The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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I have some news for those that think “working on yourself” gets you women

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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The right location and the right amount of free time in such location are very undervalued as factor to a happy satisfying sexual life.

I would rather be given the same look an average joe with a lot of free time in kiev than a wealthy ceo spending half of his day on a corporate environment in madrid.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Guy friends have trouble helping other guy friends do things like move or do an airport pickup. But a GUY friend is going to introduce his GUY friends to the harem of top actresses and models he knows so they can have sex with them? Give me a break.
Only if they are considered "sloppy seconds". :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
If you guys feel as if something is missing from his theory, it's because he didn't account for physical attraction.

Women are just human and they get turned on by men they think look good. Some men, no matter how many hot women they're around, will never get those hot women.
I agree on most levels. Although From my personal experience, money and status trumps physical attraction in the big cities like la and Miami New York. The hottest women are being banged by the guys with status and money.

Looks can make up for not having money though. I had no money when I was personal training but was constantly being exposed to hot girls and did well because I was in great shape. Now days I’m cooped up in an office 60 hours a week and we have no women at the office.
Not buying it.

More money and more women. THAT is what gets me out of bed early and keeps me at the office late.

MORE is one of my favorite words, especially when it comes to certain universal truths. Everybody wants MORE money NOT less. MORE muscle not less. Real simple concept.

At the very least: More money has NEVER hindered my success with women. I like my job I make good money and I am convinced that women are very much attracted to this.

We really just need to keep things simple and focus on being the best we can be. I've been broke, too, and I can tell you that I was one miserable motherfvucker when I had no money. I was FAR grom being the best I could be and I knew it. I had to work on myself big time to change my financial situation. I had to figure out how to deal with people so that I could earn more money ( I am not a team player and I don't get along well with others).

But if you think money has no effect on women...please write a check to Espi for all the money you don't need, and sign over the title of your Mercedes to me as well. Because they don't matter, right?
Did I say I was happier being broke? No. But I’ve worked personal training jobs and bouncing jobs and pulled tons of ass when I was broke because I was getting exposure to hot women everyday.

And I’m not saying women don’t love money. But I worked my ass off to get those things, and as a result didn’t have the energy or time to go out and game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score

I agree on most levels. Although From my personal experience, money and status trumps physical attraction in the big cities like la and Miami New York. The hottest women are being banged by the guys with status and money.

Looks can make up for not having money though. I had no money when I was personal training but was constantly being exposed to hot girls and did well because I was in great shape. Now days I’m cooped up in an office 60 hours a week and we have no women at the office.

Did I say I was happier being broke? No. But I’ve worked personal training jobs and bouncing jobs and pulled tons of ass when I was broke because I was getting exposure to hot women everyday.

And I’m not saying women don’t love money. But I worked my ass off to get those things, and as a result didn’t have the energy or time to go out and game.
Working as a personal trainer - ***** magnet no matter how much you make.

Being famous - ***** magnet. Being famous means you are the top 1% of males.

Working 90 hours a week in some office - you’re basically invisible to women


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score

I agree on most levels. Although From my personal experience, money and status trumps physical attraction in the big cities like la and Miami New York. The hottest women are being banged by the guys with status and money.

Looks can make up for not having money though. I had no money when I was personal training but was constantly being exposed to hot girls and did well because I was in great shape. Now days I’m cooped up in an office 60 hours a week and we have no women at the office.
Agreed. Although I think it's the opposite. Money is what makes up for not having looks.

The hierarchy for CASUAL SEX is as follows: Status > Looks > Money (not including extraordinary wealth)

Relationships are a different ball game.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
The guy who gets the most hot women is the one who gets the most exposure to hot women not the most high status man

Last night as I am leaving a restaurant in my 70k Mercedes, wearing my Rolex with diamonds a nice Jewish girl from across the street flirts with me. But I didn’t even bother walking across the street for a gold digger and didn’t care to get get number.

