Microagressions? That sh1t is made up nonsense to make young naive people feel victimized so they can be manipulated into being used as tools. Useful idiots.Oh yea, it's all "those people." What a bigotted comment. The Middle East is in civil unrest because of US intervention.
And now you're rationalizing the United States invading other countries for oil profits. Not only do you support American exceptionalism, you support imperialism as well.
Obama is not responsible for you feeling like our economy is ****ty. It's been ****ty for about 40 years. You can thank Reagonomics for it. The economy has recovered under Obama, albeit much slower than desired.
There are still racial microagressions in Canada. It's just not the overt bull**** we deal with in the US
White people owe you nothing. Get over it.
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