I have no idea what's going on..


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hi. I came across this forum while looking for some way to ease and come to terms with what I was feeling. You guys seem really cool, so I was wondering whether you would mind giving me some advice?

I apologize for the long, long post but it's been really strange and I don't know what to cut out.

Ok. So, there is this girl I've liked for a long time. We are seniors and are graduating this year. Truthfully, we didn't start talking frequently until about 9-10 months ago (we've been in the same class for 1 1/2 years this June) and we've talked more and more as time passed. She is confident and outgoing, maybe bit tomboyish but really friendly and sporty too. I'm what you would call the, generally quiet type but not too bad, because I've gotten more comfortable and am not as timid as 2 years ago (she's asked me why I didn't relax sooner so we could've been better friends). I enjoy her company and she seems (seems being keyword) to enjoy mine, we joke and laugh and have a generally good time. Lately, she started getting closer and closer to me physically, punching me on the shoulder, forcing piggy back rides etc. so I thought she may actually like me, even though she's very forward with a lot of her close guy friends and doesn't shy away from physical contact.

One day I accidentally told her that the following week I would ask my date to prom (I was joking at first) Then kept attacking me in the halls and just begging me to tell her. She got even more persistent and one night after a school event, I told her that I would tell her. I thought, it maybe possible (though unlikely because I was a social gimp compared to her because how she acted that night.

The next day, I told her that if she wanted to know, she had to tell me who she was hoping would ask her. I reasoned that if she ever liked me or thought of us in anyway, she would not tell me. But she did.
I panicked and told her that I was going to ask her, but I didn't because I was afraid of making things awkward between us, as I valued her as a friend. To this, she exclaimed and asked me why I didn't ask her and why guys were so chicken to ask her and that that was the reason she was 'forever alone all this time' and asked me whether it was because she was intimidating. I answered no. She didn't let me say everything and said she would save a dance for me and that in the end our class (we have dual programs in our school and our class has only 9 ppl) would probably all go 'forever alone'. I recall now that during my very un-clear explanation, she started hugging herself with one arm. She seemed slightly nervous though her voice didn't show it. I hoped that I could finally move on after this...not the case.

Then I think I made the biggest mistake ever. A text from her led me to calling her and clearly explaining the earlier day again. I cleared up that I liked her, but then I added the bit about how I didn't ask her because of our friendship bit... because I thought it would be worse to go back on it. She kept repeating wow and said that she's never been so complimented in her life before. We ended our conversation and she texted me another thanks.
The next week (I confessed on Saturday and called her on Sunday), she started saying that she's best friends with one other guy, a close friend of mine in our class and is all over him, in a way. It wasn't just me as some other ppl noticed it too. But he wasn't the guy she said she liked. Over that week, she treated me different in school; it felt different at least.
At the end of the week, we had a class dinner to celebrate our break. That night she was extra flirty with the 'best friend'. She spoon fed me some ice-cream before leaving (she did to the 'best friend guy too') I got busted by another girl that night and I had to explain my whole confession event and asked her to keep it quiet. The girl told me (I didn't give up the guy's name) that the guy that my crush liked would probably not ask her to prom because he wasn't the type to. She told me that when the girls were speculating who would go with whom, they had said I would go with the girl I like at one point. I didn't press further.

5 days later the girl I like texts me about some work and we text all the way till late. She invites me to go get ice-cream with her. I was surprised and thought there would be other friends. On the day she turns up wearing a dress (she doesn't wear dresses normally, and casually just jeans and shirt) on her own. So we have our ice-cream, shop, look at a few dresses for prom and have dinner together. We talk about her life before moving here. Half-way through the evening she even invited me to try a coffee at another place some other time, and said she'd treat.

