you joke about it. Some girls get a little grossed out with those jokes though. My last GF hated it when I joked around and acted like I was gay around her.

Then there's this other girl who neg-hit me by telling me that I was talking to my "boyfriend" when I was talking to a professor who happened to be my friend's dad.

I wonder if it's really a sign of interest if a girl jokes around that you look gay...


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Don Ronny
3. People who make baseless claims that something is not cool without having some personal experience to back it up.

All I can say is that I did this back in my AFC days and found that girls were picking ME up and were generally more curious about me...i guess this is a form of peacocking. Also when the Super HBs aren´t sure if you are straight, it disarms those bytch shields big time and if you have the balls, you can go in for the kill. All I am saying is don´t knock a technique unless you have tried it in the field.
Ok, so you're suggesting the answer to all AFC's problems is to act like a homosexual? :rolleyes:

No matter how many times I read that mess, it still sounds like the worst piece of advice Ive ever heard. I don't tend to mock the advice of others, even when I completely disagree. Most people on the board say stand up for yourself and be a man. Your advice is stand up and act like a woman?

To each his own, I guess. It sounds like your claiming that acting like a queer gets you laid, I will have to take your word for it because I won't ever take your suggestion and try it. This is just MHO, but I strongly discourage anyone else from using your tactic. Being a Man doesn't mean acting like more of a queen .


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
I definitely don't condone making it a habit either. I say if you joke around once in a while about it, it can be funny, sort of like the way Eddie Murphy does it, or Daman Wayans. Do it only in certain situations too, not like in every situation, and be sure it isn't for the purpose of getting a girl.

It's ok if they compliment you on being gay because you're so darn good looking, but not if they just think you're gay because you're a total fruitcake and would never go near you even if you were straight.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
Ok, so you're suggesting the answer to all AFC's problems is to act like a homosexual? :rolleyes:
Never said that. I justchanged my appearance and let people make their own assumptions. Never said to talk with a lisp and walk like a fag, did I? You are reading into this way too much pal.

Originally posted by princelydeeds
Your advice is stand up and act like a woman?
Once again you misinterpret. Since when does dying your hair make you act like a woman? The whole strategy is to have a certain appearance so people don't know what to make of you, then once you are in, you blow these chicks away with your manhood.

There is one drawback to this which I mentioned in the begining. You will be approached by girls and GUYS as well. So unless you are prepared to deal with this attention from homos, then yeah..don't try it. But if you are a MAN who is secure enough in his sexuality, and socially adjusted enough to deal with unwanted attention, then I say go for it.

I feel sorry for ya P.D. sounds like you got issues with gays..but like you said, to each his own.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Take this as good advice, all aim to look gay. This is the easiest method for getting the girls.

One guy who I worked with a few years ago, dressed gay (he wasn't that tall). A girl came up to him and put her number in his hand. I don't think that even happens to many handsome guys.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Don Ronny
. You will be approached by girls and GUYS as well. So unless you are prepared to deal with this attention from homos, then yeah..don't try it. But if you are a MAN who is secure enough in his sexuality, and socially adjusted enough to deal with unwanted attention, then I say go for it.

I feel sorry for ya P.D. sounds like you got issues with gays..but like you said, to each his own.
Are you trying to tell me that not being offended that some fruitcake is trying to poke me in the booty is the measure of my manhood? I would argue that you have a very shallow viewpoint of manhood. I have honestly never had a guy come on to me strongly. If it happened, yes i would be offended. Perhaps that does make me "insecure." I would find it rude, disrespectful and completely disgusting.

I have lots of tolerance for gays, that doesn't mean I want them doing that mess ( the gay lifestyle in its entirety) anywhere near me. You can be as gay as you wanna be just keep it away from me. The thing that makes me laugh is that the "pro gay" people are more intolerant than people like me. I don't care what you do to each other all I ask is that you not include me. The "pro gays" like yourself, wanna force me to approve of their lifestyles.

I don't need you to feel sorry for me. Im doing quite well the way I am.

Mystery woman, one guy got one number, and your saying all guys should act/look gay, because one gay lookin guy got one number? I would question the logic, rationality, stabilty and maturity of a woman who goes after gay men, talk about the ultimate challenge. I'm not at all gay and I 've had plenty of women give me their number, what does that prove? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
But has a girl ever come up to you and put her telephone number in your hand without you talking to her? The girl who did it happened to be good looking, but this guy was very popular with women (I didn't fancy him). So if women are coming up to you giving you there number, it makes you a better DJ than the ones that have to initiate it.

A couple of years ago I had a huge crush on a Joaquin Cortes look alike at work, but everyone kept saying he was gay including a gay guy.

All the girls fancied him too.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
nr London, UK
Time and location changes the nature of what might be considered 'gay.'

