i just lost the girl i love.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
everyone knows about this girl i have been chasing for half my life.

on friday night i got drunk and called her a slut. ( was funny at the time)

she got pissed off and dosen't even want to be my friend any more.

she still owes me 100$ GG to that.

but i am posting this not out of sadness. i thought i would be all mopy. but i'm not. i do have stomach knots but i know they will go away.

the reason i did this is because i know i could never next her myself. i didn't have the balls to do it. i tried to do it but i couldn't so. i just do what i do best. a ****ing dig a giant hole. i can't get out of.

but this time is different. sure i ****ed everything up. but i know how. i know why. and i also knew it had to be done.

i just wanted to get this off my chest. i don't even have her on facebook or have her number anymore.

it all started last night when i sent her a message saying sorry and that i didn't want to say goodbye ( i am leaving the country) and that this was the best thing.

so she calls me up to tell me to get f ed and that she doesn't except my apology.

so i tired and say something. but no. she just yells at me and hangs up on me. so after i try call her back like 5 times her bf picks up.

i was like. oh... i forgot about that.

so then i just left it.

all i can do is shrug my shoulders and move on.

i did started talking to a friend of mines sister. she is kind of cool and my type of girl too. so.

anyway. / end rant


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, I sure hope you learn from this and change, because seriously brah, your behaviour has been very creepy and on the slippery slope towards stalking. :eek:

I don't blame her for not wanting to be with you, since your neediness towards her is very evident.

And the crazy thing is, if you posted her pic up on here, chances are half the dudes would rate her an 8 or less. She is not special.

A cute girl serving as scaffolding for a decent pair of t!ts and @ss is nothing special, and you know deep down that if you had the balls, you could go out and speak to a 100 girls who are just as good or better looking

Time to start afresh and move on with new chicks.

For the love of G@d, if she is in your social circle, or even remotely connected to it, you need to try and reverse the damage done if you ever want to get any s 8===) x from that source.

Any more self defeating posts from you about this girl will be reported as trolling.

Good luck!
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
The Rock
runner83 said:
Yes, I sure hope you learn from this and change, because seriously brah, your behaviour has been very creepy and on the slippery slope towards stalking. :eek:

I don't blame her for not wanting to be with you, since your neediness towards her is very evident.

And the crazy thing is, if you posted her pic up on here, chances are half the dudes would rate her an 8 or less. She is not special.

A cute girl serving as scaffolding for a decent pair of t!ts and @ss is nothing special, and you know deep down that if you had the balls, you could go out and speak to a 100 girls who are just as good or better looking

Time to start afresh and move on with new chicks.

For the love of G@d, if she is in your social circle, or even remotely connected to it, you need to try and reverse the damage done if you ever want to get any s 8===) x from that source.

Any more self defeating posts from you about this girl will be reported as trolling.

Good luck!
The man is just heart broken, granted.. the whole boyfriend thing on her part is a strong indicator of having moved on Packers, I have been in a well.. I wouldn't really call it a similar situation, but had an ex-girlfriend who I am even still in love with who moved on and started screwing someone else, in any case it was acceptable for me to still make contact because she allowed it, initiated it, and listened to me when I said I didn't want to hear about her boyfriend and still loved me at least on some level..

Granted, I screwed up.. money issues, falling through with my education at the time, getting arrested constantly(at least 6 times in a couple of years, 2007-2009 anything from under age drinking to battery)... losing my car and license at the time... well.. you understand and that could hardly compare to a Lingerie company owner or the Fannie May executive.

My point it this: Compose yourself, get your sh!t together, have something to really offer and show for yourself, and attack attack attack baby, and you will find redemption.

Trust me, I am a college football player, a decent track runner, I am a political science major at a well known college (a soph, should be junior, granted) and have my sh!t togther now compared to the last couple years for the most part, in any ways... I still plan to add a decent miss hottie to my resume just as soon as I can get my car (within the next couple of weeks, and a smart personal standard, I think.) A girl like my ex will come back to me eventually, I am so sure of it because I have something of a knack for picking women up as it is, stability is key my friend. Be your own man.

