I just got the girl I love.

Poppin' Tags

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, IL
Maybe it sounds gay, whatever, I dont care. I am IN LOVE. So is my girlfriend. Let me tell you... The "friend zone" is far from impossible to escape. This girl was my best friend ever... I tried to get her for so long... I was so desperate and dependant on her. She didnt want to take any chances on our friendship so she never even thought of it.

Then in the past months I have been getting so many girls. I didnt even care anymore. I could have other girls... i would get over her. After a trip to Italy I came home with a new ladyfriend and my best friend waiting for me with the warmest of welcoming messages... she told me she wants to lose her virginity to me. I shed the new chick and now I have everything I have ever wanted.

No point to this post really... just felt like bragging i guess :p

Poppin' Tags

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, IL
GOD IM SO CONFUSED. I felt SO good today until I talked to the Italy girl (She will be K). I didnt really explain what me and her had going.

So I met this girl 2 weeks ago in Italy. Starting the second day we spent almost every minute of the day together. We fooled around a little, but it was nothing more than making out. She didnt want to rush anything. We were great together and it was definitely romantic traveling Italy together. She asked me after a few days if we would be together back home and I said "Yeah, i hope so". She was really confused and she wasnt sure because she had broken up with her boyfriend of 8 months shortly before the Italy trip and before she met me she was planning on getting back together with him. She still loved him. She told me before we came back to the States that she wanted to go by our phrase "What happens in Italy, Stays in Italy." I didnt like that but it was OK.

I arrived back home to a WARM welcome. MY best friend & love (Shell be A) missed me ALOT and she had sent me a message on my phone saying that when I got back she wanted to lose her virginity to me. I was so ****ing happy that I was with A that I didnt care at all about K. After some cunnilingus, A left and I slept. I woke up to a call from K. She told me I had forgotten a souvenir in Italy and a chaperone had given it to her. She brought it over and I told her me & A were together now. She hung out at my house for a good 8 hours and we had a blast. We were playing pool & playing with my dogs & talkig alot. She even ate dinner with my family. By the time she was leaving we were getting pretty close... I was spooning with her on my bed. She told me she had told her ex they were through and when she came over to my house she wasnt planning on just being friends with me. I told her it was killing me to be so close to her and not kiss her, and she covered her mouth with her hand. I put my hand over her mouth to block it even more. After a few seconds my hand was gone, then hers, then our lips were a centimeter apart and we were looking at each other. She kissed me.

The next day I was with A and I tried to confirm that me and her were together. She said she wasnt sure about anything and she was still afraid to lose our friendship if we ever broke up. I said i needed to be sure because I liked K alot and i didnt want to break it off with her if I wasnt certain that me and the girl I love were together. That night she was also being weird before I said any of that and she didnt let me kiss her even though it seemed like the perfect time.. which led me to ask if we were even together or if the night before had been a mistake (Turns out she didnt want to kiss me because she knew i had been with K that day). The next night I talked on the phone with K and we came to a conclusion that we would be together. I decided I needed something certain and A was just too confused. (I wanted a REAL GF because all the girls I date end up being all ****ed up and things go completely wrong fast) The next day me & K went out and later ended up at my house. We made out furiously for hours but still didnt go much further (just a little nipple-licking) as much as we both wanted to (but she didnt want to rush it). The next day I talked to A through text messages and she told me she did want to be with me but she didnt want to be selfish & make me break up with K if i was happy with her. i decided I wanted to be with A and had to break up with K. I called her over to to it because she doesnt like to talk about serious things on the phone. I was going to do it, but she was just being so sweet and good to me. She brought me some apple pie her grandma made (she kept talking about it in italy) and some pizza cuz i had said i was hungry. We hung out, watched some movies, made out alot, & I decided i wanted to be with K and nobody else. I even said this to her. I texted A that night and said i was sorry but i had to be with K. The next day I talked to A again and realized that A is so much more important to me and I would do anything to be with her and she was talking about how she really wished she could be with me. I was so confused... as you may be able to tell from the constant mind shifting. When I was with K i wanted to be with K, when I was with A I wanted to be with A. the deciding factor was that when I was alone I wanted to be with A more than K. I had to drive out the country just so I could scream to the sky without anybody around. K called me and I said i was so sorry but I loved A and i couldnt be with her anymore. She was calling me to say she was falling for me. We talked awhile and it suucked. I was so ****ing sad and confused. We got off the phone & later she called me to see what I was doing. I said i was with A and i couldnt really talk to her. Me & A had a great time last night & i forgot about K. Later that night K called me again asking me to come over (at like 2 AM) and she was a little drunk.... alone. I felt bad and wanted to be there for her but I was with alison so I had to say bye. Today I called to see how she was and she was definitely sad. She said she drank to get a few things off her mind... i told her that wasnt a good idea.. She said the worst part of it all was that she gave up her old love for me and then I left & went off with mine leaving her alone. I feel so bad... I really like this girl and it hurts to see her like this. It also hurts the hell out of me because I felt the same way about her. Still, I love A and thats who Im with. God this is so confusing.


