It´s pretty funny. I notice there are 3 types of posters on this board.Originally posted by princelydeeds
I truly truly hope that none of the AFC's reading this board take this advice. Do the absolute opposite! Sexual ambiguity is not cool!
1. People who are looking for answers
2. People who try things out for themselves and report on their successes and/or failures
3. People who make baseless claims that something is not cool without having some personal experience to back it up.
All I can say is that I did this back in my AFC days and found that girls were picking ME up and were generally more curious about me...i guess this is a form of peacocking. Also when the Super HBs aren´t sure if you are straight, it disarms those bytch shields big time and if you have the balls, you can go in for the kill. All I am saying is don´t knock a technique unless you have tried it in the field.