I have a problem...


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
wow...this shyt is interesting! If a hot girl starts rubbing my ****...resistence (if it was even there to begin with, not likely) is non-existent after that. :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
We need a pic of you. I'm serious. Maybe you are not all that attractive as you think you are. I've turned down offers for sex with girls I didn't find attractive, maybe this is what's happening.

But yeah, find yourself a chick forum.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys thanks for the replies. I appreciate it. Shezz I see what you are saying but I still wonder if he only sees me as a friend.

As it stands now I still initiate most phone calls and he will call me back. But I am starting to think that he enjoys knowing that I want him. I also get this vibe from him where I feels like he wants me to make a decision to initate something. For instance, when he came over last weekend for some reason I was really nervous. I wouldn't even sit next to him, and in an effort to prolong our time together I asked for a massage, and he was up for it. But I was so nervous I did not even know where I should lay down at. My livingroom doesn't have a huge couch so I didn't want to lay there and I even questioned him about where he would be more comfortable at. He said nothing until I started to lay down on the floor. He was like wouldn't you be more comfortable laying on your bed. In my nervousness, I never even thought about going to my bedroom.

Also there was another time during the early summer that he was giving me a massage at his house and he made a comment about how I would feel it more if I didn't have my shirt on. But did I react? No. I was nervous and couldn't react. So he took it off for me. It was just hard for me because we've been friends so long and I have liked him for so long and nothing like that had ever happened. But that is just another example of how I feel he wants me to be more assertive and take some action. But yet I am scared to do so for fear of rejection.

Oh one other thing I wanted to mention. I know there is always mention of girls being gold diggers and such on the site. For awhile he has mentioned how he'd like me to drink with him. But I usually don't because I have a low tolerance and I don't want to drive after I have had alcohol. Well I was ready to have a drink to calm my nerves the other night, but I didn't have anything in the house. Well he offered to go buy me some alcohol. I was somewhat surprised. I live very close to a store so why was he offering to buy my alcohol? He had told me that he was tired so he was not going to drink anything with me and it was already implied that he was going to drive home and not stay. But anyway I told him no that I could buy my own beer if I wanted it. I also told him it would be no fun to drink alone. So what's the point?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Honestly Dreamychick, if you weren't a member since 02 I'd think you were a forum troll :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah I know that my posts suck shift. I have been working a lot so I dont have a lot of time during the week to post so I have all that time to think about the things that are driving me crazy but I am too chicken to do anything about. I am slowly building my courage though. I am a female AFC. lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
DreamyChick said:
Yeah I know that my posts suck shift. I have been working a lot so I dont have a lot of time during the week to post so I have all that time to think about the things that are driving me crazy but I am too chicken to do anything about. I am slowly building my courage though. I am a female AFC. lol
Why wont you follow my advice and just kiss, touch etc. the man already. Respectively, you sound like a broken record.:D


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Tell him you want him.

Give him some sort of a hint if you can't say it "verbally". Give his some buying signals. And make them OBVIOUS. Subtle rarely works. Make it as obvious as you can.

If that doesn't work... find someone better.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
BlackJackal said:
Why wont you follow my advice and just kiss, touch etc. the man already. Respectively, you sound like a broken record.:D
It's not just your advice. EVERYONE who's wasted their time reading this thread has told her that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
For all you wussies who may be reading:

This is a perfect example of why chicks don't make a move. They spend all their time thinking, and NOT doing. Kind of like most of you super-AFCs/intelectuals.

She can't make a move because she is tuck in her own damn head. That's why MEN HAVE TO TAKE THE LEAD. The women, simply can't.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
I was going to make a move last night. I really was, the timing was just about right but then as I said my mom came home and he freaked out.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
This the same guy you always post about? For about 4 years now?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Gangster Of Love said:
This the same guy you always post about? For about 4 years now?
Has it really been that long? Damn, talk about oneitis.

DreamyChick, stop making excuses. It shouldn't take you longer than 5 minutes within seeing him to make a move. Even if your mom didn't come home at all that night you would've posted some other lame excuse with the way you're behaving.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Call_Me_Daddy said:
For all you wussies who may be reading:

This is a perfect example of why chicks don't make a move. They spend all their time thinking, and NOT doing. Kind of like most of you super-AFCs/intelectuals.

