ight fellas, this girl ive been talking to clearly likes me, she flirts with me alot and hse even told me she likes me alot, like alot, so we started talkin etc... and when we are together its great and flirty at school, but then on the weekends she kind of avoids me,, when i questioned her about this finally she started sayin how she doesnt want to like me because of how all of her relationships have gone in the past, and that if she hangs out with me she knows she is going to want to date me, her last two relationships ended really ruffly and she always gets jealous when she likes guys she says, she cant stand how she feels when she likes a guy just cuase of all the emotional stuff that she goes through, anyway, she still likes me but suggested that we both try to get over each other..........- tomorrow at school should i just act like nothi nreally happened and keep flirtin wiht her cause i know she likes me, and i thought about saying like "i know you want me" into her ear,, or should i act like i dont care at all and flirt wiht other girls,, cause i do like her, and im not bein desperate, she likes me but is not ready to be in a relationship, should i keep flirti nand make her like me more until she gives in,, or what