Four years ago, I was a broke personal trainer making 35k a year, but I was consistently around hot women. I had tons of options and had the free time to game all day

If your truly putting in 60 hours a week at your job, and working out 3-4 times a week like you should, you simply won’t have time to pursue women. I could quit my job tomorrow and get a job as a waiter somewhere, day game in Santa Monica all day, I would be banging tons of quality ass.

Money does not equal women, more free time does. I get out one night a week if I’m lucky these days. At some point you must chose personal success and your career over *****.
I work 60+ hour weeks. Tinder does help. Otherwise it would be really difficult.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I don’t know if women are actually turned on by money per se. It seems more like it’s easier for her to close her eyes and PRETEND he’s handsome if the ugly guy happens to have money.

Likewise, if she’s intelligent, has a good personality and a good job, I can pretend to really like those saggy triple z boobs lol.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
I don’t know if women are actually turned on by money per se. It seems more like it’s easier for her to close her eyes and PRETEND he’s handsome if the ugly guy happens to have money.

Likewise, if she’s intelligent, has a good personality and a good job, I can pretend to really like those saggy triple z boobs lol.
Every woman is attracted to money


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
The guy who gets the most hot women is the one who gets the most exposure to hot women not the most high status man

Last night as I am leaving a restaurant in my 70k Mercedes, wearing my Rolex with diamonds a nice Jewish girl from across the street flirts with me. But I didn’t even bother walking across the street for a gold digger and didn’t care to get get number.

Four years ago, I was a broke personal trainer making 35k a year, but I was consistently around hot women. I had tons of options and had the free time to game all day

If your truly putting in 60 hours a week at your job, and working out 3-4 times a week like you should, you simply won’t have time to pursue women. I could quit my job tomorrow and get a job as a waiter somewhere, day game in Santa Monica all day, I would be banging tons of quality ass.

Money does not equal women, more free time does. I get out one night a week if I’m lucky these days. At some point you must chose personal success and your career over *****.
Not sure the point of the thread?

A hawt chick approached and you didn't get a throater?



Not buying it.

More money and more women. THAT is what gets me out of bed early and keeps me at the office late.

MORE is one of my favorite words, especially when it comes to certain universal truths. Everybody wants MORE money NOT less. MORE muscle not less. Real simple concept.

At the very least: More money has NEVER hindered my success with women. I like my job I make good money and I am convinced that women are very much attracted to this.

We really just need to keep things simple and focus on being the best we can be. I've been broke, too, and I can tell you that I was one miserable motherfvucker when I had no money. I was FAR grom being the best I could be and I knew it. I had to work on myself big time to change my financial situation. I had to figure out how to deal with people so that I could earn more money ( I am not a team player and I don't get along well with others).

But if you think money has no effect on women...please write a check to Espi for all the money you don't need, and sign over the title of your Mercedes to me as well. Because they don't matter, right?
I want MORE free-time, NOT less.

At the very least, more free-time has NEVER hindered my success with women. I like my free-time, I make very good use of it and I'm convinced that women are attracted to this. :)

Joking aside, I also like money. I just don't want to work 60 hours a week to get more of it. Like @samspade said, you have to find what works for you, and there's usually going to be an opportunity cost.

Personally, I like having money because it makes my life easier, not because women like it.

Fvck making more money, so that I can spend more money, so that women know that I make good money, so that they think that they can get some of my money, so that I can get laid. For the birds.



Even if friends did, you would have to drop like $250,000 US in their bank account before they go out of their way to introduce a young hot girl.

Guy friends have trouble helping other guy friends do things like move or do an airport pickup. But a GUY friend is going to introduce his GUY friends to the harem of top actresses and models he knows so they can have sex with them? Give me a break.

A lot of the advice from top players “Have hobbies and work where the hot 27 single available children educated women are.”
And to make a lot of money “Go hang out with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.”

The advice here is logical and top notch.
If that's what you think, then I feel bad for you, bud.