During the time, she was a lot calmer and less charged as she is in school normally. Funny thing, we've talked about her 'quiet' side that is noticed rarely, according to her. Before she left, I got her a pendant on the promise of the coffee (playfully) and she seemed happy. We left after spending a bit over 5 hours out together. Probably the most time we've had alone.
2 days later, I invited everyone over to my place for dinner (long time planned). She comes earlier (wearing the pendant) than everyone else, and when 'the best friend' arrives she comments how she's neither seen nor contacted him since the break started. During the dinner, every time someone mentioned a topic or joke we talked about the other day, she would start giggling, punching and slapping me and we would go in a mini laughing fit.

When I let everyone in my room, she jumps on my bed lays on my pillow. When they found my gloves (kickboxing gloves), she mock fought with others. Forcing me to join, she hit harder and more than with any of the others. I pick her up (can't hit a girl now can I?) and mock slam her on the bed. She comments that she would feel no guilt and found hitting me the easiest. Before we leave to go out, she jokes about how my bed would now smell like her and teases me how comfortable my bed was.

Then things go a bit sideways. A bit later I learn that she was missing a study session our class had planned because she was talking and apparently meeting with this one guy she met at a club (her friends don't approve because it was happening 'again' I don't know the details) for a 'picnic' to mark a month 'meeting' anniversary. According to her, from what I've heard, she was talking to the club guy 'again' because she was just being friendly.

Soon I learnt that she even had a 'boyfriend', someone from our school for about a month whom with she doesn't spend time with anymore, and this is while talking/(dating?) with the guy from the club and -neither- one of these guys is the guy she told me (and her friends) that she liked.
Later after clearing my head, I playfully suggested she wear a dress to the picnic should it be 'romantic' (I didn't know who it was with at the time of the text or about the 2 guys etc.) because she looked cuter in a different way. She texted me really late on the day of the picnic and said she took my advice in a way and wore a dress with jeans.

It hasn't even been a month since I told her I liked her. From what I know now, at the time I told her she had a guy, maybe 2 (school 'boyfriend' and club guy) already and liked another 3rd. This was the time when she exclaimed that she was 'forever alone for so long'.
What does this mean? I don't understand her. The 'best friend guy' told me later (he's a good friend of mine) that he liked her at one point too, did everything for her and then she just became touchy-feely with other guys in front of him. She knew he liked her because someone went behind his back and told her. She supposedly said that she wished he didn't like her to her other friend. The guy eventually thought it too complicated and became a bit distant from her and was just as surprised, when she started being 'best friends' with him all of a sudden. But they never had a confrontation and had remained friends all throughout everything, the difference was that the guy stopped trying to do everything for her and this was nearly an year ago. He was surprised when I told him about the ice-cream get together.
On the time we were out, I didn't spend on her(my friend did a lot when he liked her; too nice guy maybe?), except for the pendant which was cheap.
Most of the text conversation we have are initiated 50/50, but 99/100 start about work and then progresses to something else, if it does. Post-confession, I've noticed we've talked more frequently and, when we do about more substantial things and not just work every time.
It's like she is two different girls. One outgoing, outdoorsy, fun girl and another quieter, reading type. She's shown interest in games I play and even has asked me to show her how to play sometime, and we do share some interests and it seems she values my suggestions about books and comics, some of which she's eagerly read after my suggestion and she didn't seem to be the reading type at first.

But from what I know about her during our time out, she was considered a bit of a 'nerdy' girl before moving here, getting contacts, removing braces etc. in middle school and early high school. Now, she doesn't drink often and even then lightly on special events and in the gatherings I've been to, it's been this girl and I who don't drink. (I don't drink, nothing against people who do though).

I'm really sorry for the really long post, but I couldn't think of what to cut out. What do you think? Would you mind giving me some advice about what I can do?

I was thinking about asking her to meet me and just hang out and do something before our break ends, or should I just forget about her and move on? Any input would be greatly appreciated, this is the first time I've told someone I like and ever gone this far (if this is anything at all!).