Take Heed.
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
The Rock
runner83 said:
Yes, I sure hope you learn from this and change, because seriously brah, your behaviour has been very creepy and on the slippery slope towards stalking. :eek:

I don't blame her for not wanting to be with you, since your neediness towards her is very evident.

And the crazy thing is, if you posted her pic up on here, chances are half the dudes would rate her an 8 or less. She is not special.

A cute girl serving as scaffolding for a decent pair of t!ts and @ss is nothing special, and you know deep down that if you had the balls, you could go out and speak to a 100 girls who are just as good or better looking

Time to start afresh and move on with new chicks.

For the love of G@d, if she is in your social circle, or even remotely connected to it, you need to try and reverse the damage done if you ever want to get any s 8===) x from that source.

Any more self defeating posts from you about this girl will be reported as trolling.

Good luck!
I meant to say that you couldn't possibly define such a post as "trolling", please, don't be so uptight or I'll report you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
runner83 said:
Yes, I sure hope you learn from this and change, because seriously brah, your behaviour has been very creepy and on the slippery slope towards stalking. :eek:

thats why i stopped

I don't blame her for not wanting to be with you, since your neediness towards her is very evident.

nor do i at this point

i need to get my sh** together

And the crazy thing is, if you posted her pic up on here, chances are half the dudes would rate her an 8 or less. She is not special.

A cute girl serving as scaffolding for a decent pair of t!ts and @ss is nothing special, and you know deep down that if you had the balls, you could go out and speak to a 100 girls who are just as good or better looking

Time to start afresh and move on with new chicks.

yeah i know i already have my eye on 2 girls don't worry. shame they are sister tho.

For the love of G@d, if she is in your social circle, or even remotely connected to it, you need to try and reverse the damage done if you ever want to get any s 8===) x from that source.

i keep my friends and the girls i am going after septate. theres a reason for that

Any more self defeating posts from you about this girl will be reported as trolling.

Good luck!

thank man and don't worry i won't be thinking about her anymore i cut everything from her. all ties all numbers everything. all i have to do is pick up a new girl and it's like. Jane who?[b/]

thanks man
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Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
You simply backwards rationalized why you labeled her a sl*t and the reason is simple, cause you STILL care. You claimed you know why and it had to be done but you have to be honest with yourself and realize your hurt that she moved on and she's getting banged by someone else. Accept it and if you do care about her at least the girl you loved is happy so go find your own happiness. Go find someone or something else to focus on.

Your feelings for her makes her seem better than she is and when the rose colored glasses come off you'll realize there are alot more attractive girls that are compatible to you so its a good thing. Now you have the option of going out and dating multiple women and soon enough you'll find someone who is leagues better than her and you'll wonder what the big fuss was about. Good luck in the new country, make it memorable


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Why did you make a new thread about this??

Come man, Grow up. You've been "in love" with this girl for 7 years and you didn't even have s!x with her. You didn't lose her, because you never had her. If you had any balls you would've went for it years ago. But you didn't.

Now ask yourself this. Do you want to waste the next 7 years of your life? No? Then the next time you see a woman who makes your balls go all tingly, just walk right up to her and say "Hey, my name's (Packers2010)" and take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
SharinganUser said:
Why did you make a new thread about this??

Come man, Grow up. You've been "in love" with this girl for 7 years and you didn't even have s!x with her. You didn't lose her, because you never had her. If you had any balls you would've went for it years ago. But you didn't.
when i said i lost her. i meant as a friend.

of course i would have. but she always had a bf. wasn't single for very long.

i must admit tho. some of the best times i have had. was when she wasn't around.

the sex was hot tho!

Asasione said:
Your feelings for her makes her seem better than she is and when the rose colored glasses come off you'll realize there are alot more attractive girls that are compatible to you so its a good thing. Now you have the option of going out and dating multiple women and soon enough you'll find someone who is leagues better than her and you'll wonder what the big fuss was about. Good luck in the new country, make it memorable

this is so true. towards the end i saw how bad she was for me. thats why we started having problems.

thanks for the well wishes also. :) i;m not going for a little bit so i am going to try. " fix" (for lack of a better word) myself before i go. i hear English girls like Aussie guys.