I hated squats, too.
Until I realized I wouldn't actually get to where I wanted to with lifting without them.
The unfortunate reality for people who dislike squats and deads, and a few other excersises is that you'll never hit your genetic threshhold WITHOUT them.
Pavel, a noted Russian Strength training professional, says they are number for full bodys strength, fitness and back health.
Dr. Hatfield and WestSide Barbell list Squats as number one. Doing both to perfection for heavy weight is the fastest way, short of steroids, for getting big.
Look no further than the World's Strongest men. Sure they're lifting oddly shaped objects, but since you don't have buses to pull or tires to lift, we'll settle for squats and deads.
I would get Mark Ripptoe's book on Starting Strength.
His advice on the squat grealy improved mine.
At the gym, I always see guys who only go to just above the knee, as if it's a quad squat, which is EXTREMELY dangerous for the knee joint, contrary to what these lifters believe. Moreover, using machines can be MORE detrimental to your health because you FIX joints and muscles into place, ala the leg extension. At low weights, big deal. At high weights, you're fixing the leg in place, yet the body is a SYSTEM, and it grows as a system, and lifts more as a system. Isolating it prevents strength and well-being from growing at a faster pace than would normally occur.
Where in life do you lift in a FIXED position? If you flow with how the body naturally lifts, you have better odds of maxmimizing your genetic potential.
Now, I love squats and deads. At lower weights, you don't exactly love them, but feel that each workout, you're getting stronger. And once you're lifting more than most WITH proper form, you'll feel even better. I had some fairly big guy, a guy bigger than me, notice I was doing deads, while he was doing machine weighted crossed-overs for his chest. He tried his hand at 350 deads, but he could only muster 1 rep, and claimed his traps hurt from doing it. I did 2 sets of 5 reps. Doesn't seem like much weight, but by and large, most people in the gyms can't do deads or squats, and are only looking the part of being fit, but aren't actually 'fit.'
The other aspect to making legs grow and enjoying squats is stretching all parts of the body. Take up a form of yoga, or stretch your body daily. Personally, nobody should go without some form of yoga. Once you've experienced it, you'll never stop doing it. And for anyone who contends it's "girly," just know that Ladainian Tomlinson and Tony Parrish are 2 noted football players amongst thousands who do yoga, on top of most every professional golfer out there, and they're in great shape, making millions, and at the pinnacle of sports. I think they know what they're doing.