Take the musician Marc Bolan. He looked gay as fook, but it was the 1970s, and a more garish dress sense was acceptable at the time. Anyway, he was the best DJ of that decade. He was so cool it hurt. Okay, personally, I wouldn't try to emulate his style, but I can see what might have drawn people to it.

Basically, there are guys like this Joaquin Cortes or whoever, who don't really look gay, they just look...refined. Difficult to express, but you can see why people might MISTAKE them for being gay when that's not necessarily true.

I don't 'get' gay though. I mean, guys generally have a LOT more to them than women, but there's no way I'd do one of them. Surely it's something you'd either do or wouldn't do? I don't see how it can be a category of person.

Haven't you noticed that women seem to think literally half of all men are gay, just because it's like that on TV? Jeez, they're stupid.
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Blatant thread hijack

Originally posted by Mr. Latte
Trickster, what Mac do you have?
Mac 6500 Paperweight. (ha ha)

and a Mac G4 (one of the newer G4s to come out.) I use it constantly becuase I'm an art guy.

So when I got the 6500, it came with two rainbow mac stickers. I put one on my truck, got rid of the other one.

Those things are a pain in the butt to try and take off, besides, I like the mac logo. I can't find any solid color stickers. hmmm.

Point is, let people think what they want. If they're wrong, they're wrong. Prove them wrong, and leave it at that.

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
In the past 2 years, I've had a beige G3 266, a 500 mhz dual USB iBook, a 700 mhz G4 15" LCD iMac, and a 1ghz G$ 17" LCD iMac (current). I've got an extra solid white mac sticker, but I'm saving it for when I get my MINI Cooper:)


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
i used to hvae the same problem. THe problem isnt that you look too good to approach but that you arent exerting an air of CHARISMA! GIrls arent supposed to be the ones approaching you anyway, try locking some eye contact, giive a small smile and walk up to talk to them. As long as you arent avoiding eye contact and is smiling and being c&f you wont be unapproachable.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
Perhaps that does make me "insecure."
Yep, it does make you sound insecure. And stupid. but if thats what your going for, then hey, congrads!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
It doesn't sound bad to me. As others have pointed out, they noticed you, they thought about you, they discussed you amongst themselves. And that's always a good thing. Well usually :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Ive gotten this alot of times

moslty when I dress well (i.e. a blazer, shirt, matching pants)..and I just spike my hair..

sometimes when all you are doing is hangin with the guys and not talkin to the ladies..they will think you are gay (u need social proof)

or if you thwart some ugly chicks advances..she will spread the word that u are gay as revenge(this has happened to me alot too)

But dressing nice is way sexy to women.."Every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man" isnt b.s.

you just gotta start talkin to the ladies, dont drink wussy drinks like cosmo's or champagne/wine, and stay away from clothes that are too pastel and flashy (gays LOVE colors in their outfits)

and last..try not to limp your wrists or drink with your pinky sticking out

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
Are you trying to tell me that not being offended that some fruitcake is trying to poke me in the booty is the measure of my manhood? ... I would find it rude, disrespectful and completely disgusting`
So would I. The difference is that I would handle the ituation without getting all bent out of shape, because I know I am not gay and am not threatened by these "fruitcakes"

Originally posted by princelydeeds
I have lots of tolerance for gays, that doesn't mean I want them doing that mess ( the gay lifestyle in its entirety) anywhere near me. You can be as gay as you wanna be just keep it away from me. The thing that makes me laugh is that the "pro gay" people are more intolerant than people like me. I don't care what you do to each other all I ask is that you not include me. The "pro gays" like yourself, wanna force me to approve of their lifestyles.
Once again you are reading into this wayyyyyy too much dude! When did I ever say I was "pro-gay" and that everyone should accept homosexuality? That is another thread entirely dude. This is what makes me believe you have issues. All I did was share a tactic that works for me and say that a real man can handle any situation, no matter how socially awkward it may seem. The very mention of gayness just sets off a whole debate in your head that you have spilled onto this board. You feel weird around gays? Me too, but I just don´t let anybody faze me. Therein lies the difference between you and me.

Moral debate aside, I am glad to hear you are doing well and look forward to posts that will reflect this. (more tactics and advice instead of baseless criticism.)


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
hey "Art Guy" u sure ur not gay?

I thought all those pansy artist types putt from the rough.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
So would I. The difference is that I would handle the ituation without getting all bent out of shape, because I know I am not gay and am not threatened by these "fruitcakes"
Yeah, let people think for themselves, just know yourself. I used to get bent out of shape if someone suggested I was homo. That's immature and depressing that you'd let this effect you. Many people have many thoughts and they're going to think what they want. If you're comfortable with yourself you can start to focus on getting what it is you want of life. Not being worried about what others think has been one of the greatest gifts I could have developed and it's coming each day more and more.

It's like dropping weight, letting go of your pride and doing what's best for you. It's the only way to do it.

That goes for everything, not just your sexuality.