Don Juan
May 14, 2004
Reaction score
I don't usually reply that often but since no-one else did.....

You shouldn't have been so quick to make up your mind as you changed it everytime you were with the other girl. You should of thought about it for a while. If you went off on your own to think about it earlier it probably wouldn't of become so complicated.

K has definately come out of this pretty badly. But you were honest the whole way through with both A and K and you made the right decision in the end. Don't feel too bad, just make sure you keep in contact with K for her sake.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Point A: I would like to congratulate you. Not on what you did, but on who you are. It's people like you that give people like me a reason to come back to this site. Enough of the endless boring stories that are blatantly obvious. Now THIS is drama.

Point B: Paragraphs. They will do wonders.

Point C: You aren't in love with her bro. Sorry to tell you. There is no way in heaven, hell, earth mars or where ever else that you are. Trust me. I won't get into this, because it's not important.

Point D: You have goals, likes and dislikes. Currently your desperate ass (I don't care how much poontang you get, you're desperate) is having trouble choosing because you're getting some from both sides of the bridge. Alison, unfortunatly, is simply into you because of the competition. You had more girls around you before, she liked you more. You came home from Italy and had a chick you were going far with and she wants you EVEN more. I don't like using this card, the competition card; it is a temporary card and so will not last and that is why it is dangerous. You need to be thinking of the long term bro and Alison is only attracted to you in short term.

Point E: This K chick just got out of a relationship. Trust me, her feelings aren't dead. Far from that. She wants another boyfriend because being alone hurts. She even admitted wanting to go back to him before you showed up. This chick is on the rebound and her interrest in you is driven by her interrest in her old boyfriend. This is also a temporary card.

While both relationships would work out wonderfully and be great, there are certain things you must consider about eather side.

- Alison is a bestfriend, she worked that way for quite some time. You were compatible as bestfriends. If you were a better match as a couple, you would've been one long ago.

- K is a new friend that wants to take things slow and enjoy her time with you. This is quite the prospect in my opinion.

- Alison wants to lose her virginity to you? No previous sexual interaction and she pulls this card out? Please start thinking with the correct head.

Alison is in no way into you. You being your being, your person, your character, your core. She is merely attracted to your image. While this relationship will work, I strongly oppose it. Some girls are just worth more as friends than temporary lovers. If you could be friends afterwards too, then suit yourself. Remember, you're in the situation, not us.

K would also make a good relationship but Alison knows you better and you guys have probably been through a few things.

Anyways enough rambling, the point is I don't suggest going for both. Eather one could work but both their 'passions' are fueled by something that does not exist. That may change. And it may not.

The safest route is to drop them both as unlikely as that seems a choice to you. The question isn't how they are gonna feel if you pick one, it's how you're gonna feel. You do what you think is right and if it doesn't work, then next time you'll know. Make a choice and stick to it.

Both are eager... but for how long?


