Well I met this girl back in June, and we’ve been friends since then. She’s a pretty ****ed up, unstable, girl who has no idea what to do with herself. She’s basically lost. She had a pretty wild past, drugs, raves, multiple sex partners, but none of this really bothers me. I like this girl very much, not sure why since I never pictured myself falling for someone like her. I had sex with her back in July, and then there was three other attempts which were a completely failure. I want to know what she wants from me, so like that if she doesn’t want to be with me; I can stop thinking about the possibility of being with her. I would prefer that she crushes my hopes now before I fall too deep in the hole. Now, I recently told her how I felt about her and I wanted to know how she felt about me, for I am unable to read her. At times I feel as though she feels the same way about me as I do for her, and at other time the complete opposite. Now she was unable to give me a yes or no answer to whether or not she would date me, and tells me that I’ll get my answer by watching the movie Breakfest at Tiffany’s, because she can relate herself to Audrey Hepburn’s character. She tells me that she can really relate to this character, since the character is crazy as well. I tell her to stop the BS and simply do me the favor of telling me straight up what she wants. Anyways, she never told me, I watched the movie like a fairy, good movie, yet after watching the movie, I’m still confused. I didn’t get an answer. I haven’t spoke to her since that night I popped the question about dating. What can you DJs suggest I do?