I have many options, do I go for this, that, or all of them?

Colin O'Brien

Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
Theres a girl that likes me a lot. I like her too, so thats all good.

But here's the issue: my recent advances in DJ study has left me in a situation where there are many women who are wanting a piece of me (and many others which my new DJ skills could easily acquire). I'm fine with hooking up with lots of chicks, but the girl I mentioned above is much more than just a random chick to me.

So I need to choose between two options.... or do I? Is it possible, in High School, to carry on a relationship yet continue to, surreptitiously, advance upon previously said ladies? I mean since everyone pretty much knows everyone at school, could a burgeoning young DJ such as myself take on such a challenge? Does anyone have tips for keeping things under the radar? I'm really fine either way, as I shall be going 3,000 miles away for college next fall (and there's no way in hell I'm doing any kind of long-distance relationship). Can anyone relate experiences like this or provide advice? I greatly appreciate it.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
I was in your shoes a month ago, I just chose the girl that was important to me. Around that time I saw a movie called Good Luck Chuck with Dane Cook and realized that yeah, it's great having all these gals, but if I can't be close to the one that means something to me, what's the point? If you take the special girl as your girlfriend you can still flirt with the other girls, just not excessively. Either way if you **** up you're still moving in a few months so there's little risk to you. Whatever you choose, I hope it works out for ya.

Rata Blanca

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Be honest, tell them you are not looking for a relationship, DO NOT ENTER A RELATIONSHIP JUST TO KEEP THE GIRL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Colin, IMO the BEST OUTLOOK and FRAME of MIND for these situation is to be upfront with the girls.

You need to tell them something like this:
"Look, I like you very much. I'm interested in being with you. If I can be with you now, I will. But right now, I'm looking to find out what it is that I like about a woman. I'm trying to find out what do I want right now. So I don't know if I feel like I'm in a position to be in the exclusive monogamous relationshiop right now, although I look forward to that in the future. But how will I find out what I really want? That's all I'm trying to do. Im not trying to hurt anybody. I'm just trying to get to know myself better and find out what I really reaally want. Can you understand this?"

be honest, man.
Be honest.

Be with her. Give her your full attention and TELL HER.
Look into her eyes and tell her.

If you REALLY REALLY want an exclusive deal , then you are going to have to go for the girl that is more in tune with that.
And that means she has to be very warm and affectionate, honest and loyal, and giving.
But see, these things you have to find out for yourself.
If not, you're going to be at the mercy of your desires and women later in life.

Dont feel guilty for wanting to see multiple females.
Really dont.

It's being dishonest and misrepresenting yourself and the situation that you MUST not do in order to grow into a strong masculine mature man.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so she likes you, and she knows you flirt with loads. Ask her out, but for gods sake, don't change what you are doing.

Obviously you are doing something right. And there is no harm in some honest flirting. Keep it up, and treat her right. Don't kiss another girl, but hell, a cheeky conversation with a lass isnt a bad thing. Do what you are doing, and ask the girl out. When she knows she was chosen by you out of all these potentials, imagine how much she will like that. :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I would fvck a couple of the girls you like. Then, go after the one who is relationship material to you. If she is still open and interested by that time. Or just pick the one you like best and date her. Or fvck em all and have fun with it!!