There's no greater than.
If you ever attempt to be such a rugged leader that you're "better" than her, most women worth being with will see through you.
If you ever attempt to be such a rugged leader with a woman not worth being with, you'll succeed, at least in controlling her, but you won't have achieved your goal of meeting a worthwhile woman.
It isn't about them, it's about you. It's about respect, and that begins with liking yourself, and knowing what you like and don't like. If a girl is being an unyielding bytch, then drop her. If you're attracted to her, and she still is, drop her.
The skills that you use to deal with women don't change. What changes is attraction. That's a response to certain attitudes.
It's about you, and what you want, and getting it. When you're with a girl, if it's about you, then you make plans that please you, and by doing that, you see if she's into you or into the plans. A girl who wants to spend time with you, won't care about she does, she'll find fun in anything you pick. But when you ask "what do you want to do" it's assumed what you do will determine whether she likes you or not. WRONG. The best dates I've had revolved around doing nothing special. Only when we knew each other better was it worth our time to ACTUALLY PLAN something worthwhile, because now we had the added benefit of mutual like as well as mutual interests, and that leads to something much more.
It isn't better than, it's respect. Some girls don't go for men any less than their father, or even brothers, so you're not matching her ideals in respect, attempting to command her like a puppydog will just lead her to believe you're a controlling, insecure azzhole.
How do you do that? Stop trying to create false images, and create an identity. In a marketing book titled "Guerilla Marketing" the author compares identity versus image. Image is fake, and over the long-run, it shows right through. Why?
Because image is a one-time thing, it conjurs up the "thought" that it's not permanent. Consider a guy who says "I have an image to uphold," he's only half azzing his true nature. The rest of the time he's being who's he's comfortable with, and that's who the girl ISN"T attracted to, then she'll discard him like a christmas card.
Identity is permanent. You know you like this or that, not because it gets you chicks, but because you genuinely like it. People sense Identity, as well as Image. Lots of friends say "I'm going to..." and don't. After that, all they say is more watered down than the previous time because they SAY ALOT, but DON'T DO ALOT. Begin doing what it is you say you're going to do before you make claims about where you're going. Have the confidence you'll do it, and then obligate yourself to it by putting your reputation on the line.
And for clarification, when a girl calls a guy an azzhole, it doesn't necessarily mean that.
Firstly, that's her perception of it. Not the whole truth.
Secondly, she's usually being melodramatic, unless of course he pressed a colt-45 to her temple.
Thirdly, most guys are azzholes when you do anything a girl dislikes, and it's usually made in a teasing way.