hey 'mr shy' yeh i know who you are and listen up, this is a self help forum, notice the word self. we can give you advice but at the end of the day its you who has to improve yourself, we cant do it for you and this is not magic, tou have to puul yourself together and do it because all you are doing is complaining, saying you can not do it and are getting no where, well you have to rmember that posting osme crap on these forums is not going to do everything for you, it can be informative and helpfull, but if you want to change you have to do it you have asked so many times how to be confident. its self explanitary its not that you cant its that you wont, you asking how to be confident is not going to help you, just pull yourself together and think of you in 5 years time if you do not do this and then just do it. I do not want to see another post from you asking how to be confident or complaining you cant do it
either do it or just go and be lonely for your wohle life, i suggest you try and change, but what you should not do is cary on posting expecintg other people to help you when you have to help yourself.