Any time I get on with a new chick, I eventually invite my single friends to be around her single friends. I thought that was a given...

Though, they obviously aren't actresses and models. I don't really understand your odd fascination with people you see on TV. You're in a dream world or some sh1t.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
"Working on Yourself"



Are two things that are very poorly defined. Which means it's very EASY to say these "don't work" or "aren't needed" to get women.

You can "work on yourself" without doing a goddamn thing to improve your game.

You can have "status" based on whatever metrics you want without doing well with women.

Doing well with women, having status and improving oneself have SOME overlap, but not enough to be so correlated that one will necessarily lead to the other.

"Status" as defined by outwardly expressed signs of wealth, "game" as far as tight social skills and "doing well with women" are THREE DIFFERENT VARIABLES with very loose correlation.

Try to PROVE or DISPROVE any correlation, or lack thereof, is a waste of time.

Even double blind medical studies where variables are highly defined and measurable are rife with errors.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
( I am not a team player and I don't get along well with others).
I'm not either. I fell into my career by "taking anything I could get" cause there weren'st no jobs when I moved 1000 miles away from my home town in 2003. I realized that autonomy was a perk of this job and started to say hey, this is for me, so I'll get the Best job in this field fighting tooth n' nail dropping me to 150 lbs the lowest gangliest figure I've ever sported back in 2006 (basically no time to eat lunch Or dinner really). I'm now at almost my heaviest in my life at 194 6'2." I can't remember my point. I guess it is when I spent most of my late teens early 20s trying to "get along" in the White collar world in "teams" I was so poor and never really cracked $13/hr for very long 1990s/early 2000s. I couldn't/didn't want to play the back-biting/snipping politics of ALL offices you must work in. ALSO, I consider 97% of ALL Americans as mine enemy (sorry, it's the state of affairs in my mind of the past few decades - it was fine in the 70s up until I was 5 to 7 years old but I always had this sense that the people around me in school and all-time afterwards were "off" (and I'd went to a private "christian" school to boot) in being "friendly" or "familial" as my cousins and brothers and neighborhood friends and 1st school mates had been early on). It was like a SHIFT to turncoat or self-hating or fakery had begun early 1980s and beyond. TRUST eroded. I no longer really had any friends, you know Real felt laughter and warm until night outdoors grassy dirty-faced feelings of kindred kinship. I had "friends" sure everybody did and we'd go to clubs etc etc (they formed a band, I played too but not in a show live like they did), doin crazy sh!t at night, but we weren't like Warm Cousin familial (I've got ur back, cuz, type friends I remember).

So with basically EVERYBODY being pre-judged at my Enemy (in my mind up until present-day 2019) here in America, I can't at all be a "team player." Trust has been eliminated. I REALLY see lack of trust when I see people coming from other states to where I live. I see the unwillingness to TRUST me (when most people around me have a better sense of trust). It's as if they're shell-shocked or not accustomed to "Trust" so they're more suspicious of you having met you the first time. Natives here aren't that way, are happy, and can speak freely and friendly when upon first interacting. I still do not trust In The End most native people even around me in my town and towns around because I'm not so sure that they are still not INFECTED with the Turn-coat Religion of Political Correctness, ESPECIALLY Baby Boomers, then next Gen-Xers like myself, then it's funny but the Younger generation I will afford or throw my trust towards the most cause they seem more woke (I guess) and less caring about "I'm gonna GIT you!" in My area. Sure, if I were in New York or San Fran or whatever Big city, I'd have to watch out more for Millennials and gen-y gen-z as well, but they seem to be the most MEME-aware and reasonable as opposed to the out-of-it EVIL Baby boom gen (unfortunately that my parents are apart of).

If I had a sense of and a level of Trust the way Americans used to have a sense of (due to their being more "churchy" in the past) trust pre-1950s, then I'd be a "Team Player" I believe. I'd be ALL IN. I'd be a cooperator. I'd be more self-sacrificial, because I'd trust that I'd be rewarded for that self-sacrifice for the team. These days honor is out the window, so I'm gettin mine while the gettin's good.