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
LikRetSam is right - both are OBVIOUS temporary options. This is one of those situations where you walk in with no girls, then you have 2 girls, then you have no girls again - tread the water very carefully, my friend...
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
I can imagine how hard of a situation this is for you (one that I can't say I would mind being in), but still a tough one. I think that K would be better in the long run. You have to remember that I am only going on a limited perspective that you provided and dont know the real situation. But like Lik said, A is probably just temporarily jealous which is why she started liking you all of a sudden. Chances are this will wear off once things start to get serious and she realizes that she actually has a commitment now. K on the other hand is someone who you never became friends with before getting intimate, so her feelings for you are probably more stable. She could be o nthe rebound like Ret said but she did supposedly break up with her bf for you, but take it with a grain of salt. Do what you feel is best, we don't know what is actually going on because we don't know the people. Best of luck

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
Originally posted by Poppin' Tags

No point to this post really... just felt like bragging i guess :p
It's not bragging mother ****er if you can back it up.

Poppin' Tags

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, IL
Re: Re: I just got the girl I love.

Originally posted by jonny football hero
It's not bragging mother ****er if you can back it up.
Ooh hostile. Ok, ok... not bragging... Whatever you say jonny.............please dont hurt me!

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
"it's not bragging mother ****er if you can back it up"

It's a song bro, didn't mean anything by it.

Poppin' Tags

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, IL
Arrrgggg it hasn't become any less confusing for me.

Girl A went out of town for 10 days. She left a week ago.

Since she left I have hung out with K alot, but strictly as friends. She invited me out to the lake to go fishing. It sounded fun to me, so I went. It was a great time. She has a trailerhouse (not her main house heh) by the lake and they have a fishing boat and everything. We went fishing- me, K, her parents, and her nephew. Her parents are pretty cool and we had a really good time. It started raining, so we went back to the trailer. She was standing outside in the rain just having fun so I joined her. We stood in the rain playing around throwing cups of water on each other. We ate dinner and then headed home after being there about 6 hours. On the way home she asked why I stood in the rain with her and said she wanted to kiss me so bad while we were out there. She asked why she cant get over me, and I asked her why I cant get over her. I said I dont know, but truthfully I know damn well. We are still hanging out together like a couple, like we were in italy, but now we cant get REALLY close, and that just makes us both want to more.

The next day I had K and my best friend Pete join me to my grandparents house for a 4th of july dinner and fireworks, and best of all some jetski riding. We had a good time and Pete got to see what I saw in K. He said she was a really nice girl. The next day K asked if I wanted to go see a movie but I said no. It just seemed too much like a date. I knew that wouldnt be good for my relationship with A.

Yesterday K invited me to eat the fish we caught with her family. I went and it was daaaamn good. We also watched a movie. We were in her room talking and we started having a pillow fight, and it ended when she was on top of me and we were waay too close to kissing. Dammit. Why am I so goddamn indecisive?

Pete and A are my 2 best buds. When I hang out with them we have a good time, but theres one thing I dont like about it. Every night we get drunk. I do like drinking, but in moderation. These guys like drinking EVERY night, especially A. Her old best friend had confronted her about her drinking, but she didnt think much of it. I dont think shes becoming an alcoholic or anything but I dont know if she can have fun when shes not drunk anymore. Since then A and the other girl have split after being best friends their whole life. It was a good move by A... i supported her on it 100%... the other girl was an annoying ***** and we were both getting sick of her. A's parents are in the middle of getting a divorce. I have never met either of them or been in A's house. I think thats how she wants it. If I decided to split up with A I dont know how it would affect her. She couldnt handle losing me at this point, so I would still be her friend, but I dont know if that would work out at this point. If I was with K I bet she wouldnt like how often I am with A and how we get wasted together. It IS possible that I would make a mistake and get on A. I wouldnt want to cheat on K, but if A was just getting all over me I wouldnt be able to resist. A is just so ****ing hot.

K is hot too, at least I think shes ****in sexy. Most guys would probably say A is hot, K is OK or pretty hot. K has only been drunk like 4 times and those were mostly with me heh. She doesnt go to parties alot, but shes no loser. I can definitely see myself changing my lifestyle some, stopping all the lung and liver damage I have been doing, and maturing a little while being with K. I can see myself hanging out at the lake with her alot. We would be so great together. Our connection is amazing. She can read me like a book. She knows when somethings wrong, or when everythings great, or when I am lying. She knows the answer to all her questions before she asks them. I wanted to **** her brains out last night while we were hanging out on her bed.