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
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my favorite saying of all time is
"The biggest mistake you will ever make, is being too afraid of making one"

if you still like her than let her know, show her, even ask her out if you feel you want that

there is definately something there that is worth pursuing further in my opinion
at the end there you asked whether you should keep going with her, or move on and forget about her... well honestly, if you keep going with her and it doesnt work (which i doubt will happen) then you move on, but if you just move on without trying you will never know whether you could have had something amazing

again, The biggest mistake you'll ever make, is being too afraid to make one.
think about that :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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"There's this one girl..." There is one fault in that statement. There is only ONE girl. Get 3 more you're actively going for and your girl problems are almost solved. No oneitis, no over thinking, just fun.

In general, you do not want to tell a girl verbally that you like her. Show it boldly through your actions. Don't be afraid to display interest.
Hold her hand. See what happens. Always be leading. And hey, kiss her, and she's yours, depending on how prudish she is. Basically, after the kiss, you're on the same team.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Damn I wrote such a beautiful reply and then my computer restarted.

This reminds me so much of.. me :D.
Man, you have to do 2 things.
1. Become a better you. Try to talk to everyone and be more social, start working out ( don't tell me you can't go to a gym cause I'm working out at home ), eat smart, take care of your look, work for school... you get the point.

2. You do what you want but when I was in your situation I had these 2 choices. 1- try, risk it and 2- do nothing, move on. I liked this girl too much so I knew for me there was only one choice afterall: Try no matter what happens. And I did.
You don't have to be the smoothest but try to move things forward woth this girl.
Ignore the other guys hitting on her and do yout own thing. Thinking about them and picturing them can make the good times seem nothing and can really sc*** you and make you do stupid things, believe me.

You told her you like her but have you told her you want a relationship? ( this is what you want, right? ).
I know, I know.. there are a milion details and a milion things that happen and one moment she seems to like you and another you don't know anymore and you can never really figure her out.
The solution is to make a move being yourself and see what happens.


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hey guys, thank you for your replies! I've been reading up more, the DJ Bible, articles on SoSuave etc. and it's really brought on a new perspective.

I am going to invite her to come along to the arcade (she's expressed interest playing before, so I thought it maybe the best option) if she wants to and give her a place and time, so far she's said she'll see and seems interested, but who knows. Either way, I plan on having a nice day. On the day, I'm going to try and be friendlier, try and see how she responds to me touching her (kino?) and maybe, if it really seems right I'll go for it.

@AussiAceents: Yea, that's a problem I've had for a long time and always end up regretting it. Rejection or not, we've still got tomorrow and I'll finally know for sure. Thanks!

@NorwegianDJ: I have already told her that I liked her, so would that change the interaction significantly or should I just relax and try to have fun? About a week ago, I was obsessed with this girl (serious oneitis?) and I am slowly relaxing and looking it differently, but other girls may take awhile for me. I see the point though, thank you.

@Pozitron: Hehe.. Ah Technology!.. Yea, I've now started (as of 2 days ago) a fitness/health plan using bodyweight (Funk's Spartacus Workouts) for now. That's the thing, the day I wanted to ask her out/to prom, and when she told me she liked someone else (I was shocked more by the fact she told me and not so much as who, because I was expecting rejection anyway). I panicked a bit and though I said that I liked her, I said that I valued her too much as a friend to risk making things awkward. In reality, I think it's worth it. I don't know whether to tell her directly, or just show it through action and say it straight if she asks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Well you've already told her you're interested. You shouldn't (ever) need to hide your intents. However, express them not with words, but actions. Any actions. If you touch her and she does nothing, it's a positive response and you move forward. Don't doubt yourself, you seem like a cool guy that takes the advice given to him.


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hey guys, thought I'd give you an update. So, I just came back from the arcade and she didn't show up. In a way, I guess I never expected her to show up at all. At least, now I know that it isn't mutual.

Though, I can't help but thinking that she may have felt like she wasn't supposed to come? Like, in the text I said she was welcome to join me at the arcade, but didn't really say that I wanted HER to come WITH me.

Plus, she confirmed if I was free on the day of the ice-cream invitation a few hrs before the time, so I can't help but thinking she forgot (though that doesn't make me feel much better) or had something else going on, which may be true.

