Here's how your reply would've been less assh0lish interceptor.
And less openly agenda driven...
Maybe the OP should have used a different term than "HATE"?? I didnt use that term, he did. So I took it that only if he experienced EXTREME pain could he look upon his former relationship in that kind of light. My agenda is to make Men THINK, and Be AWARE. Be aware of what we are saying, choosing, doing, thinking AND what kind of beliefs we are spreading to other men who may be more naive and impressionable, and susceptible to following poor role models. In addition, to heloping men make their own decisions and QUESTION ACTIVELY Why they are choosing what they are choosing. Does that clear this up for you?
Example of a good Interceptor response to the topic take 1:
"I logged into my photobucket account after a long time and found pictures of my ex. It made the idea that I hate relationships really sink in."
Yeah relationships can be tough but thats why as men our jobs are to persevere!
We take the hits that life gives us and we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and we keep on going!
I mean think about it.
You're a young guy, you look in pretty good condition, there will be plenty of new and better opportunities for you just around the corner.
Don't give up on relationships yet, you are just getting started!
[/end fake interceptor post that was better than the real one
The lesson to be taken from this?
Im not sure, but it looks like youre saying that MORALLY, I should have taken the MORAL HIGH ROUTE and posted like you, but youre against MORALITY. Huh..thats funny. Youre anti Morality, you hate me for my morality, yet you seem to be implying I should have approached this in a moral fashion. Not that I wasnt anyway, but I cant seem to reconcile your statement now.
Positivity pimp interceptor is better than..."Wow, thats heavy, dude"...condescending assh0le interceptor who tries to make a point via the mockery of feminist shaming response. :yes:
First of all, the 'mockery' was a wake up call. To make him take a good hard deep look at himself and see his wording,and what he's presenting to the forum. Basically "I HATE relationships." and one can only wonder...WHY?
So I put across some ideas that may have happened, in order to get him to question HIS reaction. Thats how I work. I try to make one QUESTION one's own beliefs. So yes, I DO challenge them. If it came across as too hard, then I over estimated this man's ability to handle pressure. That can be a mistake though. Its possible it happened here. Although I find it strange you are 'defending' him?? Not particularly characteristic of you.
Also the kid just said the picture made him hate relationships and you jump to all these wild conclusions that she's still controlling him, hurt him deeply, and also controls his heart, mind and body?
Yeah, because of his use of the very powerful word "HATE". From just a picture. A picture!
It was a method of getting him to LOOK at his past experience and SEE firsthand how HE is reacting and by his way of expressing it in this post.
He didnt elaborate further, other than he felt that relationships were 'constricting'. Yet, having that knowledge he was in one anyway!!
WTF man???
When we all actually got his real answer he only said he hated them because they could be constricting.
Understood...NOW. But when you see man after man after man reacting unconsiously, they all start to seem like theyre all brainwashed, zombies acting in a checked out manner. I was wondering if he was , or was he aware of his outlook.
He hated them because they took his freedom away
Uh, excuse me?? How do you know? and WHO is 'they'? And if he had a previous relationship and it too was constricting, WHAT made him want to be in one with this woman knowing this information???
Are you saying he was abducted and forced into this relatonship??
Dude, NOW who's making wild assumptions???
but your morality crew relationship agenda feminist mindset
This is actually funny to me. Im fascinated by how you project what you hate onto me. Interesting.
Oh, BTW, you're making incorrect assumptions about me, just so you know. I have to shake my head in disbelief at that one.
But I do find it pretty humourous though.
was hitting him with all sorts of shaming culminating in the mockery of "thats deep man" after your string of wild accusations.
I admit it was to get a reaction. He sounded like every single guy who blames women and LTRs because they dont know how to handle being in a relationship, and they get angry and frustrated at an intangible inanimate object like a relationship instead of examining who they are with, what they want, and what they will and wont tolerate from a partner. If they dont know that, theyre making a mistake in blaming women and something like a relationship for their woes.
If you dont want to be in an LTR, then dont be in one. But do so for the best possible reasons. THATS ALL Im trying to get across. And if you do want an LTR then go in with the best information and skills to handle it. If youre not ready, then, you may want to examine why, and what do you want from a relationship, and WHY DO you want a relationship in the first place?
TOO many guys get into relationships when they dont REALLY WANT ONE!
This has to stop.
If you DO want one, you MUST KNOW WHY.
And if you bash LTRs , then have at least a decent, intelligent and beneficial reason for it. Not everyone will agree with it, but if it truly makes your life better and happier, then no one has the right to stop you. But be careful of spreading propaganda and mind control on others for your personal choices.
Men HAVE to be prepared and informed, and KNOW what they want.
I dont give a fvck if you pump em and dump em, what I want to get across is how men can be strong, and make the BEST most informed decisions based on their internal strength, not because of some paranoia or irrational fear.