I used to think A was perfect even with her flaws. I thought that every little thing about her was wonderful. Recently my opinion has changed, especially after being around K. Me and K have good, long conversations and we are both interested in everything we have to say. A doesnt listen too well. She seems more interested in herself than me. She doesnt look at me the same way K does. She is also a ditz. She isnt stupid, but she says alot of stupid things. K is smart.

A makes me worried. She is in virginia right now and I cant help but wonder what she is doing. Theres a guy I know there (part of the family she went with) and I know he and A are getting drunk/high together. I am told I shouldnt worry.. pete says she feels for me like shes never felt about anyone, which I know is true. A never fails to tell me when she thinks a guy is hot. I dont care that she thinks other guys are hot, but when I am talking to her and she is staring at my BROTHER and his friend saying "WOW", I cant help but be bothered.

Oh yeah, me and A were together at the beginning of the year for 2 months, but it was ****ed up and confusing (i wont get into it... mostly my fault) and we broke up after she and PETE (who I didnt know at the time) went off homecoming night and got all close hugging all over each other.

Basically, according to everyone around me I am supposed to want to be with A. She is hotter, she is more social (more friends) and I have wanted to be with her for so long. Still, I really want to be with K more. I would trust K if she left for a month. I know we would have a great relationship and it she would be loyal .

I could go with K, **** up my friendship with A and pete, and get into a relationship that would inevitably become serious and marriage-like, or I could go with A, have some good sex, have fun, keep partying, and not **** up my friendships at all.

Decisions, decisions.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Amazing how this kinda sh1t get so complicated so fast.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
i'm sorry, I already gave my piece. The core is what is questioned, not the matter around it.

Honestly, keep em both as friends. Game over.

Poppin' Tags

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, IL
hah i just was looking through my old posts and saw this. The night of my last post I made out with K, then the next night i got all drunk and fvcked her. When A got back i said "sorry, i have to be with k. Im not a virgin anymore." It was so ****ed up and hard to break up with A. When i told her how hard it was she said "Then why are you doing it?" Well, now i am with A again. Maybe it was a big mistake, actually im sure it was, but im willing to risk it. She actually has been all weird for the past month and she is still pissed about K- mostly about how she handled it with me. She wishes she had been alot more pissed and angry at me and she knows she probably should have just said "**** you, bye!"

Ugh my life is a soap opera and this episode is getting a little too long. And this month its been rated TV-14.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Um...based on your descriptions, K is probably better for you. Unless you made that bullsh1t up cuz you felt all jolly after shagging her.

In any case, do not ditch a quality girl for some b1tch you've always wanted in the past. You're falling into the oneitis trap and must be strong enough to pull out.


EDIT: No offense, and I mean this in the best way possible, but I think A is a manipulative b1atch. A lot of hot girls are like that. They have to get what they want. Remember when she said she wanted to give her cherry to you? WELL GUESS WHAT?! SHE PROBABLY ****ING FORGOT ALREADY!!! Yep.

Sure, being with K will be more "marriage like" but you seriously need to change this smoking/drinking sh1t if you want to have a more stable life. K will probably do you some good. If not going out with A will **** up your friendshpi with pete or whatever and A, then they're some selfish insensitive asswipes that don't really care about YOUR wellbeing and just about THEIR satisfaction.

Why you say? Because A, is a ****ing attention wh0re and she needs you cuz she's proabbly never been turned down before. don't let her control you.

Why you say? Because pete is probably AFC and proabbly secretly likes A, while trying to just be a friend until she fvcks him outta pity. (er..this is probably wrong ,but just at hunch)

I am voting for K.

I mean no disrespect for your friends, but something similar has happened to me before. I won't go into details, but let's jsut say its sad that not all my "friends" follow the "bros before hos" rule.