"I will take your word for it Karma, but his post really was in bad taste."
No it wasn't.
When I tell a guy to go around and spread STD's then you can make this post again but since I never told anyone that you are simply keeping an issue alive that should of died with my last post in here.
The blame lies not with me but with your knee jerk reaction and rush to judgement of me without fully thinking my post through.
"KontrollerX, sorry if I offended you but honestly - think twice before posting sh!t like this, or explain yourself a little better like you just did.. I'm not the only one who misinterpreted your "joke"."
It should be noted that the other guy you speak of is another person here whom I've used the ignore feature on for replying like an idiot and flipping out on me for some advice I gave a poster who was very happy to receive it a few months back.
The guy clearly has an axe to grind with me and still hasn't gotten over it hence his post in here.
You are friend's with Icky and Icky and I cannot stand eachother.
You saw this guy's post taking issue with what I said and used it as a platform to jump off of and attack me probably in a way to support Icky in her campaign against me.
Since Icky magically appeared immediately after your post towards me I think its pretty clear what is going on here.
Also you should know I'm not the only one Icky has trolled here.
She has called backbreaker's girlfriend ugly when unprovoked, she has called me a rapist unprovoked, she has repeatedly trolled Str8up even though he has repeatedly asked her to stop and the list can honestly go on all day if I could be bothered to dig up some threads about it to post here but anyway here you are still remaining friends with her.
Fingz if you want to turn yourself around on this forum and get away from your trolling past why are you still friends with a troll like Icky?
It makes no sense if you want to turn over a new leaf.
One rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch as the saying goes.
Why would you hang around with that which is rotten?
"You throw it out there you best back it up with examples."
If she can find the thread make sure to read my posts Karma.
She takes my advice and misconstrues it to support her twisted agenda.
In the thread I laugh off her insult because I am a nice guy and think well Icky is just being her usual clownish-impish self and this will pass but obviously it didn't as evidenced by her continuing it in this thread so I just have to say...
If she would like to continue down this road of calling me a rapist or saying that I am " pro rape" I will look into suing for slander.
Not sure if such a case could even be made beings were just online characters but if this continues I may just have to find out.
Edit: And I think I've said this before and that is I respect that you've helped people and many look up to you fingz so I will say if your intentions in this thread were pure and unmotivated by any influence of Icky's and you really have been trying to live up to the old legend status you built and turn things around then you have my sincerest apologies but only you know this for sure. I can't read your mind or at this point trust what you tell me so I will humbly bow out of this thread hopefully for the last time and remain in my corner of the forum while you remain in yours. I think its best we not criticize eachother and just help the brothers in our own way to keep the peace. I will respond to no more attacks of yours, Icky's or anyone elses unless they are considerably viscious and slanderous.