I like her need help


New Member
May 10, 2013
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hey guys well this is the first girl ive approached and well we talked and I walked her to class and she said I was sweet it wasn't perfect but I did it anyway I haven't talked to her in a couple days cause I haven't seen her at all really plus it will be even more cause the weekend is coming around I didn't get her number cause I just didn't feel like it was the right time but I get to see her on Monday because her class is next to mine then but other then that I never see her so will she forget about me? my very good friend said she told her about me so is that a good thing? im a sophomore shes a junior and I don't really have that much experience in this area. I found out she had a bf but hes not in high school but idc I respect it but I mean I don't think its right for a dude in college or above the high school level to be dating a hs girl but that's just my opinion but she didn't tell me that when we were talking so im pretty sure she might be interested but idk I like her a lot I mean a lot I get excited just to talk to her and I don't get excited bout anything!! lol so please help and should I ask my friend for help with this one she is like best friends with her but I don't think that's the manly way to go about it for some reason Im gonna talk to the girl on Monday for sure but I just need some help


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
seriosly guy above me spot on, I suggest sort of forgetting about her if she is "Super important" to you than fine. But just the fact that you are begging for her approval sort of means your destined to failure. ITS HARD I KNOW, but seriously you will be better off if you flirt with other girls, strangers even, practice light friendly touches, a sincere smile that that says im open friendly and you shouldn't be worried. AND AGAIN START WITH COMPLETE STRANGERS!
-also once you've learned your way around the playing field reevaluate, and then if she is still worth your time, witch she shouldnt by the time you've gotten good at the game, strike up a conversation and then make her convince you that you guys should date :up:


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
feh.... you will get burned unless you settle down a little and please put your ages in your profile that helps when we give advice....

fist never ask help from anotehr people, even less if she is your friend or "best" even less, she will sabotage you in willing or without knowing.

so I will say youa re in high school, ok aske her to hang out saturday or after classes, try to build raport and kino her, and see what happens, if everything works fine kiss her if not... well move on