If I feel that cousin familial feel, then I'll be a "team player," and it won't be/feel like work because of it, because of the trust. My own people today, though USE the Religion of Political Correctness to stab me in the back.


May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Reminds me of a thread I read ages ago (can't remember if it was seddit or RooshV) where some dude couldn't get laid for love nor money and everyone was like ''Dude, work on yourself!'' when he asked what they meant, he was told ''Get good at something! Guitar for example. Earn more money. Take up a fun, exciting hobby! Meditate''.

He actually went away and did it and came back a year or so later like ''I earn more money now. I'm pretty sick at guitar too now. I took up rock climbing and have more friends that i've met through that. However, when I approach some hot young girl at a bar or in the street, none of that counts for anything, and i'm still getting zero joy. Improving myself hasn't helped with girls being sexually attracted to me!''

In the end he got surgery (think it was a hair transplant and a nose job) to get better looking, and also moved location, and THAT'S when his dating life improved!

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
In the end he got surgery (think it was a hair transplant and a nose job) to get better looking, and also moved location, and THAT'S when his dating life improved!
Yeah, some places (like my hometown) are just GAY areas. It's either you go gay or you race-mix, or you like country music and wear boots and become full-blown Christian.

I's like I don't like any of that so I moved after I came to the realization that my hometown was GAY everywhere you turn lesbos and homos.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
6 years on this forum and still not understanding the meaning of what is said....
Love this.

Gentlemen, we do not improve ourselves because of the success it will bring us with women. We improve ourselves because we aspire to be great in life and being great in life (a Bette person, further in your career, interesting hobbies) just so happens to come with the benefit of attracting women.

Women are not the source of happiness. They may contribute to it, sure. But a man who fvcks and chases all night and day has no purpose and is likely feeling unfulfilled. We improve ourselves for the sake of experiencing life to the fullest. For the sake of giving everything we can to the world. Making the world a better place as we see fit. Some of us will be right, some of us will be wrong. But your contribution (in your career, relationships, etc) is what makes life meaningful and this is only done through being the best you.

It is a tough thing to truly internalize, I admit. But it is worth doing. The pursuit of ridding yourself of ego and earthly desires is god-like. Of course, you will probably never achieve these things. So the next best thing is to be able to step outside yourself and manage these desires.

Be better because the world deserves the best you. Not because you think you deserve the world. To me, that's what being a DJ is about. Living the mindset in this message.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Reminds me of a thread I read ages ago (can't remember if it was seddit or RooshV) where some dude couldn't get laid for love nor money and everyone was like ''Dude, work on yourself!'' when he asked what they meant, he was told ''Get good at something! Guitar for example. Earn more money. Take up a fun, exciting hobby! Meditate''.

He actually went away and did it and came back a year or so later like ''I earn more money now. I'm pretty sick at guitar too now. I took up rock climbing and have more friends that i've met through that. However, when I approach some hot young girl at a bar or in the street, none of that counts for anything, and i'm still getting zero joy. Improving myself hasn't helped with girls being sexually attracted to me!''

In the end he got surgery (think it was a hair transplant and a nose job) to get better looking, and also moved location, and THAT'S when his dating life improved!
but here is the deal, he did all that for him to have fun or just to atract woman? the idea is doing things you want to ahve fun and build your confidence, and even so you will get shot down a lot, you should never let it hit you, act like she is crazy and move to the next


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Aside from the jewelry you wear, how is a girl ever going to know how much money you have? You can’t bring a car in a club with you. Sure Bottle service is a possibility but I’m not spending $500 on a bottle of liquor.
How about doing something shows that you are wealthy without showing off wealth in a stupid manner, will be noticed by women of good character, and doing so while doing something good for humanity: CHARITABLE DONATING.