Either way, I guess it's sort of clear. If she was interested, at the least, a text with an excuse would be there.. Oh well, she did text me a reply to an older conversation 2 am last night. Unfortunately, in a moment of weakness I replied to that particular text and vaguely mentioned how I had to fly solo in and couldn't kill all the 'baddies' without my partner. Not good, I know. Hopefully, once my head clears up, I can begin ignoring her a bit. She's had enough control over my life, oneitis, truly a tough beast to kill.

Thanks for the help guys! I'll let you know if anything big goes down.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Rrhoodie said:
At least, now I know that it isn't mutual.

Though, I can't help but thinking that she may have felt like she wasn't supposed to come? Like, in the text I said she was welcome to join me at the arcade, but didn't really say that I wanted HER to come WITH me.

Plus, she confirmed if I was free on the day of the ice-cream invitation a few hrs before the time, so I can't help but thinking she forgot (though that doesn't make me feel much better) or had something else going on, which may be true.
Looks like its YOUR fault.

When you set up a date, you need to be clear that you expect her to come. It also helps to send a reminder text that day. Not only did you not remind her, you talked with her without mentioning it. This is a very clear sign to her that it wasn't happening.

I think this girl is over and done with. You haven't presented yourself as a confident, leading man who takes what he wants. Find a new girl, and focus on being direct and decisive.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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It's really not about being direct all the time, it's about being clear. You don't have to spell it out every single time, you can leave some mystery. Be cool. Like here, you were actually fairly direct but what you were being direct with wasn't actually your intent so you were still unclear. You basically verbally said one thing (I like you) then physically got nervous and started second guessing, which would of lead her to do the same and ended it.


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hey guys, it's been a while and a few things have happened. I was hoping I could get some more advice from you guys, it's been helpful so far and I think some progress has been made.

Most importantly, I've really pushed back the oneitis. My world no longer revolves around the girl and it feels great!

I'll keep it short, I asked the girl directly if she would be 'my date' to prom (in a nice way, not too much effort though). She said "Sure". Her body language, smile and reaction were not extremely enthusiastic. No hugs or physical touch. She seemed nervous and uncomfortable, on the bench we sat her knees never faced me. In hindsight maybe I should've initiated. I had a feeling she wasn't serious, and I have found out later that she wanted to say that we were going 'as friends' but didn't because a friend suggested it may 'ruin the mood'. To date, she hasn't told me directly.

I've found out more about the boyfriend too. She's ignored him in the halls many times before this and said out loud that she was alone. It seems that she only sees him as her BF when she needs to. Not very nice of her at all. Lately, after a 30 hour famine we had, they seem to have gotten closer and she has actually mentioned his name a few times in class (famine was before I asked her, name mentioning started after).

She's asked me to come study with her after I asked her to prom as well and suggested we go to the coffee place to do so. I've given my self about 4 hrs with her this time, so I have the ability to leave when I want to. I feel like she just wants to fulfill her promises to me and 'clear the plate'. She's even paid back for a lunch I bought her a long time ago.

I'm meeting her tomorrow (study is beneficial for me too) and will try to escalate fast and see her response. Either way, I plan to tell her I know about her boyfriend - I don't want to be a pity date and feel uncomfortable being used, specially as a backup 'friend date'. What do you guys suggest I do? She also texts, talks and touches me less now then before the first night out. Our exams are close too, so that may be a factor.

One thing though, is that she is still flirty with a lot of the guys. Not with me, but even in front of her BF, during the 30 hour famine. I've started hanging out and talking to more girls now too. Not too much flirting/escalation since I've known some of them and are kinda close already.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2012
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I think you shouldn't think about it too much and just be in the moment. People notice if you're too much in your head. You should probably do kino right when you see her. Then just have fun. You should take her for a walk after a while so she'll have more memories of the interaction. But make sure to make them good memories and perhaps most importantly; uphold your standards and values, man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Realize this: What she does to her boyfriend is what she would do to you. Do you want to be treated that way?

That said, great job on asking her to prom! I don't understand why she isn't going with her boyfriend, but it takes balls to ask a girl to prom.

