The Bad Ass Canadian said:Do your homework. Stop listening to what the "authorities" are telling you.
Your body and your fat cells are not like a bank account. Calories go in, and what you don't burn gets saved as fat. No, it does not happen that way.
Go on youtube and search "Big Fat Fiasco pt. 1-5"... This is basically the Cliff notes on Gary Taubes' book. It's a little over an hour long and though it doesn't cover everything, it does give you the key points. Watch that and then get back to me.
I can point you in 100 different places that can back up what I'm saying.
Carbohydrates are the enemy and the interesting thing about people who get fat, their bodies make them hungrier (thus eat more) in response to the weight gain.... Not the other way around.
Do your research instead of blindly believing what you've been told.
Im not told anything, I test out on my own body for months!
the whole oatmeal/chicken/tuna diet only applies to those who have shiet genes and something that has been drilled into athlete's minds for years and is nothing but broscience.
when in reality, if you have ok genes, you can easily get away with a 1000 calorie burger on a 2000 calorie diet
my close friend absolutely has to eat "clean" foods in order to stay in shape, one burrito and he blows up
me, I start my day off with a bowl of cereal and a scoop of ice cream, even on a cut.
there is little difference in eating 2000 calories of tuna and oats and eating 2000 calories of burger and oats
as long as you're below the caloric intake and maintain protein intake, you will lose fat/weight