She can't make a move because she is tuck in her own damn head. That's why MEN HAVE TO TAKE THE LEAD. The women, simply can't.
Sun Tzu respects the wisdom of C_M_Daddy.

Let he who has an ear hear...


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
DreamyChick said:
I was going to make a move last night. I really was, the timing was just about right but then as I said my mom came home and he freaked out.
There is no "I was going to". You either do or you do not. And in this case you didn't.

You have to show him you are interested. Because we guys cannot read minds. We can't know what you feel unless you express it. We can't know what you are thinking unless you say it.

If this guy has been pursuing you for awhile and you did nothing to show that you liked him, then he'll take it that you "don't really care" and look for someone else who does.

If you are interested in being with him, then SHOW IT SOMEHOW.

Touching him usually works. Trust me, he likes it. Gauge his reaction and act accordingly.

Laughing when he makes a joke. Even if its not that funny.

Show him that you enjoy his company. Be nice and sweet and friendly around him. Don't be a b*tch. Don't complain. Don't tell him about your problems and do not ask about his. You want to stay nice and positive. Keep talking about positive things. If he brings negative up, try to change it around.

And DON'T BE A CHALLENGE. Regardless of what you may think, we guys do not like a challenge. The less work we have to do, the more we like you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Call_Me_Daddy said:
There is no "I was going to". You either do or you do not. And in this case you didn't.

You have to show him you are interested. Because we guys cannot read minds. We can't know what you feel unless you express it. We can't know what you are thinking unless you say it.

If this guy has been pursuing you for awhile and you did nothing to show that you liked him, then he'll take it that you "don't really care" and look for someone else who does.

If you are interested in being with him, then SHOW IT SOMEHOW.
Don't give a chick advice how to be a man. Its not her fault that she is in love with a guy with shrunken balls.

Men do not need to read minds, therefore every time we make a move on a chick there is a risk of rejection. Its part of being a man and sex is the reward for going through the approach due to the risk. Sissy boys are afraid of rejection, afraid of the approach and therefore barley get sex if any.

Its either this fool is playing mind games with her or he is too chicken sh1t to make a move.

The best advice is if he ain't bringing it, go find someone else who does. What is next?? you are going to pull your panties to the side, expose your pvssy and wait there while he says something C&F??? pffff go get a real man who won't say anything but will just stick it in there.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
He knows I have feelings for him that go beyond friendship. He has always told me that he has never wanted it to go past friendship because he wasn't attracted to me. So out of respect for him I have kept our encounters friendly. I don't try to touch him or anything that I feel may make him uncomfortable. However, I have gotten hung up and confused by his actions. But this summer he decided that he wanted to hang out more. Then I asked for a massage and one night he unhooked my bra and took off my shirt but nothing else happened after that because I was too nervous.

Then one night I spent the night and he was cuddly, but he says he doesn't remember and that he wasn't trying to lead me on into thinking he wanted more. Please stop placing all of the responsibiltity on me. He's known what I want for a long time. He's just not interested or just simply interested in making me want him for a fun pass the time game. After he left I called to ask why he left the way he did and he just kept repeating that he was trying to maintain friendship boundaries. I don't know if he said that because I stressed that we needed some if he wasn't interested in taking things to the next level or if he's trying to do it for himself. He is playing with my head if anything not the other way around guys. I am not trying to make excuses hes just hot and cold. One minute he wants to know personal details about me and in the next minute he tells me it grosses him out when I decide to share.

I honestly getting worn down from all of this. I don't know how he wants me to behave toward him. If I dont try to touch him or am comfortable with him hugging me he tells me that I need to relax. Then the next time I see him he acts completely different. I admit maybe he's frusterated by my saying that I can't handle a hug but right now I can't because it makes me desire more from him.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Don't give a chick advice how to be a man. Its not her fault that she is in love with a guy with shrunken balls.

Men do not need to read minds, therefore every time we make a move on a chick there is a risk of rejection. Its part of being a man and sex is the reward for going through the approach due to the risk. Sissy boys are afraid of rejection, afraid of the approach and therefore barley get sex if any.