On this "date" coming up, you need to try to kiss her. Last year a girl asked me to prom, and I was hoping it was romantic. I was smart enough then (I was just starting to look into game) to try to make a move the weekend after she asked me. I got close to her, hands around her waist, leaned in, and she pulled away. We both knew what was up. We still had a lot of fun at prom as friends, and I'm still friends with her. It was a great decision to try to kiss her.

Don't mention her boyfriend on the date. Just have fun, and go for the kiss as soon as you can. No matter what happens, be happy about it.

Here are some general tips about your inner game, some mental mistakes I think you're making:
1. "30 hour famine." So you didn't talk to her for 30 hours and you think this was a significant move? Check out my journal, the close I just had. I had one conversation over facebook, one by texting, then we went on a date and I got head. 30 hours is not a very long time, and silence is often the most effective choice.

2. "I don't want to be a pity date and feel uncomfortable being used, specially as a backup 'friend date'."
This mentality is broken. If you feel this way, why are you going on the date at all?
Whatever your reason (probably because you don't have other options), you've agreed to go on the date but you're resentful about it. This negative emotion will poison the interaction. She is not intentionally using you, or pitying you, so avoid those thoughts.

3. This girl is probably not worth it. She sounds manipulative, and like she enjoys jealousy and drama. It isn't her fault, some people are just like that. The man with options, self-esteem and self-confidence would ditch her and move on to the next girl.


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Apr 10, 2012
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@ Zurg: Thanks man, principles can't be broken just like that. So, when I see the BF I'll see if I can talk to him at least. He is not only a nice guy, but my brother's friend too.

@ Learning Slowly:

"Realize this: What she does to her boyfriend is what she would do to you. Do you want to be treated that way?"

I have thought that and understand this. I had my suspicions but I found rumors are 90% lies, so didn't think much of it until after I asked her to prom and then our mutual friends (close to her) told me about it.

I didn't mean it like that :), sorry. The 30 Hr Famine is just an event we had, where we fast staying over at school for the whole time, to raise awareness for famine victims. I never stopped talking to her, just didn't go all the way out of my way just to find her and talk to her. I've just been amicable, not texting out of nowhere though and that

"This negative emotion will poison the interaction. She is not intentionally using you, or pitying you, so avoid those thoughts."

Your spot on about that... it has been poison and I'm trying to just let it go.

I do have other options though. Funnily enough, on the day of and after I asked her, it's been suggested whether I would've considered asking 2 other people (2 separate times). One of the suggested is one of the close mutual friends.

Your 3rd point; yes. I feel that way now. But, again she hasn't done wrong in front of me and it's from other people I hear, all of whom who still push though. That's why I thought maybe escalating like you guys suggested would make things clearer at least. Rumor says that the relationship they have didn't start of very bright either, a friend was hurt etc.

As far as the study thing is concerned, she called and canceled. She said she was sick, did sound so and has been for the past week and suggested we go get the coffee (again) some other time. She sounded pissed off that I wasn't mad and mentioned something about 'being mad'.

Looks like it's time to move on. The girl doesn't seem like the best person either. I learnt a lot though, so I guess that's ok. I'll still give escalation a try if a chance presents itself, but I won't go out of my way to set things up. Thanks guys!
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Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Moving on is a good choice. Also, since you've never tried going no contact with this girl, I would recommend no contact for at least the rest of the school year.


