This is going to end badly ...
Numbers are used to gauge level of attractiveness, hotness but you have to be realistic. 9.5 is basically Jessica Alba, Alice Eve, etc. So while this girl may be attractive I rather doubt she's a 9.5.
Stop with I'm available nonsense. You tell her what's up by not making yourself available for when it's convenient for her.
Texting is garbage. Call to set up a date. Texting is good for a small one ofrtwo text exchange, anything more than that and you're acting like a woman.
If a girl is 9.5 then you neg the hell out of her and basically act aloof/indifferent. She needs to realize that you're not a lap dog like the 99 guys before you and that you're not going to fall prety to her looks or get p-wipped before you've even hit it. (Note you should never get p-whipped)
Numbers are used to gauge level of attractiveness, hotness but you have to be realistic. 9.5 is basically Jessica Alba, Alice Eve, etc. So while this girl may be attractive I rather doubt she's a 9.5.
Stop with I'm available nonsense. You tell her what's up by not making yourself available for when it's convenient for her.
Texting is garbage. Call to set up a date. Texting is good for a small one ofrtwo text exchange, anything more than that and you're acting like a woman.
If a girl is 9.5 then you neg the hell out of her and basically act aloof/indifferent. She needs to realize that you're not a lap dog like the 99 guys before you and that you're not going to fall prety to her looks or get p-wipped before you've even hit it. (Note you should never get p-whipped)