Stagger Lee said:
And I guess if he didn't own an engineering firm and was ugly it wouldn't matter? Yeah right. I see you are a looks and money matters denier.
Quite possibly could have had some money...but you don't know for sure. He could have been in Hock up to his arse.
You can pretty much bet that this Dr. had some the money issue was probably not the case here.
However, its very sad to hear of such a lose for such a stupid thing called Love.
This women was an accomplished human being...and lost it because she lost control of her emotions and rational thinking. She obvisouly had some mental illness and became obsessed. I hate to think what she was going through as she waited in the Chimney to die.
Equally sad is the lack of empathy by the posters here. The women was obviously ill and not in her right mind.
Bragging that some elderly dude is a STUD MUFFIN because some women lost control of her emotions is just Lame and Stupid.