The Big Cheese said:
LDRs are one of the hardest things you could ever imagine. Trust me, I'm in one right now. If I found out that there was a lil punk puzy scavanger preying on my girl's vulnerablity I'd rip his heart out like he did mine when he lured my girl. I would then probably never trust a girl that lives more than a mile away ever again.
Xptboy, dont mess with peoples relationships. If you realy go for her then you're being a lazy coward. Go for the single girls, not for the girls who are in LDRs or in any exclusive relationship for that matter. Just forget about that girl man... If you're a real man you'll go for one of the thousands of other single girls in your area
well isn't that looking on the bright side of things. Ok lets try and get some advice from guys who can keep their cool and don't have resentment or issues for women.
.....Just because she has a boyfriend doesn't have to kill your attraction towards her. The only relationship commitments I will ever honor is if its a marriage or if I personally know the guy and we share a level of respect than I will honor his position... Other than that - if I don't even know the guy.... then uhhh WHAT THE FVCK DO I CARE???? I mean if I can pull her, then its obvious that she doesn't think too highly of her relationship anyhow - or she is just horny - whatever it is, its HER relationship, its HER responsibility. Its not up to me....
But I am more understanding and easy going with girls who claim to have boyfriends - I won't push it that hard. If I can tell that the girl is gonna honor her relationship then that is fine by me. I respect people that honor their relationships - and I'm also adult enough to understand that just because she has a "boyfriend" doesn't mean its the end of the world - you never know. anyhow, back to the big cheese - If your girlfriend cheats on you you're gonna go rip out the guys heart??? Come on man, get a grip you can be better than that.
Yeah it will hurt - But its easy to get over - just next her - you can't blame a girl for doing what she wants. We ALL have responsibilities for ourselves first - you can't dictate what someone else is entitled to for happiness. That is weakness.
And especially I wouldn't go around ripping the guys heart out. Seriously think of how immature that sounds. He doesn't owe you nothing. And he isn't PERSONALLY ATTACKING YOU. He simply is going for what he wants - and she is down - ohwell.... that is life sometimes, be man enough to let her go and find someone else who i better for you.