Its either this fool is playing mind games with her or he is too chicken sh1t to make a move.

The best advice is if he ain't bringing it, go find someone else who does. What is next?? you are going to pull your panties to the side, expose your pvssy and wait there while he says something C&F??? pffff go get a real man who won't say anything but will just stick it in there.

Maybe you need to read it again. Let me rephrase this: I was telling her to show the dude she is interested.

I was telling her to be nice and sweet and touch the guy and laugh at his jokes. If you think this is advice that works for a guy in this day and age.... you're REALLY screwed in the head.

pvssy AFC.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
DreamyChick said:
He knows I have feelings for him that go beyond friendship. He has always told me that he has never wanted it to go past friendship because he wasn't attracted to me. So out of respect for him I have kept our encounters friendly. I don't try to touch him or anything that I feel may make him uncomfortable. However, I have gotten hung up and confused by his actions. But this summer he decided that he wanted to hang out more. Then I asked for a massage and one night he unhooked my bra and took off my shirt but nothing else happened after that because I was too nervous.

Then one night I spent the night and he was cuddly, but he says he doesn't remember and that he wasn't trying to lead me on into thinking he wanted more. Please stop placing all of the responsibiltity on me. He's known what I want for a long time. He's just not interested or just simply interested in making me want him for a fun pass the time game. After he left I called to ask why he left the way he did and he just kept repeating that he was trying to maintain friendship boundaries. I don't know if he said that because I stressed that we needed some if he wasn't interested in taking things to the next level or if he's trying to do it for himself. He is playing with my head if anything not the other way around guys. I am not trying to make excuses hes just hot and cold. One minute he wants to know personal details about me and in the next minute he tells me it grosses him out when I decide to share.

I honestly getting worn down from all of this. I don't know how he wants me to behave toward him. If I dont try to touch him or am comfortable with him hugging me he tells me that I need to relax. Then the next time I see him he acts completely different. I admit maybe he's frusterated by my saying that I can't handle a hug but right now I can't because it makes me desire more from him.


YOU ARE RANTING. You are writing how he makes you feel, and what goes on inside your head.

We need facts about what this guy does, what you do with him, and his behaviour towards you.

Here is an example:

GOOD: The fellow came over to my house. He was dressed in a shirt and tie. He brought me a pizza, then he said "that will be $12.50 ma'am".

BAD: I was sitting around my house talking to my cat. Like OMG!!! She is the cutest blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Then the doorbell rang and then I was like blah blah blah blah and I saw the pizza guy and he was soooooooo cuuuute. And then LIKE OMG!! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.......

See the difference?


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
DreamyChick said:
He knows I have feelings for him that go beyond friendship. He has always told me that he has never wanted it to go past friendship because he wasn't attracted to me. So out of respect for him I have kept our encounters friendly. I don't try to touch him or anything that I feel may make him uncomfortable. However, I have gotten hung up and confused by his actions. But this summer he decided that he wanted to hang out more. Then I asked for a massage and one night he unhooked my bra and took off my shirt but nothing else happened after that because I was too nervous.

Then one night I spent the night and he was cuddly, but he says he doesn't remember and that he wasn't trying to lead me on into thinking he wanted more. Please stop placing all of the responsibiltity on me. He's known what I want for a long time. He's just not interested or just simply interested in making me want him for a fun pass the time game. After he left I called to ask why he left the way he did and he just kept repeating that he was trying to maintain friendship boundaries. I don't know if he said that because I stressed that we needed some if he wasn't interested in taking things to the next level or if he's trying to do it for himself. He is playing with my head if anything not the other way around guys. I am not trying to make excuses hes just hot and cold. One minute he wants to know personal details about me and in the next minute he tells me it grosses him out when I decide to share.

I honestly getting worn down from all of this. I don't know how he wants me to behave toward him. If I dont try to touch him or am comfortable with him hugging me he tells me that I need to relax. Then the next time I see him he acts completely different. I admit maybe he's frusterated by my saying that I can't handle a hug but right now I can't because it makes me desire more from him.
You and that man are both nuts. But since we're talking to you and not him, the best I can tell you is to touch his p enis. Cause he's too chicken **** to do anything.:D