while you claim that being into horse racing is "interesting" and all that, it really can be filed under "being rich". Additionally, I am surprised that you just figured this out...
Do you have any idea how expensive equestrian sports are? Women like horses for one reason--- ITS EXPENSIVE. Women like anything that is expensive. You have taken this one step further and called it "interesting", but in reality, every possible "interesting" thing that a male can do which attracts a HOT female requires enormous amounts of money.
Even philosophy...which girls love, requires that the male has enough extra money available to sit and philosophize instead of working. Name a sport, activity or other avenue of interest to women which doesn't revolve solely on money with absolutely no exceptions at any time and I will eat my hat. Anything that girls like (including having big muscles) requires that the male have enough extra resources available to pursue his "passion". And this is not to say that average guys don't "get lucky", they do, all the time. But, its nearly impossible for an average guy to KEEP a hot girl for any length of time unless he is suddenly above average somehow.
You will find hot girls at every event that is exclusive due to money everywhere in the world. There are no exceptions to this rule that I have found. Even benign things like Politics are not an exception. Girls like politics because politicians are corrupt and extract huge sums of money from corporations, benefactors etc. and can control large amounts of natural resources.
I find it interesting that you believe that this attractive girl who is with this chump at the track is actually devoted to him at all. She may put forth all types of "words" which tell YOU that she is crazy about her husband, but if he is really that much of an AFC, you should have no problem getting her to blow you after a race or truly don't compare to him because you do not have the resources (money) to do so. I guarantee that every hot girl you have ever met will ditch whichever "boyfriend" she is with and sleep with a rich guy unless she truly believes that the guy she is with is going to go somewhere with his life. In other words, if she can't do better than her current deal. If she can...she will be out of there, its only a matter of time.
while you claim that being into horse racing is "interesting" and all that, it really can be filed under "being rich". Additionally, I am surprised that you just figured this out...
Do you have any idea how expensive equestrian sports are? Women like horses for one reason--- ITS EXPENSIVE. Women like anything that is expensive. You have taken this one step further and called it "interesting", but in reality, every possible "interesting" thing that a male can do which attracts a HOT female requires enormous amounts of money.
Even philosophy...which girls love, requires that the male has enough extra money available to sit and philosophize instead of working. Name a sport, activity or other avenue of interest to women which doesn't revolve solely on money with absolutely no exceptions at any time and I will eat my hat. Anything that girls like (including having big muscles) requires that the male have enough extra resources available to pursue his "passion". And this is not to say that average guys don't "get lucky", they do, all the time. But, its nearly impossible for an average guy to KEEP a hot girl for any length of time unless he is suddenly above average somehow.
You will find hot girls at every event that is exclusive due to money everywhere in the world. There are no exceptions to this rule that I have found. Even benign things like Politics are not an exception. Girls like politics because politicians are corrupt and extract huge sums of money from corporations, benefactors etc. and can control large amounts of natural resources.
I find it interesting that you believe that this attractive girl who is with this chump at the track is actually devoted to him at all. She may put forth all types of "words" which tell YOU that she is crazy about her husband, but if he is really that much of an AFC, you should have no problem getting her to blow you after a race or truly don't compare to him because you do not have the resources (money) to do so. I guarantee that every hot girl you have ever met will ditch whichever "boyfriend" she is with and sleep with a rich guy unless she truly believes that the guy she is with is going to go somewhere with his life. In other words, if she can't do better than her current deal. If she can...she will be out of there, its only a matter of time.