I know my boy is GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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Guys, time for a reality check.

1° gay people are just like us, there is nothing wrong with them, they dont choose to be attracted to the same sex and I think most of them experience their sexuality as a tragedy of their lives. Most of them wont admit it openly but it is a fact.

2° Why punish someone for his nature ? (unless he hits on you of course)

3° Most people in their lives have experienced at least one instance of a short bisexual feeling, which is normal, since the pure "straight" orientation merely exists in the world. This is the basis of psychology.

And here is something for the bashers here:

Most guys who openly state their beliefs about gay men being inferior try to supress their latent desires, which they are sometimes not even aware about. Again, this is basic psychology. By being openly anti gay, they try to convince their surroundings about their pure straight sexuality + they try to convince themselves, that their occasional thoughts are just a mistake and that they are not "like that" at all.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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I read stories about experiments where subjects were shown homosexual p0rn, and devices were measuring their erections, I believe nearly 45% had SOME sort of arrousal. Not sure.
just a nice fact lol :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
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HB (Hot Babe), makes sense now. You guys have been trolled.

Interesting, because I was hit on this week when enrolling/interviews for my new course, by two guys infact. One was a closet homo and the other was pretty much a Ladette.

Tip: If you have any speculations, try the "Sports" trick. Ask him/her about sports and what team they support, whats their next game, what league, talk about the notable players, as homo's rarely know much about sports, in-depth. You may not speculate as the Omega Homo may know much and experience himself around a-list Sportsmen (David Beckham and Christiano Ronaldo) Just a little perk for you though LOL.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
HeyPachuco! said:
HB (Hot Babe), makes sense now. You guys have been trolled.

Interesting, because I was hit on this week when enrolling/interviews for my new course, by two guys infact. One was a closet homo and the other was pretty much a Ladette.

Tip: If you have any speculations, try the "Sports" trick. Ask him/her about sports and what team they support, whats their next game, what league, talk about the notable players, as homo's rarely know much about sports, in-depth. You may not speculate as the Omega Homo may know much and experience himself around a-list Sportsmen (David Beckham and Christiano Ronaldo) Just a little perk for you though LOL.

at roehampton?


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
HeyPachuco! said:
Tip: If you have any speculations, try the "Sports" trick. Ask him/her about sports and what team they support, whats their next game, what league, talk about the notable players, as homo's rarely know much about sports, in-depth.
Damn, I must be a raging faggot then, as I don't care about watching sports. Watching sports is for me watching other people have sex: It's boring and unsatisfying. Instead I prefer to do sports myself and just have fun and enjoy myself, instead of sitting inside and watching a bunch of other people be active, while I myself sit on a coach like a bag of beans.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
SandHawk said:
Could be as I'm Dutch and we're supposedly "gay capital of the world", but who gives a ****? Seriously, have you looked at the average straight guy out there? You know what, he isn't attempting to rape her first chance he has her singled out in his house.

This works the same way with gay people. Not all of them want to f*ck your brains out by slamming you so hard in your ass that your spine is bent the day after. Yea, the gay community is a whole lot more sexual than the straight area because they're all dudes, but chill out. I have a gay friend and a bisexual one, and to be honest, they've been my best source of introduced p*ssy. They all seem to have tons of straight girls hanging on their arms, all ready to be introduced and seduced.

I've hit a few of their lady friends, they don't c*ckblock like most of the dudes around you. But yea, I'm from the Netherlands, liberal and all, and not so shortsighted to believe that every gay dude wants to do me in the butt. Hell, most of them won't touch that when they figured you're straight.
Well, Holland is a place for ratty American backpackers and West European homosexuals to congregate to. We all know that. Nice airport you have in Amsterdam to connect to better lands, but outside of that it is an unimportant little place with no value to civilization in 2010. Even the Germans do a better job with the dance music these days.

Basically this is what the Dutch (and myself) worship. My one gay pleasure in life (save for really nice hotel rooms and overpriced jeans).

Now, some parts of Europe are not as open as the cute Dutch. The general rule is if straight guys do a lot of kissing with one another in public it is probably not a place for gays. Kinda like the murse rule. If straight men see nothing wrong with carrying their own "purse" you are probably in a place that doesn't like gays (see Russia, Latvia, or Ukraine).

Of course, Americans think Europe is all the same. Idiots.