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hey guys!
It's been a while, so I thought I'd give you guys an update on the situation and how your advice has helped me so far.
HB-C (my oneities) called and made plans for next day. She was actually sick. She brings up prom. She clarifies she meant 'sure' as in 'let's go as friends'. I tell her that makes sense and that I heard about her dating someone. She jumps to say she is dating him (let's call him N)
She says if I was uncomfortable it was ok. She says that 'doesn't care if she is alone'. I didn't reply but it was clear that she cared, a lot. She does mention how she is 'not romantic' all the time, but it seems like she'd go gaga over something like that. Especially since I did a little scavenger hunt (it was nothing too difficult, or special for that matter) and her reaction said a lot when I asked her to prom. Doing this good a lot of attention from a few female friends for the next few days.
N was asked by another girl to go to prom. N said yes after HB-C told him it was ok. This was after I asked HB-C to prom. There was a triangle there somewhere I think.
I told her she didn't need to explain anything, tried to end it there and move on. But she kept going; She doesn't know why she started dating him. She had a thing for him last year, but he said he didn't like her. It was her senior year, she doesn't even know if she likes him or even if he likes her.
I say nothing and she continues to explain rumours floating around that she doesn't understand why people saw her the way they did. (I hadn't heard all of these). She tells me about relationships in general.
She sat defensively, no eye contact and extremely uncomfortable. I managed to get her back somehow and then she talked about her personal history. She shared some personal stuff and joked about how we were more similar than we looked.
Before she left, I escalate kino fast and tell her I would still go with her, be it as a friend. I felt since I had asked her, and N had already been set-up, it would be a douche move to ditch her for senior prom.
The following days, she calls and initiates and we chat about the upcoming exams. Suddenly after first 3 exams, she cuts off contact. She leaves immediately after each paper and her usually friends are distant. I become AFC and text her to see how she was, and to arrange the prom details. She suggests we meet. We do, but this time it is cold and energy is less. I think I should've led more. She texts after, I call and we have a laugh about something she sees on the way back.We meet but not as much energy as before. A lot quieter.
Prom Night. I think I didn't pay as much attention to her as I should've. I talked to other people when she walked away. I don't know whether I should've chased, gone after her. We had a few laughts but, she doesn't kino me, but does so with other guys. Takes more pictures with an old crush, then with me or N and flirts with the guy in my class (let's call him T). During the slow dance, she can't look me in the eye and just sings and comments about others in my ear. Uncomfortable.
N was there with date. We talk; friendly. N has been and is a chill guy. He is an excellent BBall player, dancer, musician, tall, good looking popular guy. 2 years younger than us, no contest; I had no chance compared to this dude.
Before N leaves; he walks up to HB-C, confirms post-prom meet up. Then, he gives a very, very awkward quick kiss on cheek and goes. No reply from HB-C. HB-C thanks me before leaving. Every time I complimented her (2 times, I should've said more, she looked awesome) she told me I looked great. Felt forced.
Next evening. I go a bit AFC again. Texted thanks with a bit about 'not being the ideal date' and hoping that she enjoyed it. (I cringe when I remember this now). She replied thanking me for being amazing date etc. I still feel this was a big, big failing.
Exams end, she had suddenly cheers up. Then she seems to shun me a bit. After this, I don't contact her until she starts calling and texting consistently for me to pick her up to go to a 2 night hotel stay we got to celebrate end of exams. Even my brother texts me about it. I go late and don't pick her up, didn't have a reason to anyway, she was out with N at the time.
We have a 2 night stay at a hotel to celebrate. At the hotel it's just me, T and HB-N and HB-C. She is seems distant-ish but it's not too bad. I don't really talk to her and I have to say I acted quite normal, no AFC stuff during the stay. She does flirt extremely with T, and he with her. He has a perverted sense of humour and it seems to work, the guys is hilarious and the girls laugh at this stuff. We did stay in the room.
Weeks pass, we prepare and leave on Grad Trip. I don't contact her after the hotel stay. We meet up with 2 guys (say Abe and Alex) who graduated before. Extremely popular and good looking. These guys are shredded. HB-N hooks up with Abe. HB-C seems to be interested in Alex, she flirts with him. Even jumps on him on the bed when we are chilling and rolls off to the side. Wants to dance in the clubs, plays footsie etc. He doesn't reciprocate. HB-C loses energy and doesn't talk when these guys leave. HB-C also flirts with T and he seems to be the only person she casually talks to. In group conversations, her body language regularly suggests she doesn't want to talk to me, she rarely if ever, faces me and always faces T.
I learn she broke up with N post-prom. Then got back together on the same day. She called T and cried to him. Says she doesn't want to lie to herself, that she likes the guy who she told me she wanted to ask her to prom in the first place.
Her female friends b**** about her. I feel uncomfortable. She only converses happily with T, which she initiates. She seems to have asked about whether her friend still has feelings for him. Intentions unclear, but T seems to be avoiding returning all her attention; which is working in his favour I think. He flirts with all the girls in our group and is absolutely hilarious on the trip. He liked her before, didn't ask her out but was told and got rejected.
I got the little sister of a friend (on grad trip) to call HB-C a nickname I gave her; it makes her mad. She told the sister to not be fooled by my good looks and charm. That's a first; never been complimented by her like that before
Last night of trip, I go AFC and text her when she doesn't join us for beach side chilling, that she could talk to me about stuff. No response. Final morning in Airport, she seems more receptive to me again. Actually holds conversation instead of breaking off after 1-2 sentences. Again, I didn't really talk to her personally anyway. I felt it bad since she seemed so cold.
I suppose I could just be reading too much into her behaviour because of my oneitis. I can never really tell.
Needless to say I am in ultra AFC depression mode. I feel like I know she doesn't give a care in the world about me, or see me in that way. I suppose I've always expected that, but again the regret of never asking her out the very first time, is heavy on my mind. And that hope that we could've had something is really, really bad. I don't feel like just giving up, having not really tried, but I'm assuming that is the next step? Add to the fact that N maybe her first real LTR too and she mentioned that things would've been different if 'someone' had asked her earlier. Go figure, rumours suck.
Just reflecting on everything, regrets start popping up and I realize that HS will end for me on graduation next Friday. Just realizing that I lost so many opportunities to have fun, join teams, study even harder and really be a teenager is depressing, on top of the fact I'm leaving with 0 experience in the girl area. No dates (unless those 3 meet-ups count), not even any hand holding level stuff.
Most of my class leaves for summer next week. HB-C however, returns for 3 months in August. Consequently I'm here that time too, before heading off to Uni in 2013 (Gap Year).
I just wanted to give you guys an update of what happened. It's been tough, since I have no experience in this kind of thing, but I did get her as my prom date; drama aside it was a fun night. I was just wondering whether you guys could give me an idea of what to do next? I just want to know how to not repeat the same mistakes and if there is any sense in hoping for something with HB-C in August.
I've planned out some intense self-improvement stuff for the summer. Fitness, hobbies, a few other stuff and classes over the summer. I need to boost my confidence. I had the opportunity to game some girls on the Grad Trip, but half way through I became self conscious and didn't do the cold approach. It was nerve wrecking.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
^^TrishTrish, what?? Who are you bro?

