And she didn't come off as an asshat lol? I didn't come for justification as much as I did to rant. GF gave me the cold shoulder all night becuase i hurt her friends feelings and i was pissed, all over some comment her friend said. If me calling a woman on her **** with that statement makes me an *******, than I'm just an *******, becuase I will do that all day long. If that makes me "insecure" than I'm just insecure. I have a sharp tongue, everyone who knows me knows this. I am very comfortable in my own skin, my GF (who has come to her senses) knows who I am and what I am.
While I do drink, let's get put this all in real perspective. she called someone who struggled with a serious crack cocaine habit (and yes she does know, her BF does blow and my GF had to let her know to make sure it's not around when I come by for ovbious reasons) a drunk, for no other reason than to try to look cool in front of her friends by outing me for an opinion (a valid one), yet I'm the one in the wrong for saying she was on her period. Mind you, I don't, didn't care, but let's just keep it real, she knew what she was doing when she said that. I've owned it and I have moved on, she has apologized, I apologized, my GF apologized to me, everyone has move don, but if you expect me to feel BAD for calling her on her ****, or like i did something wrong after that, wrong.