I just... am...

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
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There are three main questions, that humans asked themselves for centuries.

Where did I come from?
Who am I?
Where do I go?

The first question, in my opinion, is a matter of science. The third question refers to your imagination, your dreams. You are creating your own future. Well, you are rather thinking it. So Don Juan, dream on!

But those two questions aren't the topic of this post.

Who am I?

This comes down to defining yourself. Who are you? What defines you? Your beliefs? Your hobbies? Your social network? Your status?

Many peolple define themselves by... well.. lets see for ourselves.

A friend of Al enters the room and goes: "Hi Al, wats up?"

Hi, let me ask you a question. Who are you?

"Well, I am John."

I do know your name silly. But who are you?

John looks a little confused, thinks for a while and then says:

"I am studying engineering science at university."

I didn't ask for your career, but your identity.

"Oh, I know what you mean now. I am someone who likes sailing, playing cards, picking up chicks, meeting friends, bowling..."

Alright, thank you John.

What can we find in the above? First of all, many people don't think about who they are, so they might be a little confused if you come up with the question. But still, they have a certain image of themselves, eben if they don't realize it. And then, they define themselves through their career and job choice, through their hobbies.

But, is there something wrong about that?


As soon as you say: I am such and such, you are LIMITING YOURSELF.

Let's take a religious example. Muslims have 99 names for god and they believe he even has got one more that no human is allowed to know. Because as soon as you call someone by his name, even god, you are LIMTING HIM.

When I came here and started trying out techniques, I used to say to myself: Well, now I am a Don Juan. And it made me a little proud.

I am not going to discuss now, if it is even possible to "be" a Don Juan, but when you say something like that, you are limiting yourself. Groups define themselves by setting borders to other groups. They define themselves not only by what is common among them, but by what is different about them. Those are barriers you cannot cross as long as you want to be a member of this group.

If you belong to the heavy metal group in school, you aren't allowed to hear classical music. And you don't want to! Because you make those differences a part of yourself. I used to say, that I don't like hip hop. I finally realized that I like some of it, I just didn't hear enough of it because my group didn't do it. I talked bad about other people, not because I knew them and didn't like them, but because my group didn't like them.


A Don Juan doesn't do that. He is a mystery because noone can define him. Thats because he didn't define himself.

"But Al, he is a Don Juan after all, and that is a definition!"

No. A wise man is never going to say that he is wise. Same goes for the Don Juan. Maybe that is one of his biggest secrets. A Don Juan does not think of himself as a Don Juan but as a free man who can do everything that he wishes to do. Other people call him Don Juan. The closest you can get to defining a DJ is by using the word freedom. But even this isn't completly right, because even a Don Juan know what his duties are.

It has been said many times by people who came back here after years, that all those techniques are breakable. True. Using techniques is a definition. If you reach "Don Juan level", you will not need them anymore. You are free to create your own rules.

An AFC is stuck in his own definition of himself, of the world. Listen:

"I never got a girl, I am just not good enough!"
"The world is unfair! I waited for so long, but still I don't have a girlfriend."
"I bought here flowers! It has been said, that GIRLS LIKE FLOWERS!"

Nope. They don't. This is a definition. Girls like flowers? How stupid...

But don't get too caried away. This post isn't supposed to shatter all definitions, because after all, if you couldn't define humans at all, there would be no point to this site. There would be no rules that can be applied to most of the girl.

There are definitions. Those set up by nature. You are human. Your are a man. Or you are a women. And as such you have certain traits like sexuality. Those are your limits. Your not going to be able to breath under water or jump 20 meters high. But do not limit yourself any further.

The Don Juan approaches. So you are a Don Juan?

"Me? No.."

What are you then?

"I simply am."

By breaking your own borders, you are removing all limitations. If you think you are a Don Juan, you are denying your own right to fail, to change, to become something different, to improve further.

I removed every definition I held for myself. I am not such and such. I am. Other people might draw their own conclusion. But they are already confused. One time I am the life of the party, another time a pretty quiet guy. One time I talk hours about rocket science and another time I do drawing. One time I play music, another time I go jogging. One time I am funny as hell (did you get the contradiction? Breaking definitions here ;) ) another time I am pretty annoying to peolple. I want to try out things, and since there is nothing that I am, there is also nothing that I'm not. Ever excused your hesitation by saying to yourself or others that you are just too lazy? Your limiting yourself. Just another limit. Just another fear.

So feel free to join me ;) You know what I realized? After years of studying math, physics, biology and chemistry, I thought the world would be such and such. There are rules we all have to stick to.

Or do we?

You know what I think now?

The world is my living room... my playground.... HEAVEN!

By the way, physics proved me right too: Quantum mechanics suddenly breaks all the traditional laws. So even science says that much more is possible than we ever thought ;)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
I am not necessarily a Christian, but I will give you two biblical references supporting this.

"Before Moses was, I am." Jesus

If he had said "before Moses was I already existed," he would have placed himself in time, where he is saying to just be in the moment.

God tells Moses his name, "I am that I am."

This new movie The Moses Code is making a case that a comma needs to go after "That." I am that, I am. This would support Unified field theory. But I contest that the comma goes after "Am"

"I am, that I am." This is god saying that it is not any particular thing you can point to in the material world, but that god is just present moment consciousness.

"What are you God?"

"I am, that is what I am."

It's a very Zen attitude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
I like you guys.
Very cool.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
YES! I only realised this a little while ago.

Furthermore, I'm a bit over all the 'be a man', 'you'll be happy when your a man', and 'open your eyes, free yourself, and you'll be a man' stuff. The 'man' model, seems quite limiting to me and I think thats what Gubby was trying to get at (though he did it poorly). Becoming a 'man' just seems like the best thing to do at this time to most of the people here, because we don't know what else to do. Or a better way of doing it.

Can their be a perfect world? No. Simply because everyone has a different paradigm on wat perfection is.
This also applies to the 'man' concept, and is why we don't have a real and united definition for it. For example; some guys call it being a leader, some say its being in touch with emotions, some say its ****ing chicks, and you even say its all of these things (yours is the best in my opinion though, lol). So why not just tell people to be perfect?

If I do my own thing, and be good instead of evil, it encompases the 'man' concept and then some. I'm going to be sam3083, and be great. If that fits your model of being a 'man', plus some, then whoopie!!!
This was me getting on the right track, lol.

Totally hearing wat ur saying though - keep up the good shizazzle!


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Well written !

Today i stumbled accross a Quote ( can't remember from who or where)

But I find it has a similiar vision as your post .

"I am the movement, the momentum, the power to create and achieve whatever aim my mind points itself towards. Let it point whichever way it wants and I will drive it to that very end."

Good post keep it up