To OP:

Well, that's rough. And sounds like the typical behavior between a girl who isn't interested and a guy who is. There is no reason to ever expect any relationship between the two of you.

After prom you should have known what was up. Even before prom, she made it abundantly clear. You correctly identified many AFC actions. NEVER do those in the future.

Your biggest chance was leading up to prom and at prom itself. To answer your question about how to handle her as a prom date, when a girl is distant on a dance floor, you need to find a good balance of contact and distance. Here's how to do that (I was also "just friends" with my date, but we still danced and had a great time because I didnt let it be awkward)::

Dance with her right off the bat. Follow the trends of the group. If they grind, you grind, and do it unabashedly (if it seems awkward, make jokes in her ear at the beginning). MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE RHYTHM OF THE MUSIC.

If she walks away, or goes to pay attention to another guy, walk away like it was your idea. Find another girl and talk to her (it's easy, usually, just compliment her on her dress or something) and maybe dance with her.

If you're stuck there with nothing to do, go away. Get a drink, go to the bathroom, then return.

When you see her again after some time away, say hi and make physical contact! If people are dancing and the mood is right, dance with her. If it's just a circle of conversation, be physical and joke with people.

(I think I wrote a long post since you wrote a long post. Dance floor game is my favorite though, I should write a real post about it.)


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Seems like a friendzone problem.

Trishtrish has 4 posts and weak rep...I vote troll.


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
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LearningSlowly: That's kinda what I tried to do during the dance. Not as smoothly as I wanted though. In general, we danced in a group, not partner to partner and she never faced me on the floor. So, I did go dance with another girl. Then returned, she didn't respond either. What I still don't get is the sudden rise in hostility and sudden drop in interaction.

Yeap, it sucks.

Thinking back, I think I was way in over my head here. I feel like I should've realized that she was never and probably never going to see me in that way, considering who I am. Really, I had nothing to offer her; no fun world of my own and experience that she would enjoy, not particularly attractive, nor on sports teams. Makes me realize how easy attractive guys go through life, personal challenges aside, this area of their lives are pretty easy. It's baffling. Too bad I didn't bulk earlier on.

Funnily enough, some reflection and down-time has brought me to the realization that I may not even have really been considered a 'friend' per say. The T guy is obviously the guy she talks to etc. which may have been a blessing. What sucks though, is knowing how little I may have meant in the end.

It's really bad for me personally at the moment, because I'm still not over her. In a bit of a downward spiral and bad mood in general. Since school is over, there isn't much I can occupy myself with. Because of the gap year I can't look forward to a new life in college either. Overall, I guess my high school life has been pretty crappy. I wish I found SS a lot earlier, would've cut out a lot of the naive ideas I had about these things and made my life a lot more fun.

I think this is going to be the end for this girl and this thread. This is really hard to say, I don't know how to move on at the moment but I guess it just takes time and lot of other girls? Thank you to everyone, for your advice and ideas. If I had managed to implement every suggestion and really take everything in, the end result may have been different; but it's a process.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Rrhoodie said:
LearningSlowly: That's kinda what I tried to do during the dance. Not as smoothly as I wanted though. In general, we danced in a group, not partner to partner and she never faced me on the floor. So, I did go dance with another girl. Then returned, she didn't respond either. What I still don't get is the sudden rise in hostility and sudden drop in interaction.

Yeap, it sucks.

Thinking back, I think I was way in over my head here. I feel like I should've realized that she was never and probably never going to see me in that way, considering who I am. Really, I had nothing to offer her; no fun world of my own and experience that she would enjoy, not particularly attractive, nor on sports teams. Makes me realize how easy attractive guys go through life, personal challenges aside, this area of their lives are pretty easy. It's baffling. Too bad I didn't bulk earlier on.

Funnily enough, some reflection and down-time has brought me to the realization that I may not even have really been considered a 'friend' per say. The T guy is obviously the guy she talks to etc. which may have been a blessing. What sucks though, is knowing how little I may have meant in the end.

It's really bad for me personally at the moment, because I'm still not over her. In a bit of a downward spiral and bad mood in general. Since school is over, there isn't much I can occupy myself with. Because of the gap year I can't look forward to a new life in college either. Overall, I guess my high school life has been pretty crappy. I wish I found SS a lot earlier, would've cut out a lot of the naive ideas I had about these things and made my life a lot more fun.

I think this is going to be the end for this girl and this thread. This is really hard to say, I don't know how to move on at the moment but I guess it just takes time and lot of other girls? Thank you to everyone, for your advice and ideas. If I had managed to implement every suggestion and really take everything in, the end result may have been different; but it's a process.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The amount of self-pity here is massive.
Wash the sand out of your vagina and start working on making yourself into the best you can be. That means personal commitment and hard work. If you really want it, you'll become that person.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Rrhoodie said:
Yeap, it sucks.

Thinking back, I think I was way in over my head here. I feel like I should've realized that she was never and probably never going to see me in that way, considering who I am. Really, I had nothing to offer her; no fun world of my own and experience that she would enjoy, not particularly attractive, nor on sports teams. Makes me realize how easy attractive guys go through life, personal challenges aside, this area of their lives are pretty easy. It's baffling. Too bad I didn't bulk earlier on.
Well, you could always look back at yourself 5 years from now and think, "****, if only I started back then..."
Just start already. Now or never.